The Weather Eugene and vicinity cloudy to- Team lineup!"^(Slay’s game day with scattered light show- with the San Francisco Dons on ers. sports page. r VOLUME XLTX UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1947 NUMBER 50 Bluebeard Ball Set Tonight Freshman Enrollment To Diminish Possible Solution Lies in Lowering Out-cf-State Bars Enrollment trends at the Uni versity indicate a marked drop in student population next fall, ac cording to Associate Registrar C. L. Constance. Constance predicted that Ore gon ‘‘might have as much as 10 per cent decrease in total enroll ment next year.” The associate registrar’s esti mate is in contrast to an earlier report issued by the Pacific Coast Committee of the American Coun cil on Education which indicated probable new record enrollments for Pacific Coast colleges in 1948 49. Factor Overlooked Curtis E. Avery, University reg istrar, pointed out that the com mittee’s report was based on prob able total college-age populations; but did not indicate the percentage of these prospective students who would actually enter schools. “During 1946-47 we may have reached the crest of the post-war return to college,” Constance as serted. Gradual Growth The trend of college population throughout the nation, excluding veteran enrollment, has been one of gradual increase, the associate registrar averred. The fact that we do have a crest in nation-wide col lege enrollment is due to the influx of veteran students, he asserted. Otherwise the trend would have followed the pre-war pattern of r gradual growth, he said. Constance based his University , (Please turn to page three) Rope Barriers Confront Pigger The Oregon tradition of men sit ting on one side of the rooting sec tion and women on the other will be enforced at today’s game, ac cording to Ed Dick, president of Order of “O.” “Too many students have vio ■■ lated the tradition this year,” Dick stated, “and we are putting a rope to divide the men from the women.” Men will enter their section via the north gates and women by the * south gate on the east side of the field. •" A special crew of husky “O” men will police the stands and deal with violators. Veterans and their wives will be allowed to sit at the north end of the rooting section. “In past years living organiza tions have sat together as at bas ketball games. If each house would do this at the football game, we would not have to set up the rope barrier,” Dick said. Rog Wiley, letterman basketball player, will head the posse checking the violators. Me>f?eflAr fftNoeMOrt , j j 'The Man' Proves Riotous Comedy Newburn Backs Student Petition President Harry K. Newburn will recommend a $5 raise a term on the University’s tuition fees at a meeting of the state board of high er education in Portland Monday and Tuesday. The proposed raise would be lev ied for ten terms and the extra funds would go into the building fund for Oregon’s much talked-of Student Union building. The president’s recommendation will be made as a result of the ex pression of student sentiment in favor of the move in a recent opin ion poll of campus living organiza tions. The proposal will go to the fi nance committee of the state board first, and they will bring their rec ommendations concerning the raise before the entire board for action. ISA Elects Officers Two students were elected to office in the Independent Students association in the Thursday night meeting. They are Jeanne Nunn, treasurer, and Bob Davis, sopho more representative to the organi zation committee. By LE JEUNE OR I KEITH The years haven’t dimmed the "surefire hit" quality of the riotous Kaufman and Hart comedy, "The Man Who Came to Dinner ’. Opening night of the play on die University campus Friday confirmed this belief. Clifton James as the self-centered wit, Sheridan Whiteside, turned in his best performance of the past two seasons. Marie DiLoreto (Maggie Cutler) was a success in her first non-vamp role.on the campus. Diana Barnhart made her debut on the University stage as the glamorous and seductive Lorraine Sheldon. Her first role shows her as an actress of promise. Monday Broadcast! To Feature Quartet! The University string quartet un- | der the direction of Gerald Thomas, will appear on the Oregon radio workshop broadcast over station j KOAC Monday at 8 p.m. Featured in this quartet will be George Boughton and Mary Kapp Allton on the violins, Edmund Cykler playing viola, and Milton Dieterich playing violoncello. The group will play Schubert’s “Quartet in A Minor.” Oliver Larson, Paul Thompson, and Nancy Bedingfield from the University school of journalism wifi present a quarter-hour discussion. The program will be produced by Bert Moore. Concluding the program will *oej Dean Victor P. Morris’ discussion, I “The World in Review.” i Many smaller roles were excep tionally well played. Robert Over as Banjo (Harpo Marx) was a panic from his curly yellow hair, and lighted tie to his cap-toed shoes. Don A. Smith as Beverly Carlton (Noel Coward) was enjoy able, but it was disappointing to find him sans British accent after being hailed as “England's little Rover boy” and the “Piccadilly pen pusher.” LaVorn Taylor as Maggie Cut ler’s love interest, Bert Jefferson, scored in his first role with the players. His drunk scene was es pecially well played. Elton Allen as Dr. Bradley, Charles Boice as Mr. Stanley, and Geraldine Hettinger as Miss Preen were excellent in supporting roles. Emelie Jackull as the cook turned in a consistent, competent perfor mance. Settings for the play were de signed by the new technical dir ector, Gilbert M. Williams, who (Please turn to page eight) Summers Orchestra Featured Betty-Joe Voting, Stubble Judging Among Highlights Bluebeard’s Castle will provide the setting for tonight’s Sopho more Whiskerino at McArthur court from 9 to 12 p.m. Music for the Castle event will feature Bob Summers and his orchestra. Special features of the dance will include the judging of sophomore beards by Chuck Elliott, campus barber, and balloting to choose this year's Joe College and Betty Coed. Voting for the typical college Joe and Betty will be done witb ballots printed on the ticket stubs. Contest chairmen emphasized that balloting will end at 10:30 p.m. and urged everyone to plan to be at the dance by that time. The ballots will be counted- by sophomore class officers imme diately after the polls are closed, and Joe and Betty will be an nounced and awarded cups by Mike Mitchell and Jim Wallace at the special late intermission. Whee—Free Shave The most be-whiskered sopho more will be presented with a cup and a free shave during the first intermission. Also at this time the AWS will announce the winners of the Nickel Hop and present awards to winning houses. Barbara Vowels and Mac Epley, decorations chairmen, have re vealed that the traditional Whis kerino theme is being carried out this year by using Bluebeard’s Castle as the central motif for dec orations. This idea is also being followed in the dance programs. Campus Service To Open Week Religious Evaluation week will open at 6:30 p.m. with an all-cam pus community union service in the music school auditorium. The Sunday evening program will start four days’ activity on the campus during which eleven guest speakers will appear in forums, firesides, dinners, and skeptic hour discussions. Rev. Wesley G. Nicholson will offer invocation Sunday evening, followed by a vocal solo by Phillip Green. President Harry K. Newburn will then introduce the guest speak er of the evening, Dr. George Hed ley, of Mills college, California. Dr. Hedley’s topic will be "Religion: What It Isn’t and Is.” Benediction will be given by Dr. Joseph R. Harris, pastor of the Fairmount Presbyterian church. Student committee members will meet for breakfast at the West minster house Monday morning to talk with the guest speakers.