f i Board Reviews Tuition Increase • The state board of higher educa tion will consider the students’ re quest for a ten-term, $5 tuition in * crease at its meeting Monday. The money will be used to build and f equip the Erb Memorial student union building. Through living organizations. 2619 students voiced their opinions on the raise. Of the 1373 men vot ing, 71 per cent voted in the af firmative. Sixty-four per cent of the 1241 women voting approved. These figures were incorrectly re ported in Thursday’s Emerald. - |IiSTl>rTo^r6HT/ \ Omt Jones his City Sucker and PoKQM^hav GUEST STAR* Ttx WIU-IAM5 CBS NetWork every fnday koInW !■ ■ — ■ — ■ 1947, The Coco-Colo Company Council Says OSC President Supporting Fascist Textbook President Strand of Oregon State college is the victim of a plan to discredit liim in this state, according to a story in the OSC Daily Barometer. The story began in August when Strand received a letter from Merwin Hart, president of the National Economic council in New York. Hart condemned Tarshis’ “Elements of Economics,” a new text at Oregon State, as Fascist propoganda, a book reputedly con taining many lies. Strand replied that although he knew little of the text in question except for the standing of its author, a professor at Stanford, he knew Merwin Hart and company by reutation and that their “. . . . condemnation of a boo kis about the best boost it could have. . .a greater insult to education has never come to my attention.” He explained that he was well acquainted with charges made by John R. Carlson, contemporary critic, in his book “The Plotters” which indicates Hart’s connection with subversive activities. Hart countered in a letter chastizing the President for defending a book he had yet to read. He claimed he had received a judgement against Carlson for statements made in “The Plotters.” “Your let ter is so interesting . . . I am taking the trouble to send a copy of the correspondence to each member of State Board of Higher Edu cation.” Hart said. ...“Elements of Economics,” published in the late spring of 1947 is in the libraray of the economics departement of the University of Oregon but is not now used in classes. In addition to Oergon State, the text is at present in use in about 14 other colleges in the country. WORLD HEADLINES By United Press LOS ANGELES, Oct. 23. The Flintridge mansion where Beulah Louise Overell dreamed of honey mooning with George (Bud) Gol lum was sold at auction today for $56,000. Nineteen-year-old Edwin Estes, San Marino, Calif., who made the wining bid said he was buying the palatiol home on be half of his father, Nieuport Estes, an investment broker. Quick Service - Expert Repairs * * Let us do the job! Rad ion and Appliance Center 871 E. 13th Phone 5739 Quality High! ) | Prices H* • Low! • at 0 Campbell’s Grocery 1459 East 13th 13th street - One block down from Emerald Hall HONOLULU, Oct. 23. Repre sentatives Roy Clippinger of Illinois and Earl Wilson of Indi ana, both republicans who voted in favor of Hawaiian statehood, said today they had changed their minds after first-hand ob servations and will urge the senate to defeat the bit. Wilson said he belived previous con gressional groups had been “sel fishly led and carefully steered” into a false picture of Hawaii’s qualifications for statehood. STOCKHOLM, Oct. 23. Two Americans—a husband-wife team —and an Argentine scientist to night were named as winners of the 1947 Nobel prize in phsiology and medicine. The American, Prof. Carl F. •> Cori, and his wife, Dr. Gerty T. Cori, of St. Louis, Mo., will share half of the $48,580 cash prize, with the other half going to Dr. Ber nardo A.Houssay, of Buenos Aires. The three were honored for their research in determining the utilization of sugar by the body. SANTIAGO, Chile, Oct. 23. A state of emergency has been de clared in the copper mies and ni trate fields of northern Chile where communists are planning to cary out their plans to disrupt national' production by means of strikes, it was announced offi cially today. SMART FIGUREing Keep your waistline trim by frequent bowling. It’s fun. great sport, just the thing for your next date. Dorsey's U - BOWL 29 West 11th i Phone 4716 I Classes in Cooking Begin on Monday Classes to aid brides in planning and serving nutritious meals on budget will be given beginning Monday at the Eugene Vocational school at 751 West Fourth. The series of seven lessons, taught by Mrs. Richard L. Brew ! ster, are given for a fee of $2. Since the class will be limited to 20, reservations for enrollment, may be made by calling 1928. Other adult homemaking courses offered are clothing con struction. upholstering and mil linery. Radio tubes aren't guaranteed "forever"! How long since yours have been checked? We'll do it for you and supply new tubes needed. Also complete line of records! RADIO LABORATORY 768 11th E. * GOOD FOOD? at "The Bird" None Better than THE FALCON'S "Open Sundays, too" Across from John Straub Open 3 to 8 p.m. Cascade Club New Music! JOE INGRAM and his Band OPENING FRIDAY - OCTOBER 24 Ladies are admitted free EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Turn right at the neon sign past Springfield