Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 21, 1947, Page 5, Image 5

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• Snorts Editor
During a football game when play is tight and fast and the
average spectator is on his feet shouting for blood there is
always one place in the stadium where silence is the keynote.
And that place is the press box high on the rim of the stadium.
Up where people usually don’t have time to indulge their emo
tions. The guys there have a seat for only one reason. They
have jobs to do—and those jobs must be done accurately in
spite of the excitement and fast play. Consequently, noise and
cheering of favorites is held to a minimum. Saturday, at Mult
nomah field, however, the stadium was different.
With the exception of the
several writers clown from
Seattle the press box seemed to
be just another portion of the
Oregon rooting section. Many
of the writers there had cov
ered previous Webfoot ball
■games and had seen the Ducks
lose them one way or another.
And most of them were down
right glad to see the Oregon
gang come through. And they
proved it vocally. For once the
staid atmosphere ot the press box took a back seat and a good
solid howl for the Oregon lads wasn't out of place.
Zazula Says Dons Are Tough
From all indications the Ducks face no pushover when
they meet the University of San Francisco Dons this Satur
day. Backfield Coach Frank Zazula, after scouting the Mar
quette game this past weekend, told Jim Aiken that the
SFU gridders compare favorably with the University of
Texas. That, of course, is quite a mouthful, but the San Fran
cisco press releases thus far this year haven’t shown any
tendencies towards shyness when they talk of Don grid
Before the Misissippi State game on SFU release flatly
stated that the 1947 SFU ball club was the best in the history
of the school. Now that is, indeed, quite a statement. Usually
the publicity man and the coach stand back shyly until they
have pulverized all opposition and then admit they had a fail
To go on record early with the statement that this is a big
year is the closest thing to athletic suicide in the books—unless
the team can back it up. However, the SFU releases have
passed that information and that fact itself makes it doubly
easy to belive the Dons will be a tough opponent.
The Vandals Got "Tiny"
Though Oregon State’s Coach Lon Stiner has been ac
cused many times in the past of being adept at fashioning
a high grade injury “bear story” the Orange headman will
probably have few accusers this season. This year the Bevos
have really had ’em. First Austin and Evensen went via the
injury routs and then in the Southern Cal butchery Saturday
Dick Lorenz was added to the list of ailing. Evensen received
his bad leg in the Idaho battle and though the Vandals
were badly outclassed they really dealt the Bevos a blow
when they got to “Tiny”.
All season Beaver publicity has called Evensen, “the most
underated lineman on the Pacific Coast.” and having him watch
Saturday battles from the sidelines will do absolutely nothing
for OSC morale.
Screwy Diamond Tactics
While on the subject of Oregon State it might be well to
quote from the Oregon State Barometer. In a column called
Swan’s Song—and written strangly enough by a fella’ named
Bob Swan the Baro scribe says, “The appointment of Don
Kirsch as head baseball coach at Oregon was generally not
much of a surprise. Don, who was quite the all around ath
lete, specializing in baseball, just before the war in Duck
land, will be quite a change over the screwy diamond antics
of Howard “Hobby” Hobson.”
On that score we can truthfully sav that whatever the antics
of Hobby were, on the diamond, in the home, or on the high
way—he still has an untouchable record in Northern Division
baseball play. Count the number of pennants on the walls
of the Duck locker room and you get a rough idea of the value
of Hobby’s “screwy diamond antics.” They paid off.
Mobley, Coghill Please Heldt
Freshman football Coach Carl Heldt spoke briefly Monday
at a meeting of the downtown Oregon club and among his
comments were words of praise for his two first string ends
Dick Mobley and Doug Coghill. Heldt said his two flankers
were shaping up as pretty fair pass catchers—and that isn’t
bad news in view of the fact that Norm Van Brocklin is
scheduled for two more seasons in Duck uniform.
Sig Nil’s, ATO’s Tussle
Today for IM Crown
The Sigma Xus and the defending champion ATOs boomed
into the title picture yesterday afternoon on the soggy turf of
lower Howe field as they edged by Chi Psi 7-0 and the Theta
Chis 8-0, respectively. They face each other this afternoon for
the intramural gridiron crown. The game is scheduled for
4:00 p.m. on lower Howe Field.
Both teams have now run their 'unblemished win-streak to
six straight. The title fray will fea
ture the whip arm of backfield
ace Ramsey Fendell and the all
around duty of Captain Moe Tho
mas for the defending ATO out
For the challenging Sigma Nus,
it will be the fancy-dan pass
snagging of Dick Wilkins and Ed
Dick, and the bullet tosses and
broken field running of Rog Dick
and Doug Kimsely. With the ten
sion of the battle keyed to a high
pitch, the contest should develop
into a ding-dong battle.
The onrushing Sigma Nus bat
tled their way into the champion
ship playoff yesterday afternoon
as they edged by a “never say die”
gang of Chi Psis by a narrow 7-0
count on the strength of a pay off
heave from Rog Dick to Ed Dick
late in the second period.
Starting on their own 35 yard
line, the Sigma Nus traveled the
distance to the goal line in four
plays from scrimmage. It was
lanky Dick Wilkins who sparked
the attack as he cut off right
tackle from his left half slot and
galloped 30 yards to put the ball
deep in Chi Psi territory.
After a running play failed to
gain, Rog Dick faded back and
passed to his brother 10 yards
down field. On the following play
he pitched the payoff heave to
Ed that brought victory to the
Sigma Nus. The same combina
tion clicked for the extra point:
The Chi Psis manufactured
their only scoring thrust of the
day late in the fourth period as
Chuck Strader hau^d in one
of Chuck Rufner’s aerial3 on the
Sigma Nu 35 and all but out
raced the defender’s secondary
before being stopped on the 3
yard line.
With a first down and goal to
go, the Chi Psi’s attempted four
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passes, all of which fell incom
plete in the end zone and the Sig
ma Nus took over on downs. The
Chi Psi line performed extremely
well as they battled the heavier
Sigma Nu forward wall to a near
The final scoring thrust of
the day came with but one min
ute remaining in the game when
Doug Kimseiy broke through the
center of the Chi Psi line and
raced 60 yards to the enemy 25
before being stopped.
Flashing the same power and
smart football that brought them
the 1946 intramural pigskin title,
the ATOs splashed their way to
victory over an inspired Theta Chi
seven yesterday as they eked out
a shaky 8-0 win.
Glue-fingered Moe Thomas was
the big gun in the ATO offensive
as he grabbed four of Ramsey
Fendell’s spot passes to set up
the deciding tally. The pay off toss
came early in the second period
when Thomas made a spectacular
catch of Dendell’s aerial as he
juggled the slippery pellet several
times before it finally came to
rest for six big points
The drive began on the ATO 45
when Frank recovered a Theta
Chi fumble to set up the touch
down march which took but eight
plays from scrimmage to manufac
ture the score.
The final scoring came in the
last moments of tlje game. Bill
Hutchensen intercepted one of
FendeH’s tosses and attempted to
run it out of the end zone where
he was nailed by the entire ATO
forward wall for a safety and two
Theta Chi failed to get its grid
iron machine into high gear and
penetrated no farther than the
victors 30 yard line. However, sev
eral times during the game Hutch
enson passed to Kenny Seeborg
for long gains, but they were to
j no avail.
Oregon Frosh
(Continued from (age four)
by J.R. Savage was batted square
ly into the arms of the intended
receiver, Bill Peterson, putting the
Pups in scoring position.
Their attack bogged down mo
mentarily on the Duck's six as
three running plays were smeared
by the brilliant Oregon line, but
the glue-fingered Peterson again
snagged a pass, this time behind
the last white stripe, to tally the
, Husky Babe’s only tally- Doug
j McFarlane calmly converted the
I extra point to tie-up the game.
Ducks Lucky
A 65-yard sprint by Babe half
back Roland Kirby through the
entire Oregon squad on a punt re
turn, which would have provided
the margin of victory for the host
eleven, was nullified by a clipping
penalty called on a downfield
The ratio of families using pres
sure cookers on farms as compared
with towns is five to one.
the -first basket ball
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