Webfoots Upset Washington For Initial Conference Win By FRED TAYLOR A fired-up band of Oregon grid- ^ ders, entering the game as under dogs, made monkeys of the ex perts as they unleashed a crushing combination of ground power and 27 Candidates Greet Warren In New Job By DON FAIR Twenty - seven candidates, in cluding seven lettermen, greeted coach John Warren’s opening prac tice whistle, for the coming ’47-’48 basketball campaign. In addition to numeral-winners, there were three from last year’s JVs, six from the Frosh, i four transfers, and seven who turned out for the first time. The letter men were: Stan Williamson, A1 Popick, Reedy Berg, and Bob Lavey. guards; Roger Wiley, cen ter; and Marv Rassmussen and Jim Bartelt, forwards. Former JVs Listed Up from the JVs are Jim Bocchi, guard, and Bob Don and Lynn Hamilton, forwards. The former Frosh cagers trying for the var sity include Kenny Johnson, Jack Costello, Bill Green, Bill Burgher, Roger Moclcford, and Jerry Sher wood. Costella, from Los Angeles, played for the Ducklings in the ’45-’46 season. Harold Poort, Bud Carpenter, Paul Cooper, and Archie Gacek comprise the transfer candidates. Poort played for Weber J.C. in Ogden, Utah, while Carpenter per formed for Everett, Washington, J.C. last season. Cooper comes from the Sacramento Junior Col lege, and Gacek played frosh ball for Washington State last year. The final seven aspirants are Loren “Red” Kerns, a city-league performer; Hal Mink and Dick Unis from Portland; Don Noel, Klamath Falls; A1 Rieble, Grants Pass; and Wally Turnridge and Bob Charlton. Yesterday’s hour and a half prac tice was confined mainly to run ning, running, and more running, as Warren had his men cavorting *.he length of the floor while pass ing, dribbling, and performing cal isthenics. Tiie newly - appointed mind' that this year’s Oregon quint was going to be another speed-em phasized outfit. Team Wins But Ed Cries Fd McKeever, head coach at the University of San Francisco, got Out the crying towel again after last Saturday’s game with Mar nuette. His squad licked tlie pre viously unbeaten Marquette elev en 34-13. The USF mentor made the fol lowing comments after the fray: ' For the first time this year, the Hons played good ball during the first half. They, were ragged again in the second half. I’m hoping this year they'll put a whole game to gether. We expect a lot of trouble against Oregon. We can be knocked off very easily.” After the brilliant Forrest Hall ..cored on a 24-yard reverse early in the first period, Marquette was never in the ball game. The Don pass-combo of .ftu Ryan to Joe Scott tallied a pair of touchdowns in the second quarter. Scott caught both aerials on about the Marquette 40 and romped to pay-dirt.’ Sets-up Score ■>>:->»>;*:.v.M3MggMOTw;vw.y«gH8ravy?3'«<»Boa«8Bnooo™rovwfwjvwvvvCTvvvvv»vvvvv»~~~~~.~ A diving catch by Left half Jake Leicht above of Norm Van Brock lin’s long pass that bounced out of his arms made it possible for the W'ebfoots to gain a 6-0 upset over the favored Washington Huskies in Multnomah stadium last Saturday. Oregon Frosh Tied 7-7 By Washington Babes Outdowned, outgained, but not outscored, the Washington Babes came from behind in the last half of Saturday’s Pup-Duckling grid battle to eke out a 7-7 stalemate with the Oregon Frosh. Oregon dominated the entire first-half, but could only muster one touchdown drive. From the Washington 45, rifle-armed Earl Stelle, frosh quarter, and big Doug Coghill, stellar end, sparked an aerial march to the Washington eight-yard stripe, as they teamed together and completed three con secutive passes. Right end Dick Mobley made a great catch of Stelle’s paydirt heave from the eight, juggling the ball three times before he finally tucked the ball securely under his arm in the opponent’s end zone. Stelle smashed his way across the goal-line on a quarterback sneak to boost the Duckling’s half-time lead to seven points. The see-saw battle, played under a steady downpour, was knotted by the Pups when a punt from in side their own ten bounced off the back of an Oregon Frash secon dary man on the 44 and an alert Washington end pounced on it. Babes Move On the next play a 40 yard pass (Please turn to page five) Enliven Your Organization Meetings with MOVIES 8mm - 16mm Documentaries, Travelogues, Comedies, Cartoons Projectors Rented 698 Willamette Phone 535 aerial sharpshooting to pound out a 6-0 decision over the University of a Washington, on a wet Multno mah stadium turf. The scoreboard revealed little evidence of the overwhelming vic tory by the determined Webfoots ran over the squad rated two touchdowns better. The Eugene club crossed the goal line three times before it got credit for the one touchdown, as officials detec ted illegal actions by the Ducks on each paydirt trip. Ducks Fifth It was the first conference vic tory for the Webfoots in two starts and ended a three game losing streak. The Oregon club now re sides in fifth place in the ten team Coast conference standings. Despite a week’s rain preceeding the game the stadium sod was in remarkably fast condition, and little hindered the Oregon passing and ground game. No rain fell during the tilt, and 25,000 fans who viewed the upset sat in compara tive warmth. The Ducks so completely bottled up the Huskies’ highly touted backfield aces, the northerners were unable to penetrate enemy territory, except for three yards until late in the last period. This lone attack carried to the Oregon 29 yard line, but died when the Huskies were assessed 30 yards on two consecutive penalties. Huskies Jumble Oregon’s first offensive opera tion of the day set the stage for the whole afternoon’s action. Jake Leicht flashed around end and raced 34 yards to the Washington 22, after Bob Sanders had pounced upon a Husky fumble. This one play gave indication that the Seattle squad was in for a rough afternoon. ”'7ne"Ducks kept right on moving as they powered down to the 9, but here the attack was killed as a pass in the end zone was inter cepted by a Washington defense man. Jake Leicht, running like the All-American he was tabbed in 1943, set off the Oregon attack again later in the same period as he returned a Washington punt 16 yards to the Washington 36. On the next play Leicht cut through left tackle on the stut ter play, and moving like greas ed-“Leichtning” went all the way to paydirt. Here the officials stepped in, and called an offensive use of hands penalty against the Ducks and moved the ball back to the 19 yard line. TD NULLED The inspired Aikenmen im mediately began working for an other touchdown. After a running play lost ground Norm Van Brock lin lobbed two short passes to fullback Bob Koch out in the flat for seven yards. Then Van Brock lin rifled a long high aerial into the end zone to end Larry Stoeven, for what looked like a sure-fire TD. Again the officials ruled illegal use of the hands, and the Eugene eleven was penalized 15 yards to kill that hope. ■ Late in the first quarter a pass from Leicht sailed into the arms of another Oregon end, Wayne Bartholemy, in 6-point territory, but bounded out of his arms. The second quarter passed with out the Ducks making a serious penetration although the canto was played mostly in Washington territory. The game began to shape up as a repetition of the Nevada battle, when the Webfoots shoved the opposition all over the (Please turn to page six) ii i DELICIOUS DUTCH GIRL ICE CREAM all flavors Take a quart home KELLER'S DUTCH GIRL Open every clay except Monday 1224 Willamette on sale now at the UNIVERSITY GROCERY I t 790 K. 11th Phone 1597