Smitty's Story Reveals Long Service; Still Strong on His 70th Birthday By BARBARA HEYWOOD “I wouldn't even mind if Santa forgot me sometime," said R- L. Smith, “Smitty," janitor at the Co-op. We were talking about the way people forget anniversaries; but to prove that everybody doesn’t get forgotten all of the time, here is a happy birthday story for Smitty. He is 70 years old today. Nebraska Born Smitty didn't seem to think his trip from his Nebraska farm to Oregon over 40 years ago is much of a story. “We just hitched up a team of horses and came,” he said. “Mother—she taught me how to dust—and Daddy and me.” “I didn't have a wife then. Met my wife in Roseburg. It wouldn’t do to have two people from Neb raska get together,” he confided ■with a little laugh that ma bright water stand in his eyes. Reminisces Proposal “Oh, I can’t remember how I met her.” Smitty looked shy and his hands played nervously with a marking pencil. "You know how that is. You see people around and—well, nobody ever says no,” he finished candidly. Just a little embarrased when he couldn’t remember his wedding anniversary, Smitty said, “You should ask Mamma. She can re member the birthdays and wedding 1 anniversaries of all 75 of our rela t.ves." j 40 Years Here The Smiths who have been in Eugene for 40 years, have a house: on Willamette street. “This is the first year I haven't gotten around to planting the garden,” said Smitty with a bit of regret show ing in his blue eyes. “The dog's 1 gone now, too," he added. “He got j run over.” Smitty considered the I Smith cat hardly worth mention. | “SMITTY” % Smitty has been working at the Co-op for 11 or 12 years, having begun when the Co-op was in the present Westgate Shoppe. “Oh, I dont't think kids have changed much, do you?” asked the wizened little janitor in his kind way. “Maybe the girls do smoke more, but that's all right. BTy aunt smoked a pipe for years,” he said. ‘Loves' Long Skirts “I just love them” was Smitty’s comment on long skirts, but when asked how he liked the Eastern trend for short pants for men—• he didn’t. “Never did like short pants. Wouldn’t even wear them when I was little. Besides, your socks have to be too long.” “You aren’t going to print all this stuff, are you?” Smitty asked pleadingly when we got ready to duck out into the rain again. But we did, and so ends today’s happy birthday story. Honorary Wins Service Award Nu chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon, women's music honorary, was pre sented a national service award Tuesday for being' ‘‘the most out standing chapter in the nation in the field of proficiency and promptness in transaction with the t ational office” during the past year. Active clubs numbering 101 I t irough out the nation were also eligible for the award which is accompanied by $25 cash. The money will be added to the Nu I chapter's treasury. Local president Wilma Jean Wil 1 son, received announcement Tues 1 day in a letter from Ava Commir i Case, national president of Mn Phi Epsilon. Winner of the award , is chosen at the annual meeting of the national council. Among other activities, the Ore ! gon chapter helped install new of ficers and initiate new members in : a Lewis and Clark chapter, and contributed eight articles to the national honorary's publication, ‘•Triangle" last year. Other officers of the chapter are Mary Margaret Pundore, vice president; Helen Hudson, record iag secretary; Joyce Davis, corres • ponding secretary ;Dorthea Schaer, J historian; Margaret Holm, treas itu-er; and Glaure Lewis, alumni secretary. I Two donations a year from every 1 person on the campus is the goal of the committee in charge of blood 'donations for University of British Columbia in a forthcoming' drive. Religion Division Engages Lecturers Two lecturers have been engage by the department of religion t deliver speeches during winter an spring term, Dr. Paul Means, hea of the department of religion, ar nounced yesterday. Dr. Edgar J. Goodspeed, former ly a member of the faculty of th University of Chicago, will lectur here February 1 to 15 on the found ing of the Christian church, and will also be available for the Uni versity lecture series. Dr. Good ^ speed, who recently taught at 3 UCLA, is the author of several books on the New Testament. ^ ] Two courses offered during spring term will be taught by Dr. Henry N. Wieman, recently retired - from the University of Chicago di e vinity school. He will teach the e philosophy of religion and contem -1 porary crisis of our civilization. “My demands are a two-hour week on my homework—and a pack and a half of Dentyne Chewing Gum for overtime. "Fact is, Pop, it’ll even be a treat to study over time—for a bonus of swell, nifty-tasting Dentyne . Chewing Gum! And don’t forget, Dentyne helps keep my teeth white, too." Dentyne Gum — Made Only By Adams Emerald Classifieds ___ _—-—^^ All classified is payable in advance at the rate of four oents a word the first insertion, two cents a word thereafter at the Emerald Business Office. A Classified deadline is 4:00 p.m. the da. )rior to publication. WANTED: Tumbling shoes, me dium size. Harry Ladas, French hall, Room 107, Vets Dorm No. 2. (28) WANTED: Half or full time po sition for experienced laboratory technician. Phone 3774. (28) LOST: Single strand of pearls; Millie Stookey; Phone 382. (30) FOR SALE: Zenith short wave portable radio; 3 aerials, 8 in. speaker, new earphones. Jim Kroder, 1320. (29) FOR SALE: Special—cutom-made full dress suit, size 40; like new; suspenders and gloves; $50.00. Phone 1698W. (29) LOST: Brown leather flying jack et in 114 P.E. building on Oct. 4. Reward. John E.Ewing, McChes ney Hall, Ext. 378. (29) Dean Writes Article Dr. Eldon L. Johnson, dean Of the college of liberal arts and the graduate school, is the author We have a variety of dressers in un finished wood. * Spacious — Attractive * Westwood Furnishings Phone 5394-W 26 West 6th Just off Willamette COR DAY'S : Just a drop or two. ."ji sings "Always Me” ^ A French parfum for the woman with the wisdom to be utterly feminine , i. and so, completely captivating. Long-lasting Toujours Moi, blended in France by the famous house of CORDAYj Parfum: $120, $35, $18, $10 and $5 Eau de Cologne: $2.50 (Plus taxi Tiffany-Davis Sth & Willamette