Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 11, 1947, Page 8, Image 8

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    Features Slated
For Old Oregon
This month’s Old Oregon, alumni
publication to be mailed Monday, is
the last issue edited by Harry
Glickman, senior in journalism.
Bert Moore, also a senior in jour
nalism, has been named his suc
According to Glickman, one of
the October features is an illus
trated story of Oregon graduates
at the Denver Post with Palmer
Hoyt, graduate of 1923. Paul
Deutschmann, former city editor of
the Register-Guard wrote the arti
News of graduating classes cen
ters this month on the post-college
life of 1947 graduates, reports the
retiring editor.
Stories of Australian aborigines
are told by Ernest G. Moll, profes
sor of English. Also included in this
issue is a letter by Ernest Haycox
to University of Oregon alumni
concerning a student union build
Glickman said that a unique se
ries of campus scenes done in pen
cil has been prepared by Una Mc
Cann Wilkinson to form covers for
the alumni magazine, beginning
with the October publication.
Gridiron Giants
(Continued from page one)
left half and Betty (Hapless)
Arnold, who throws a wicked
pass, is in line for the right half
back slot. Dana Lind will hold
down the plunging spot.
Miss Carr has been selected to
pilot the Pi Phi squad.
Potential All-Americans
Substitutions for Pi Phi in
clude such gridiron notables as
Bev Thorn, Connie Jackson, Dor
othy Collier, Carol Vowels,
Elaine Loftus, Moreen Field, and
Pat Lakin.
Heading the Kappa Roster is
Pat Robbins, who has been elect
ed captain. She is a veteran of
numerous scrimmages at Wil
lamette park.
The Kappa line-up: Georgi
anne Balaam (a fine pass re
ceiver), Eva Moore (who saw a
football game once), Shirley
Potter (said to be well grounded
in fundamentals), Pat and Bar
bara Robbins (who may be called
upon to run the flanks), Emily
Friday. October 17.
Tickets for Table Heser- '
vat ions on sale now ati
70 W. 10th Street
Admissions limited to
table reservations only
West (notoriously rough on de
fense), Jane Hull (very decep
tive and almost a cinch for the
left halfback spot), and Joan
Fitzmaurice (who is dangerous
in the open).
The contest will have all the
color and spirit of traditional
Oregon football. Both teams have
recruited rally squads. Water
boys, Mimi Moores for the Kap
pas, and Bill Gladsby for the Pi
Phis, promise to instill spirits in
their teams each time they tote
the heavy aluminum containers >
onto the gridiron. The outcome of
the clash is unpredictable, but
plenty of thrills are guaranteed '
the spectators.