Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 15, 1947, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' Brecon W Emerald
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of tne University of Oregon, Published
daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, and final examination periods.
Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Ore.
Member of the Associated Collegiate Press
BOB CHAPMAN, Business Manager
Managing Editor
Co-News Editors
walt McKinney, jeanne simmonds, maryann thielen
Associates to Editor __
Sports Editor ______
HELEN SHERMAN Advertising Manager
Assistant Managing Editors____
National ' Advertising Manager.....BiiTi"' J^aT'&fethmMer
Circulation Manager .Bllh Jean Kietomiiier
Editorial Board: Harry Glicknian, Johnny Kahananui, Bert Moore, Ted Goodwin, Bill
Stratton, Jack Billings. ___ ___
We're All American
There is a feeling of pride around the Emerald s Quonset hut
this week. The Shackrats know they are working on an “All
American” paper and they are justifiably proud.
Those who toiled last year to get a paper out five days a week
feel a particular sense of accomplishment. Yet that feeling is
mixed with a feeling of gentle amusement, perhaps smugness.
They remember, those Emerald veterans of last year, how
rough it was to produce this organ, how they seemed always at
odds with the campus, how their paper was sometimes standing
alone on issues most of the campus thought unimportant.
They feel particularly smug when they leaf through the
criticism of the Associated Collegiate Press, whose judges said
the editorial page was the strongest spot in the paper. They re
member it was this page that took the worst beating.
Yes, we’re All American. Now we have our eye on the coveted
“Pacemaker” award, which the Emerald won twice in the thir
ties. We are painfully aware of our own shortcomings. Each
morning we go over our work and find weaknesses that are not
apparent to the ■casual reader.
We want to get better. We see some rough going ahead, and
we expect criticism (not all of it constructive) from our readers.
It will be welcome if it helps us see where we are going.
Glammer? D-u-u-u-h. . .
The University of Washington lias added a touch of realism
to its college roster. A bona fide representative of the institu
tion, whose official title is “director of the office of high school
relations and orientation," will tour state high schools soon with
a goal, if we can believe what we read on the AP wire, of “de
bunking the tendency of over-glamorizing college life.” Other
points of college interest will be offered in his conferences, but
here’s a point that strikes home.
True, when we were toddlers listening to the “big boys” com
ment on life at the U, the era of the raccoon coat and the rest
of the Boola Boola seemed pretty glamourous. But that is an
era long gone.
I hat “glamor aspect of today’s college fascinates, yes intri
gues us. Maybe the typical Washingtononian has something
on his campus that Oregon is without.
Does the gentle vet, arising from five hours uninterrupted
sleep which was all he was able to get because of the demands
of his wife, baby and Principles of Insurance Computation, find
the campus glamorus in the bleak reality of day? Does the
young coed, sprinting unhappily from her 8 o’clock trying to
dodge large wet particles of atmosphere, find any thing particu
larly glamor-inspiring about the area? Does that same coed
resemble the personification of glamor as her hair, carefully “put
up” the night before in a tedious and never-ending process,
“comes down" with discouraging rapidity? What, we plead,
could be construed as glamorous about a term in the libe when
we'd much rather be sentenced to a cuppa 10 cent cawfee at the
\\ ho in the history of higher education, ever appeared glam
orus while writing a request for cash to the home town folks, or
what hints of glamor can lie seen in the enforced placing of vol
leyball or shuffleboard or ROTC which are certainly integral
parts of the tour college years?
1 o de-glamorize college life sounds like a noble goal, but
frankly, we’ll do without it.
No Doz and rain, examinations and 8 o’clocks, librarv restric
tions and trailer life. . .Washington, we invite von to our favorite
campus—well-loved in the eyes of its 5800 students, but no con
testant for the Glammer Center of the West.
? J.B.S.
Kenton’s Flack Says Band Great;
New Sideman Added Since Armory Job
Had a long talk Saturday last with Chuck
Newton, new advance flack for Newcomb
Kenton. Chas. stays at least a week ahead of
Stan’s gang, buttering various small radio
stations. Newton replaced ex-Kentonite Gene
Howard, who was the band’s press-man last
March when the 10”, or gigantic, egg was laid
in the armory.
Friday night’s biz is no concert, which fact
many will rue, others applaud. Band won’t
quite be the same as regards sidemen, but
Newton says (and who wouldn't for a similar
weekly stipend) that the band’s still great.
Kai Winding and Skippy Layton will be
among those missing in the brass section. Lay
ton’s taken his trombone to the Les Paul trio
for no apparent reason. Winding’s wife ob
jects to the road. Replacement Eddie Berg
plays “Machito,” says Newton, but doesn't
quite reach Layton’s stature on “Collabora
tion” (the Wetzel-Layton duo which -ends the
record). Bart Varsalona and Milt Bernhardt
alternate on lead trombone.
Musso’s Missing
“Porky” Porcina enters the Kenton trumpet
section. Childers and Wetzel still share lead.
Vido Musso cut-out six days before the road
tour began, en route to Chicago to build an
other (probably as ill-fated) big band. Boots
Mussulli’s wife had a nervous break-down,
which eliminated be-bopster Mussulli. Bob
Cooper (June Christy’s husband) is playing go
tenor, with someone named George Weidler on
second tenor.
Safranski, Manne, and Kenton are three of
five rhythm. Brazilian guitarist Laurindo Al
meida is number four, and bongoist Joe Con
stanza fills it up. Christy and Ray Wetzel
share vocals. No more Pastels. So . . . that’s
what you’ll see and hear come Friday. I won
der who’ll win, Traubel or Kenton.
James Don’t Jam
In the words of Juan Tizol (a Cuban),
“Hairy Jeems is wan beeg money maker.”
Harry James, in the words of Ted Hallock
(hack writer) leads 25 odd technically-perfect,
emotionless tools, who would do well to cop
a lesson from Betty Grable in the activated
fanny department. Only stellar attraction: the
four-man, four-part, written gimmicks which
had star altoist Willie Smith scanning the
spots, and taxed even saccharine-Harry’s trum
pet ingenuity. Unknown: trombone and clari
net, but both wonderful.
Woody Herman hits Portland next month
with a band which boasts as its sole ex-Her
der drummer Don Lamond. Ear-witnesses la
bel Buddy Rich’s new band as be-bopistic to
the extent of introducing boredom. Metro
name mag labels it “new,” “exciting. Have
you heard Nat Cole and J. Mercer sing Har
mony”? On Capitol and great.
Heider Hassles Hupmobile
Ex-campus musiker Wally Heider now
teaches neophite drivers in S.F. at $3.00 per
hour. Joe Ingram and six men take over Cas
cade Gardens Friday and Saturday nights as
of October 24. Band includes Gene Zarones,
tenor; Bob Hays, alto and trombone; Hal Har
din, bass; Arnold Martin, piano, and leader
Ickman, cornet.
Almost forgot: Kenton makes two air per
formances Friday. He’s on with KASH car
nuaba-crackler Don Porter at 2 p.m., and with
KUGN’S Freddy Yahn at 4:30 p.m. Kenton s
feeling better. His doctor still forbids sched
uled personal appearances.
“peg's” Peak Pop
New mag, “The Cash Box,” which is not sold
commercially, being distributed gratis to juke
box operators, comes up with some stimu a -
ing statistics this week. Seems ops voted
Eddy Howard the finest band of 1947, and “Peg
o’ My Heart” (by the Haromicats) the fav rec
ord of the year. Disc selection is understand
able. “Peg” is on vinylite; meaning at least
5000 more nickels per use. I offer no explana
tion for Howard. Fill in your own.
Notable events: F. Martin is still alive. Tex
Beneke is appearing in shorts (which carve
the new long trou) at Springfield’s Varsity
theater. Nellie Lutcher’s Capitol “Take It on
Down to My House Honey” is most certainly
not as vulgar as Party records being demand
ed by capusites from local music shops. By
comparison it sounds like a diluted double-en
tendre (untranslated) from the pen of Ken
neth Patchen.
Rose City Jumps
Portland’s first jazz concert (at McElroy’s)
did not fall quite on its head as expected.
Able musicians, and long-time jazz collectors,
Monte Ballou, Axel Tyle, Willie Pavia et al
did a better-than-average job of imitating
Portland’s conception of what Lu Watters
might sound like with only one cornet. Local
musicians, should they possess the anatomy
of a brass monkey, should attempt emulation.
See you all for coffee and donuts at the
Kenton conclave. I assure you I’ll be torn with
indecision as to whether long-hairism should
out Friday night . . . torn for at least 12 sec
Fenton Movies - Free and Good;
Larry Lau, please note: Tonight’s educational activities board movie,
“The Count of Monte Cristo,” is free to anyone whc cares to drop
around to room 3, Fenton hall at 7:30. Latecomers can attend the
second showing, approximately 85 to 90 minutes later.
The campus man with the pinched pocketbook is doubly blessed
this week. Thursday night at 8 something called “Adventures of Chi
co,” a Spanish-language flim, will be shown in the same auditorium,
along with “People of Mexico,” a documentary.
Aside from the economy angle, these pictures stand head and shoul
ders above the programs now being shown on Eugene screens. I know
that I don’t have any real authority to say this, because I’ve never
seen “Adventures of Chico” nor “Framed,” but I’nt taking a chance on
two advertisements with which I’ve come in contact.
The “ad” on “Chico” was vocal, from a friend, and went something
like this, “It’s a pretty fair picture ... all about a little boy who doesn't
have any friends and so he makes friends with some animals . . . pretty
good . . .” The ad for “Framed” featured these words, “The same Glen
Ford that tamed Gilda. . . .” Well, you can make up your mind. . .
In case none of the old folks are at home to give you the scoop,
“Monte Cristo” stars Robert Donat, who never gave a bad performance
in his life, and, all in all, is an excellent picture. A movie like this, ap
proximately 14 years old, is doubly interesting from a technical stand
point. When you get through seeing it, ask yourself whether the movie
makers are doing better or worse as the flickering years roll along.
Don Hunter, head of the audio-visual department on the campus, has
made up some fine programs for the weeks to come. Some of them are
more interesting to special groups, like art, language, or music students,
but all of them have cinematic merit.
And this is a good time to make special note of the October 29 pro
gram. which will feature comedies starring Buster Keaton and Harold
Lloyd. Kiddies who think Bob Hope and Red Skelton are great will do
well to drop around for a glimpse of the masters in their natural habi
A recent item in the Register-Guard saying that all the buildings on
the “Rachel" sets have been given to the property owners will set a lot
of minds at ease. The loungers who daily fan the breeze at Seventh and
; Willamette have been wondering what was going to happen after the
shooting was over to the $1000 comfort station that was built for the
use of Miss Loretta Young.
Finished in knotty pine and featuring a fur-topped bench and. rack to
| hold scripts while the occupant was changing her makeup and stuff,
; the little building has been the cause of the gleam in more than one
1 farmer's eye.
To the Editor:
It was a wonderful sight indeed
to turn to the editorial page and
find POWDER BURNS there. I for
one have missed Rex Gunn’s regu
lar articles during the past year.
Mr. Gunn shows great sight and
forethought in his rambling stories
about our world today. Sure, they
are more on the serious side all
right—but it’s high time we all do
some serious thinking about the
recent past and the immediate fu
D. L. Persinger
Hickock Belts
Winthrope Shoes
j^\x •*'•■ Campus Report meat Srors