Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 21, 1947, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon W Emerald
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the University of Oregon, published
daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, and final examination periods.
Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Ore.
Member of the Associated Collegiate Press
BOB CHAPMAN, Business Manager
Managing Editor
Co-News Editors
walt mckinney, jeanne simmonds, maryann thielen
Associates to Editor _
Sports Editor __
Assistant Managing Editors
Advertising Manager
National Advertising Manager.nili'i Tean Riethmnw
Editorial Board: Harry Glickman, Johnny Kahananui, Bert Moore, Ted Goodwin, Bill
Stratton, Jack Billing^__
Office Manager .'.Marge Hllston Foster
$500 Worth of Rally Rally
With a budget of $500 to carry them through the year, the
University rally squad is sore pressed, they need another
$500 at least, if they are to represent the school at athletic
functions, especially at the games away from home.
It they don’t get the money, they won t be able to go to the
Stanford game, nor will they be able to charge the rather steep
upkeep on their rally clothes to the squad.
The $500 they now have for expenses came from the athletic
department. When the squad went back and asked for more
they were told the barrel was dry, that there was no more. The
budget, it seemed, was the budget.
So the rally committee, speaking through student members
of the educational activities board, came to the board for the
$510, which is probably no more than they need. These stu
dents gave the board a thoroughly convincing picture of the
needs of the squad.
The educational activities board was extremely sympathetic.
But there was objection to granting educational activities
funds to the rally squad, which the board regarded as a child
of the athletic department. A study of the rather grim financial
history of the athletic department is enough to make the most
charitable member a little cautious about opening-the coffers.
The hole in the dike never grows smaller.
The board suggested the rally committee go back to the
athletic department and hit ’em again. The students wistfully
explained that the barrel was dry. The board was still sympa
thetic and still wanted to help, so they recommended the stu
dents go to President Newburn and see if they couldn’t wangle
a change in the budget. Budgets, it seems, are not inflexible, and
the educational activities board changes its budget to suit its
J hat is tlie situation to date, save the rather valid beef
that the board is financing the band’s trip to Stanford. The
band is in a position similar to that of the rally squad. The
board’s only answer to that one is that you gotta draw the
line somewhere.
We have a rally committee because they whip up spirit and
put a little more zest into the otherwise sedentary sport of
watching football games. The more spirit and the more zest,
the more fun. The more fun, the more people. The more people
the more receipts. The more receipts, the more profit.
The “more profit" is more profit for the athletic department.
It is not more profit for that rather nebulous entity known as
“The University.” More specifically it is not more profit for
the educational activities board and the functions they support.
There is an old business principle known as spending money
to make money. If the principle is sound, and if the rally com
mittee is a good thing financially, the athletic department
should make adequate provision for it.
The recent remarks of Bert Moore, editor ot uia uregon, cunuem
ing the censors who presumably purify the Hollywood offerings, set
us to thinking. Understand we are not complaining, but we would
have you know that copy for the Emerald is also subject to strokes
of the red pencil. The reasons for omission are endless. The fact that
we’ve written columns for Louise Montag, “Beaver” Wright, and now
Bob Frazier, matters not a whit; we still feel uncomfortably like a
xxxx in a xxxx house when offering copy to a gimlet-eyed editor.
A writer never knows what will be struck from his page. Some
times the reasons are obvious, at other times the reasons are painfully
obscure. For instance, it is unthinkable that University students drink,
therefore that familiar household word must not be mentioned. Some
think that any “xxxx” is a bad one, and that “xxxx” is out of the
question. Others maintain they are merely necessary marks of punctu
ation. Somewhere in between sits the editor, an unwilling judge. A
coed may have eyes, teeth, beautiful hair and shapely ankles, but
under no circumstances is she permitted xxxx or xxxx. We think it’s
a shame!
Gossip columnists have learned long ago that the stories they can't
print would make the best reading. The present dispenser, a flaxen
haired female, has a particularly rough time in deciding. Every spring
term, hundreds of politically minded students watch every word in
the paper for signs of partisanship. Woe to the writer who slips and
says something good about someone.
There is always the question of what to do with stories about the
i faculty or administration Suppose some budding newsman digs rip
| the story on why xxx School Dean will probably not be elected presi
dent of the Eugene Chamber of Commerce? On the one hand you have
a zealous, young reporter, blissfully unaware that freedom of the press
is just a pleasant myth, due for a shock. On the other hand, you have
the University, jealously guarding her reputation as a sinless college
of liberal arts.
Some of the best news stories are “held” temporarily by a paper
because of a “release date” placed, on the story by the source. The best
example is the one concerning xxx xxxx appointment ao head basket
ball coach at xxxx. The Register-Guard’s sports editor, Dick Strite,
had the story in August but didn’t print it. Both the Guard and the
Emerald, being more or less honorable, waited for the release date.
Unfortunately, someone on the xxxx in Portland got itchy fingers, and,
at the expense of a few ethics, scooped the state. The people left hold
ing the bag were understandably purple.
Sometimes we wonder if depicting life-as-is wouldn’t be a lot sim
pler. We know it would be more interesting. Censorship, undeniably
necessary, does, however, seem to hit some industries harder than
others. The daily comics have gotten to the peep-show stage, with Miss
Guided Missle and Madame Lynx vying with each other for the most
xxxx xxxx. Radio programs bleat hour after hour on such uplifting
subjects as homicide, seduction, embezzlement and xxxx. We feel that
this particular industry is fast coming to the point where radio sets will
be sold, like French postcards, under the counter.
In the comic books the heroines somehow manage to slog through
jungles, be lost in tunnels, and fly airplanes, all in high heels and
xxx-less, xxxx-less evening gowns, or leopard skins. Of course we still
have Little Orphan Annie to cling to. Poor Annie! Never been kissed,
never wore a strapless, never xxxx. Dull perhaps, but definitely chaste.
We understand that her creator, is a doddering octogenarian who lives
on mashed potatoes and Sanka.
Looking over the other college publications, we find that the Em
erald is one of the most liberal, an achievement that is made possi
ble by a lot of judgment and very few blanket (oops!) censorial rules.
, The attitude towards realism in the press is maintained by the Emerald
no more or less than by the Oregonian or the Kansas City Star. We ad
mire the vigilance of the red pencil crew, but wish we could write more
about xxxx xxxx, and furthermore, xxx xxxx xxx!! There! We said it,
and we’re glad!
10 Years Ago
One “hell-of-a-mess” adequate
ly described the condition of the
Sigma Phi Epsilon house one night,
when the members of Sigma Nu,
Kappa Sig, Phi Psi, Chi Psi and
Beta fraternities had done with
putting “some of the SPEs” in the
mill race.
Hundreds of dancers flocked to
the music of Paul Whilman at the
Homecoming dance.
Honest John Warren's Ducklings
unleashed a last half touchdown
spree that netted them 20 points
and a 20 to 7 victory over the
Rooks at Corvallis.
Gary Callison’s sophomore Web
foots showed their most stubborn
defense of the season but in the
end fell before demon Joe Gray and
his fellow Orangemen, 14 to 0.
Two Oregon men were injured in
the Homecoming fray with OSC.
Amelita Galli-Curci, internation
al coloratura soprano, sang at Mc
Arthur court, concluding the Home
coming activities.
One Worlders Discuss Problems of Currencv
In the period between the twi
world wars international currency
experience went from bad to worse.
Nations that had left the gold
standard during the war found that
they did not have enough gold to
back the increased supply of money
at the old ratio. Some put less gold
into their monetary unit; others
tried to reduce the quantity of
Neither solution satisfied every
one. International trade naturally
falls off when nations are changing
the relative value of their moneys.
Reducing the quantity of money
forces prices down. Reduced prices
cause curtailed production, and
the country finds itself in a de
pressed condition.
Thus in 1929 the depression
caught the world before interna
tional trade had become adjusted
to the monetary changes caused by
World War I. We then had a race
between nations to see who could
devalue their currency the quick
est. There were several motives for
this, but basically it was an at
tempt to isolate the price level in
each country from the effect of the
fall in prices in other countries.
This economic isolationism did not
seem to solve the depression, and
the political isolationism which it
aided led to deplorable results.
During the Second World War
we were ^gced with the realization
that if we were to have a world of
peaceful trading nations, the sta
bilizing of the various monetary
units in terms of each other would
be a major problem. Added to this
was the problem of reconstructing
the capital equipment destroyed by
the war.
In the summer of 1944 represen
tatives of 44 nations agreed to set
up an international monetary fund
and an international bank for re
construction and development. The
fund has the problem of stabilizing
exchange rates and the bank has
the problem of loaning money to aid
in building up the productive re
sources of the member nations.
Neither institution is set up to
meet the problems of relief pay
ments to Europe. Neither institu
tion is organized to solve the prob
lems of economic isolationism ex
cept those of direct exchange con
trols. If their funds are used for
relief payments they will not be
available to meet the problems for
which they were organized. If re
lief is not given to Europe, there
may be nothing in Europe to keep
Hallowe'en Celebrated
A Hallowe’en party was held in
the University library by the staff
on Saturday night.
Guests were led through the
basement by ghosts, and finally,
after wandering all over the li
brary basement, they arrived up
stairs in the browsing room. Games
were played, and apples, doughnuts
and cider were the refreshments.
Side Patter
Despite a very muddy field the
Oregon team really showed on Sat
urday and in my humble estimation
played the best game in years.
There was an added touch of nov
elty when Fijis’ Warren Davis
Dick Randall, and Dave “Doin’ the
Hula” Young took over and gave
the rooters several excellent yells.
But poor Grendell, that's Theta
Gloria Grenfell, missed all the ac
tivity, because she spent the week
end in the infirmary with a bad
The SAMs had a dinner dance
with their Washington chapter at
the Multnomah and won back the
sheepskin that has been missing
since 1941. Kappa Pat Stone and
Beta Bill Patterson were enjoying
themselves at Jack Monroe’s Beta
party although no one could find
Jack. And pretty ChiO Norma
Greene has been escorted lately by
Beta Jerry O’Leary.
Theta Peg Dougherty was with
Sigma Chi Sam Gillette at her own
party after the game. The Walter
Holmans held another of their an
nual Fiji-Gammafie parties which
was a great success. Theta Mary
Jane Reeves, better known as Ree
fer, was there with Fiji Jack Ha
vens, and the attractive blonde Pi
Phi Jean Peterson was having a
grand time with John Lewis. “Lov
er” and “Sw'eetheart” spent a very
platonic evening together, with a
third party who wasn’t feeling pla
In the pin department congratu
lations are in order for cute Gam
mafie Martha Cleveland and Phi
Delt Bill Abbey, x-football star,
Phi Kap Paul Landsdowne and Ka
ren Martin of Highland house, and
Kappa Barbara Blaesing and Theta
Chi Marv Butterfield. Sue Mercer
of the Pi Phi house is again wear
ing Jack Daley’s Phi Delt pin, and
she’s mighty happy about the whole
Theta Ruth Fades has been seen
about lately with Bob Neiderholzer,
a Berkeley boy, who resides at the
Chi Psi lodge. Sigma Nu Jim Bur
wick has been spending his free
time away from the football prac
tice to take out ChiO Nadine Mor
ton while DG Kay Sharp has turned
her attentions to Sigma Chi Jerry
To prove the Kappa Sigs read
the Emerald editorials, they have ;
decided to take up Maryann Thie
lan on her recently well pointed ar
ticle. They are the instigators of
what will be known as. “Go To Hell I
Week,” and are sure of instant co
operation from the campus.
Even if you can’t see the future
in going to hell, you can see the
advantage of going to the Side for >
that morning cup of you know
what with a donut stuck on the end
of the spoon.—(Pd. Adv.)