Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 24, 1947, Page 6, Image 6

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    Religious Group
Hears Report
On Conference
Russel Fuller spoke to the Dis
ciples (Christian) Student Fellow
ship at an informal luncheon Mon
Fuller, a Michigan senior in so
ciology, participated in the Oslo,
Norway, conference of Christian
young people, which was attended
by 1200 young Protestants from al
most every country.
“A high point in the Conference
was reached," he remarked, “when
a Chinese school teacher from
Switzerland carried out a worship
service prepared by absent Japan
ese students, who were unable to
obtain exit approval from the mili
tary government.”
The summer conference of the
World Student Christian federation
at Lundsburg, Sweden was also at
After this conference Fuller
worked with other students in Bie
vers, France. “We helped rebuild
the country estate which is the
home of the World Student Chris
tian foundation,” he related.
He also spoke of the program
adopted by Michigan Disciples Fel
lowship. “Probably the oldest,” he
said, “and most complete work of
its type among Christian church
houses on University campuses.”
Worship services, discussion mate
rials and recreational plans wei'e
given to the student group spon
sored by Dr. Victor P. Morris.
Fuller is traveling this term for
the Disciples Student fellowship,
speaking before Christian church
student groups.
The University of Oregon was the
eleventh campus on his tour.
National Independents' day was
celebrated at Washington State
college last week, one girl chosen
from each dormitory to comprise
the' queen’s court.
Whiskerino Maestro
Bob Summers, whose “world famed artists” orchestra will play
for the Sophomore Whiskerino this Saturday night at McArthur
court. Summers started his orchestra about five years ago.
_1_4._...111 I1VI nUI n O C
Initiation Set
For Banquet
The anniversary of the birth of
Theodore Roosevelt will be cele
brated as national Scabbard and
Blade day on Monday evening with
the initiation of new -members into
the University chapter of the mili
tary honor society at a banquet to
be held at the Eugene hotel, Presi
dent Joe Conroy announced.
Present at the banquet will be
50 active members, associate mem
bers from the military science de
partment faculty, and their
guests. President Harry K. New
burn, an honorary member of the
kAt the Swimmer’s Delight, October
ISth, after complete remodeling.
Starting October 25—each Saturday
night, we will admit free the first
ten men and dates from a designated
fraternity. Check with your house
manager or bulletin board for your
For Reservation Call Sp. 8861
‘Couples Only Dancing 9:30-12:30
For the cleaning job
people notice and admire
1210 Willamette -Phone 300
chapter, will be unable to attend as
he will be out of town.
Colonel to Speak
Colonel Frank R. Maerdian, pro
fessor of military science and tac
tacs, will give an address on “Post
war ROTC Activities.”
Scabbard and Blade is a national
militar yhonor society with a to
military honor society with a to
tive chapters. Founded at the Uni
versity of Wisconsin in 1904, the
purpose of the society is to defend
American traditions and ideals,
promote the interests of ROTC
training, preserve and develop the
essential qualities of good and ef
ficient officers, and to spread in
telligent information concerning
the military requirements of our
Active Scabbard and Blade
membership is limited to out
standing cadet officers in ROTC
units who are elected by chapter
members upon the basis of their
proficiency in military science,
academic subjects, character, and
other attributes.
Advertising Staff:
Day manager, Bob Chaney
Asst, manager, Marilyn Turner
Layout manager, Bob Zeller
Layout crew:
Joyce Bailey
Rita Davis
Carol Fallin
Kathryn Littlefield
Carol Vowels
Deno Vichas
Hank Volk
Barbara Hamilton
Ray Muessig
Joann Ogle
Eleanor Johns
JSTancy Massion
Marty .Piper
Leslie Tooze
Marilyn Morse
Marilou Miller
Sales crew:
Dorothy Thorssell
Mary Brondt
Anne Case
Ann Morton
Betty Perry
Mary Keller
Pat Buzzell
Shirley Mahany
Mary Roome
Phyllis Wardner
Eunice Royce
Elizabeth Kelley
Helen Michel
Shirley Randall
Beverly Grace
Ruby Bienert
Kathryn Kuluris
Phyllis Beach
Anne Harbison
Emerald Classifieds
All classified is payable in advance at the
rate of four cents a word the first insertion,
:wo cents a word thereafter at the Emerald
Business Office.
Classified deadline is 4:00 p.m. the day
>rior to publication.
FOR RENT: Room for rent to
male student; 715 E. 16th. Phone
4170. (301
WANTED: H o i s e r y mending;
prices reasonable; all work
guaranteed. Shirley Randall,
1648 Alder.
FOR SALE: Mercer Beasley ten
nis racquet; three months use;
$14.00. Bill Cooke, Nestor hall,
Room 102.
LOST: Brown leather flying jack
et in 114 P.E. building on Oct. 4.
Reward. John E.Ewing, McChes
ney Hall, Ext. 378. (29)
FOR SALE: Special—cutom-made
full dress suit, size 40; like new;
suspenders and gloves; $50.00,
Phone 1698W. (29)
LOST: One brown plaid skirt; .
please return to Pi Phi house.
FOR SALE: Zenith short wave
portable radio; 3 aerials, 8 in. a
speaker, new earphones. Jim
Kroder, 1320. (29)
Degree Candidates
Fo Write Exams
All students who are candidates
for master of science, master of
arts, or master of education de
grees in the school of education are
compelled to take qualifying ex
aminations on November 4 and 6
in room 2, education building at -
1:30 p.m.
Students desiring to sign up for _
exams should come to the general
office in the education building not
later than Monday, October 27.
Saturday, October 25. 7 ;4a p.m.
*-----1 TTT7T A T'TTRTTMn -
Piano, vibraharp, vio
lin, trumpet, trombone,
guitar, accordian, cello,
Hawaiian guitar, and
Norman Nelson, lyric
tenor, offers from Met
ropolitan Opera,N.B.C.
and Hollywood.
Bettie Arthur, contral
to, who was “Little
Mabel Gupton” on Jo
si a h Hopkins broad
en sit fnr Q venrs; **
Big Contest - Free trip in United Airlines plane to
Wilson Jr. High Auditorium
12th and Jefferson 700 Free Seats Eugene
___ i
To cover the campus
and then continue on to town . . .
Choose this delightful sling moccasin that neatly
turns its cuff. So well done ... so well priced!
Antique brown or red leather and black ruffit.
1050 Willamette 1
' r