Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 24, 1947, Page 4, Image 4

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    USF Dons to Arrive
Today for Grid Clash
Oregon’s rebounding grid squad
finished preparations for the high
flying San Francisco Dons Thurs
day afternoon as they worked on
offensive plays to be employed Sat
The Dons, top independent grid
squad on the coast, are due in Eu
gene at 11 a.m. today. The visitors
will loosen up travel-weary mus
cles in a brief session on Hayward
field this afternoon after their
plane trip.
Coach Jim Aikon sent his charg
es through their last heavy work
out before the Ducks hit the Cali
fornia squad tomorrow at 2 p.m.
The Oregon eleven will run through
a few plays without pads this af
ternoon after the Dons leave the
field, but will do no heavy work.
Oregon strategy against the San
Francisco club appears to be to
ou't-pass and out-run the visitors.
Yesterday’s session saw the Ducks
go through their backlog of offen
sive plays, featuring both ground
attack and aerial barrage. The
Webfoots success In the air rests
on the pitching arm of Quarter
back Norm Van Brocklin. The ri
fle-armed quarter passed to a va
riety of receivers yesterday, and
it is certain that there will be nu
merous ends in Saturday’s fray.
Dan Garza, number two man
In the Van-to-Dan air attack,
will again he the chief target Of
Van Brocklin’s tosses, hut he will
lie hacked by Art Milne, sticky
fingered reserve end. Milne has
been out of action for three
weeks, but is set to go this week
end. Right end is still a hot spot,
with Pete Torchia and Wayne
Jiartholemy battling Lou Robin
son for his starting berth.
The potent Oregon passing at
tack will have to be at its best Sat
urday to beat the one employed by
the Dons. Quarterback Jim Ryan
is the chief ball-tosser, specializing
in bullet pegs over the line. The
Dons have hit for.five touchdowns
through the air in five games this
Physical condition of the Ore
gon squad has been pronounced
the best this year, and every man
Tuxedo Shirts
of fine pique
Collar attached in new low
set collar models: average
CARSON', fused for non
wilt neatness, pleated pique
front and french cuffs.
on the squad Is set to go, with
one exception. Bill Abbey, hard
hitting defensive quarterback,
will be out of action until the last
Of the season due to an old in
jury that recurred recently.
Dry weather is expected for the
weekend tilt, and the largest crowd
to view a Hayward field contest
this season will be on hand to
watch the underdog Webfoots play
the Dons. The Ducks were recent
ly elevated to 74th place in Wil
liamson's rating system, but are
far behind the 35th position held by
San Francisco.
Sponsor Swim
Girls interested in swimming will
have a chance for competition in
the coming intrajnural swimming
meets sponsored by Amphibians,
Women’s swimming honorary.
Dates of the meets have been an
nounced as November 12 and 19.
Practice time for all swimmers
is from 3:30 to 5:30 on Tuesdays
and Thursdays, 4:45 to 5:45 on
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri
days, and from 10 to 12 on Satur
days in Gerlinger pool. A member
of Amphibians will be on hand at
all of these hours to assist. Any
swimmer or group of swimmers
may enter the meet.
Events listed are: 40 and 80 yard
freestyle, 40 yard backstroke, 40
yard breaststroke, diving, medley
relay, freestyle relay, and form
The form swimming includes the
elementary backstroke, sidestroke,
breaststroke, and the American
Entries must be turned in by
[ November 6. Those desiring entry
blanks or information are asked to
see Birdella Ball at Hendricks hall.
Sports Staff:
Wally Hunter
Bill Straton
Fred Taylor
Don Fair
Bob Reinhart
Dick Mase
Glenn Gillespie
Beth Basler
Freshmen on the Louisiana state
university campus are wearing
“dog caps” until November 6.
Gordon Gray to Roll
Southern Cal Speedster
Ready for U. of C. Clash
Expected to provide punch in the Southern California backfield against
Lynn Waldorf’s Golden Bears Saturday is Halfback Gordon Gray, one
of Jeff Cravath’s ace backfield performers. The Bears will have more
plunging power than the men from Troy, but such backs as Gray
provide the Trojans with an edge in speed. Saturday’s contest will
be a do-or-die battle for both teams. The winner will be one step closer
to the coveted Rose Bowl game January 1, while the loser will be clas
sified in the “also ran” class. The dope sheets give USC a one-point
edge. However, if the Bears come through with an upset, Waldorf is
a likely choice for “coach of the year.”
Somervell Blamed
WASHINGTON, Oct. 23. Blam
ing Gen. Brehon B. Somervell,war
time army supply chief, for costly
mistakes and delays in mobilizing
the nation for World War II, Louis
C. Johnson, former assistant sec
retary of war, today urged con
gress to prepare now for any fu
ture “M-Day.” “If we have an
other war, we’re not going to have
a Pearl Harbor,” he said. “We’re
goin gto have 50 Hiroshimas in the
United States.”
Across from the Phi Psi house
S F Dons Rated
Favorites Over
U O Saturday
The University of San Francis
co Dons, by reason of their fine
record thus far this season, are
being rated as a distinct favorite
overs their Saturday rivals, the
Oregon Webfoots. McKeever’s lads
have only one loss to marr their
win binge. That was a close 21-14
victory for a strong Mississippi
State eleven.
The Dons have been classed as
an outfit comparable to Texas and
UCLA by Oregon backfield coach,
Frank Zazula, who has scouted
two of their games. USF is espe
cially proficient in the speed' de
partment according to Zazula. The
Don backfield swifties are paced
by All-Coast Forrest Hall from his
left half position. Hall is highly
touted as an open-field sharpie,
and holds the national record for
kickoff returns. The “scooter” set
the new mark last year with a 40.1
average per try.
The starting lineup for “Tex”
McKeever’s club is expected to be
on a par with the Ducks as far as
weight is concerned. The forward
wall will average 200 pounds per
pillar, while the backfield averages
The heaviest man in the first
team ranks is tackle Joe Westen
kirchner, who played! football at
Notre Dame under McKeever.
Steve Kucher is Westenkirchner s
running mate at the other tackle
slot. John Tsarnas and Barney
Prowell will take, care of the
guard spots, and Phil Gastineau
ind John Krsak at the wing posi
tions round out the line.
Jim Ryan, an excellent passer,
will receive McKeever’s nod at
quarterback,Joe Mocha and George
Buksar at the halves, and Pete
Matisi will open at fullback. Hall
Adil be used as a spot-player when
the occasion calls for a ball-car
der of his caliber.
. ' ■
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