Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 22, 1947, Page 8, Image 8

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With just lour uays to gu
the opening of Religious Evalua
tion week Sunday evening, Chair
man Barbara Borrevik and her
student committee have completed
plans for the University function.
Starting Monday noon there will
be daily forums at both the YWCA
and YMCA with guest speakers
and a student chairman handling
the program. Forums will also be
held in both locations at 3 p.m.
every day.
Sceptics at 4 p.m.
At 4 p.m. sceptics hours will
take over the limelight in Gerlin
ger hall. Slated for the hour is Dr.
George Hedley.
His topic at the hour will be
“God” on Monday and Tuesday,
“The Bible” on Wednesday and
“Man” on Thursday.
Each living organization that
has not been contacted for a speak
er at dinner or at a fireside should
contact Miss Borrevik at the Delta
Gamma house.
Committee Named
Students handling the complete
arrangements for the week were
named by Miss Borrevik:
Program chairman, Bev. Pitman;
classroom engagements, Bobbie
Fulmer; breakfasts, Barbara Ea
gleson; finance, Tom Hazzard;
book exhibits, Wes Nicholson; pub
licity, A1 Pietschman; union meet
ing, Dick Nelson; sceptics hours
and forums, Paul McCracken; fire
sides and dinners, Margaret Rauch;
individual conferences, Betty Jean
McCourry; and hospitality, Joan
Williams and Kelly Hamilton.
“Square meals” got that way
because in New England in 1799
the food was prepared in square
Lab Receives
New Equipment
An instrument uesigueu mca
sure disintegration energy of atom
ic nuclei will operate at the Uni
versity by mid-winter, Edwin G.
Ebbighausen, associate professor
of physics, revealed.
The magnetic lens beta ray spec
trograph will be the second of its
kind in the United States, Ebbig
hausen declared.
The equipment, the constructoin
of which was made possible by a
grant of $850 to the University
physics department from the gen
eral research fund, is described by
Ebbighausen as being capable of
considerable precision in the de
termination of the energy of these
disintegration products. The instru
ments consists in part of 20,000
feet of coiled copper wire which is
enclosed in a cylinder of pure iron.
Total weight of the machine will be
Oregon Webfoots
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Alder and Kincaid
nearly 1500 pounds, Ebbighausen
Ebbighausen and one graduate
assistant will use the machine in
; the conduction of nuclear studies in
the physics laboratories in Deady
I hall.
The radiation laboratory of the
University of California, which has
a contract for research under the
atomic energy commission, will
supply the experimenters with ra
dioactive elements.
Copy Desk Staff:
Donna Kletzing, editor
Elaine Loftus
Ruth Landry
Yvette Sweet
Virginia Cox
Ruthe Reagan
Eva Moore
Georgianne Balaam
Walt McKinney
Oregon Students
Win Pepsi Awards
Oregon students George S. Turn
bull S. Turnbull Jr., freshman in
journalism, and Gordon L. Figge,
freshman in chemistry, have been
named merit winners of $50 awards
in the 1947 Pepsi-Cola scholarship
competition, it was announced to
day by Dr. Vergil S. Fogdall, as
sistant dean of men.
The scholarships were awarded
on the basis of outstanding scores
achieved by th two students on
examinations given scholarship ap
plicants in Oregon high schools
during the last school year.
Director of the scholarship com
mittee is John M. Stalneker, pro-»
fessor of psychology at Stanford
for the
at ;
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Alumni Schedule Meet
To launch the student unihn
campaign in Linn county, an alum
ni meeting will be held at 7 p.m.,
October 28, in the Hub restaurant
at Albany.
Les Anderson, alumni secretary,
reported that Coach Jim Aiken and
President Harry K. Newburn will
attend the meeting. Entertainment
will be furnished by musiciansi
from the University of Oregon
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