Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 11, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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    University Hour
Slated Monday
University hour, broadcast from
the University radio workshop
studios, will go on the air again
Monday evening and from 8 to 9
A varied program is slated for
airing, including a round-table dis
cussion by members of the senior
editing class in journalism, a half
hour campus music recital, and a
15-minute talk of current affairs
by Dean Victor P. Morris of the
school of business administration.
Two senior editing classes will
present a “World Symposium."
Marvin Myers, Nancy Bedingfield,
and Oliver Larson will compose the
discussion panel.
The half-hour music program
will be in two parts, the first fea
turing Wilma Jeanne Wilson as
solo pianist, and the second with
William Weatherald singing bari
Miss Wilson’s selections will in
clude the Bach-Hess choral “Jesu,
Joy of Man’s Desiring,” Bach- Saint
Saens’ Bouree in B minor, Bach’s
Prelude and Fugue in D minor, and
the Chopin Mazurka in B flat ma
Weatherald will sing Handel’s
“Wher E’er You Walk,” Bohm’s
“Calm As the Night,” Tosti’s
“L’Ultima Conzone,” and “Great
Peace Have They,” by Rogers.
Producers of this University
hour will be Thomas B. Moore for
the symposium, Jessie Binford for
the musical program, and Eugene
Norris for Dr. Morris.
Bearded Sophs
(Continued from page one)
Washington game in Portland next
weekend. The high sheriff and his
posse will be on duty at the game.
2. Only ‘exceptions will be for
medical reasons, and a doctor ap
pointed by the high sheriff must
pass on all such cases.
3. Penalty for non-compliance
will be decided by the high sheriff
and punishment carried out by the
Students classified as sopho
mores include all men students
with more than 45 hours and less
than 93, and also those with more
than 96 who have not received
their junior certificates.
Orides to Meet
Orides will meet at 7 p.m. Mon
day in Gerlinger hall, the presi
dent announced yesterday.
Program for Concert
The following is Salvatore Bac
caloni's program for the concert
presented tonight at McArthur
Uberto in “La Serva Padrona",
Giovanni Pergolesi.
Dulcamara in “L'Elisir d'Amore,”
Gaetano Donizetti.
Osmin in “The Abduction from
Hungary Returnee
To Speak to Group
Joe Gurley, who formerly served
on the allied control commission
for Hungary, will speak at the
Westminster house forum at 6:30
p.m. Sunday on conditions behind
the Russian “Iron Curtain.”
Gurley, who returned to the Uni
versity this term to complete his
studies, was assigned to the AAF
station in Budapest after VE day
as commanding officer. Later he
went to Belgrade, Yugoslavia,
where he was acting air attache in
the U. S. embassy. Gurley and his
wife, a native of Hungary, were
finally expelled from the country
on orders of Marshall Tito.
Tea will be served at 6 p.m. The
public is invited to attend.
Heavy Showers
Set No New Mark
Eugene residents may think
that the almost constant show
ers of yesterday may have es
tablished something of a record,
but a check with the weather
bureau last night revealed that
only .57 inch of rain fell in the
24 hours following 4:30 p.m.
The weather bureau also an
nounced that the heaviest recent
downpour was from 4 to 10 a.m.
Thursday, when .57 inches fell
during the six-hour period.
Forecasts redicted only cloudy
with occasional showers.
ITHACA, N. Y., Oct.—(UP)—
Gov. Thomas E. Dewey today
urged full support of the cam
paign to send food to Europe,
but tempered his appeal with a
warning that no American must
be allowed to go poorly fed due
to “badly planned generosity” by
the U. S.
“We need and want to do our
honest share to feed the hungry.”
President Truman’s appeal for
Adelaide, you pretty maid, I
^ You put your sisters in
I the shade,
f You dress with care
' and have a flair
For choosing chic in what
y you wear.
the Seraglio," Wolfgang Amadeus
Falstaff, Guiseppe Verdi.
La Soiree Dans Granada, De
Ritual Fire Dance, De Falla.
Warren Bass
Leporello in "Don Giovanni,”
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
’ Varlaam in “Boris Godounov,”
Modeste Moussorgsky.
Two Love Serenades—
Nina, Tanara.
Serenata Gelata, Arturo Buz
"The Sly Leporello Returns,”
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
meatless Tuesdays and eggless
Thursdays was rejected tonight
by directors of the Wisconsin
Restaurant association.
Instead, the directors proposed
a 12-point program for submis
sion to association members
which, they claimed, would help
conserve scarce foodstuffs.
VALPARAISO, Ind., Oct. 10—
(UP)—Northern Indiana residents
flooded police and newspaper
switchboards with calls today to
report high-flying, silver objects in
the sky.
The mystery was solved when the
University of Chicago revealed that
the “saucers” were 15 large bal
Emerald Classified
All classified is payable in advance at the
rate of four cents a word the first insertion,
two cents a word thereafter at the Emerald
Business Office.
WANTED: Ride to Pullman for
U.O.-W.S.C. game, Nov. 8: fur
nish housing. A.H. Askew, Vet’s
Dorm, 378. (20)
FOUND: Silver Ronson “whirl
wind” lighter. Claim by identi
fying initials. Shirlee Jones,
2305. (20)
LOST: Single strand of pearls
near Gerlinger. Ruth Landry.
Phone 3200.
LOST: Green Lifetime Shaeffer
pen with name Curt Finch. Call
loons carrying cosmic ray direction
(UP)—House Speaker Joseph Mar
tin, R., Mass., tonight boasted that
the 80th congress was eliminating
from the government communists
“who threatened the peace and se
curity of this nation."
The man who is now next in line
of succession to the White House,
in a speech before Republican lead
ers of the 11 western states, said
that one of the “mandates from the
I people” to congress was to rid the
government of communists.
Fogdall to Speak
To Wesley House
Continuing with a current Sun
day evening forum series on “Chris
tian Behavior,” Wesley house will
have Vergil Fogdall, assistant dean
of men, as speaker this week. Fog
dall will speak on “Christian Atti
tudes on the Campus."
At 5 p.m. the regular buffet sup
per will be served. A sing and wor
ship service will start at 6:30. The
forum, led by Fogdall, will start
at 7 p.m. All students are invited
to attend.
extends a cordial
9:45 C.O.S Class
—' Ronald Lundy, Teacher
1 la.m. “The Church and Its Followers"
Broadcast over KASH f
7:30 Sacred Concert by Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Calkin
Sermon — “Christ, The Deliverer"
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