Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 23, 1947, Page 4, Image 4

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    Wan Leads
in Yardage
By Aerials
Norm Van Brocklin, quarter
back pasing ace for the Oregon
grid squad, leads the nation in
yardage gained through the air
fpr the second consecutive week,
according to statistics released
from the National collegiate as
The rifle-armed sophomore aer
ial sensation has bulleted 49 com
pleted passes for a total of 647
yards gained, for a percentage of
.432. In number of passes com
pleted Van Brocklin stands third
in the nation. He also rates third
in total offense, the combination of
passing yardage and ground gains,
with 663 yards.
Left end Dan Garza, one of the
main targets of Van Brocklin’s
throws, still leads the nation in
yardage covered after receiving
passes, with 265 yards on 12
catches. Garza grabbed only one
aerial last weekend against the
Huskies, but it was enough to keep
him in front.
Oregon as a team ranks 15th
in the nation on forward pass
offense, and all but one of these
fosses was made by Van Brock
tin. Jake Leicht lias completed
one pass this season, to bring
the Webfoot total lo 49 com
pletes for 670 yards.
Wednesday’s practice session
was devoted to a hard workout on
offensive plays, as Coach Jim Ai
ken readied his charges for the
weekend tilt with the fast-moving
San Francisco Dons on Hayward
field. The gridders spent the early
portion of the practice on pass de
fense, but concentrated heavily on
the offense machinery that is
hoped will click Saturday.
Agaitt-this week two separate
sets of backfield men are being
worked as a unit. The first string,
composed of Jake Leicht, Jim
Newquist and Bob Koch, is being
pushed by the unit of George Bell,
DeWayne Johnson, and Bob San
uers. So far this season Johnson
has not seen offensive action. Van
Brocklin has been doing most of
Live quarterbacking for both sets.
Starting berths ill the line are
stilt being hotly contested for,
and a shake-up may occur in
the right end position. Lou Rob
inson is being pushed by Wayne
Jltartholemy, who played con
siderably last week, and Pete
i im iim.
Right guard is the scene of a
contest between Jim Berwick and
. Ted Meland, as Berwick gained
starting honors last week.
Practice today will probably be
devoted to the defense tactics to
be employed against the Dons. The
bay city club is one of the most of
fensive-minded elevens on the
..oast, and sport a potent combi
nation of ground strength and air
The Webfoots' line has proved
plenty tough to opposing ball-car
riers lately, and will face another
stiff test this week. The defense
against air attack lias been slowly
improving, but will have to be at
its best against the aerial sharp
shooting of tile Dons. Last week
the Huskies tried only two passes
the whole afternoon, and one was
intercepted by Jake Leiclit.
Oregon’s standings m ttie grid
- iron world, under Paul William
son’s system, moved from 116th to
74 th in the nation ttiis week as a
result of the victory over the
Huskies. The Dons are rated far
above, in the top 85.
An ordinary stiff-bristled hand
brush can be used to clean combs
.quickly and easily.
Duck Hoopsters Slate Thunaerbirds
Shaping Up
Roger Wiley, (i fool 8 inch letterman center, has already given indi
cation that he is returning to pre-war form, when he led the league in
point-making.Wiley has almost certainly nailed down the first string
pivot slot.
Varsity to Run First Scrimmage
As Squad Swells to 33 Hopefuls
Basketball coach John Warren
announced that the Oregon quint’s
first games of the ’47-’48 season
will be held November 28 and 29
against the University of British
Columbia. Warren said that the
sites for the two contests haven’t
been definitely agreed upon; as it
is not known whether Oregon will
travel to Vancouver B.C. or stay
in Eugene.
With the addition of Bob
Amacher, G’8” center from last
year’s JVs, and Fred Wilson of
the Frosh, the total varsity turn
out was swelled to 33 candidates.
The third practice session was
spent in polishing up on fundamen
tals and ball-handling.
Roger Wiley ,Jim Bartelt, and
Bob Lavey, lettermen, showed up
well during the practice. The elon
gated center Wiley has displayed
some of his pre-war form in the
sessions, with a noted improve
ment in his footwork, passing, and
backboard play.
Lavey, a little speedster, has
lost none of his fleet-footedness
in quick weave-runs down court,
and Bartelt’s performance has
been favorable.
Dick Unis, a wiry, little speed
ball from Franklin high in Port
land, gives promise of developing
into another of the famous Oregon
running guards, as does Kenny
Seeborg, who sparked the JVs to
a successful season. Still missing
from the workouts is Jerry Swit
zer, who played center for the
JVs last fall and was a capable
performer under the boards.
Warren also revealed that the
first basketball scrimmage will be
held Friday afternoon, with all
who are out for varsity taking
part. Although he has not given
the Webfoots any offense to work
this season, Warren paid that the
boys will go out and run through
the practice game using what
know-how they have.
It will take 1000 pounds of buf
falo meat to feed 3000 homecoming
guests of the University of Colo
USF Cridders Prime
For Webfoot Collision
The University of San Francis
co ran through a light dummy
scrimmage yesterady in their final
practice session before taking on
the Oregon Webfoots Saturday.
Coach Ed McKeever reported
that the Dons were in good shape
Taylor Grabs
Fairway Toga
Hod Taylor, former junior in
business administration and mem
ber of last year’s Oregon Northern
Division championship golf team,
defeated Don Leal, defending
champ, one-up in the finals to an
nex the Eugene Country club title.
Taylor, who previously was
crowned Eugene city golf king,
was one-up on Leal at the end of
the first eighteen holes played a
week ago. Leal never bettered Tay
lor's score throughout the final
round, although a 25-foot putt by
the defending titlist extended the
match to the final hole.
In the semi-finals, Taylor downed
Sid Milligan, who coached last
year’s Duck golf squad on which
Taylor was number two man in a
tight battle, one-up.
Sports Staff:
Don Fair
Dick Mase
Elwin Paxson
Ward Bebb
Fred Taylor
after their convincing victory over
Marquette, except for a few minor
bruises. The USF mentor has come
up with a team this year that
ranks along with the best on the
coast. The Dons have swept four
out of their five contest thus far
this season and all by a healthy
San Jose was the victim in the
Don opener, taking a 20-6 beating.
The Dons then took Nevada and
Duquesne in their stride, thump
ing them 37-13 and 51-0 respec
tively. Misissippi State was the
lone stumbling block as McKeev
er’s crew fell to Shorty McWil
liams and co., 21-14. Last Saturday
it was Marquette who absorbed
the lacing by a 34-13 score.
The much-debated case of Don
Panciera, former Boston College
star, has finally been settled: with
Panciera now officially enrolled
and listed on the USF roster. Mc
Keever was accused of ‘‘buying"
football players by Holly Cross
officials with Panciera the motive
behind the accusation. The ex
Crusader, who was classed as one
of the most promising freshmen
on the east coast is now relegated
to the second team quarterback
post behind Jim Ryan in the Don
The University of San Francis
co is expected to be favored over
their Webfoot foe on the strength
The Saturday encounter will ini
of comparative scores this year,
tiate grid rivalry between the two
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