Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 07, 1947, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon Emerald
BOB CHAPMAN, Business wanaBci
Managing Editor
Co-News Editors
walt McKinney, jeanne simmonds, maryann thielln
Associates to traitor
Sports Editor _
Assistant Managing Editors
Advertising Manager
■... .Marilyn Turner
National Advertising Manager. Rini jcan Riethmiller
Circulation Manager . ...—
Editorial Board: Harry Glickman,'Johnny Kahananui, Bert Moore, Ted Coodw.n, B.ll
Stratton, Jack Billings.
It's The System
Lieutenant General John C. H. Lee is in the United States
awaiting retirement. It is mere coincidence that he is here jus
after a big investigation into his command of the Mediterra
nean theater.
General Lee, known affectionately as “Jesus H. Lee, has
been cleared of a lot of vile charges trumped up by a mere
scribbler named Robert C. Ruark, who peddles his stuff through
an organization known as Scripps-Howard.
A lot of ex-G.I.s read Ruark’s stuff with more than casual
interest last month. They were the guys who wore helmet
liners around Paris, and who avoided the Champs for reasons o
excessive military courtesy. General Lee, incidently, was boss
of the old Comm Zee there.
Ruark charged that Lee had been acting like a stinker down
in Italy. He interviewed some M.P.s and some enlisted men in
other arms of the service. He also got some interesting stories
out of the company grade officers. General Lee, these people
agreed, was being tyrannical in his empire building.
After Ruark started flinging these charges, the army sent
the inspector general, a heck of a fine combat officei named
Major General Ira T. Wynche, down to Italy to learn the diit.
Of course everybody knows what a fine bunch of fellas the
LG. boys are. We remember a lot of Pfcs who just adored
going up to a major general to beef about the chow. The pro
motion system being what it is, is also quite conducive to lieu
tenants and captains (who are career men) telling tales out of
school to a major general. Well, naturally the I.G. learned all
the facts.
But, no sir. Nobody told him aii these nasty things about
life in the MTO. Everything was just fine. Obviously Ruark
was just being sensational.
When the I.G.’s report got back to Washington the big brass
•couldn’t find anything serious. Of course there were a few
minor points like the mistreatment of enlisted men, but nothing
serious you understand. Lee was cleared of any “wrong intent.”
It just goes to show what happens when the defendant, the
D.A. and the jury are all fraternity brothers.
It's Your Franchise
Comes a time for special elections, when an issue comes
before the people of a state for their approbation or rejection.
And come that time, all the voters should express themselves
through the medium of the ballot, registering their pros and
Today's election is not on an issue which will by-pass the
citizenry; it is vital and will affect each voter. It is the privi
lege of each enlightened Oregon resident to judge the facts and
act accordingly. But it is more than the privilege of each
voting University student—it is his duty. Because the means
of self-expression in a democracy is the vote, it becomes im
perative that each voter be well-informed and. more than
that, articulate on controversial subjects. He should be im
pelled, bv his conscience, to vote.
To each voting student, registered in Lane county, and
living on campus, the Emerald directs its exhortion to exercise
the franchise—to go to University high school sometime today
between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. and vote.
More On Size
This page has already taken note of the LTiiversitv of Cali
fornia, the colussus of the South. In the September 20th issue
of the Emerald the neighboring University was examined as
the prize example of “How Big We Can Get."
The current issue of Time magazine' looks at it, too. with
emphasis on its president, Robert Gordon Sproul. Time's pic
ture is that of a huge campus, an excellent faculty, 10.000
students too many, and a master executive (Dr. Sproul) riding
Persons interested in the relationship of size to education,
should not miss Time’s article.
After A Fashion
By way of introduction, I’d like
you to meet again a column once
written when skirts left off where
the knee began. Since this last ap
peared in print, a new fashion vo
cabulary has been put into the pub
lic's conversion and along with it,
a few more words have been added
to the vocabulary of the man who
pays the bills.
Right here I'd like to try to cheer
up the objecting male. Believe it
or not, there are some advantages
to the new, longer length.
1. Many femalia undomesticia
have learned how to do a good turn
. . . lengthen the hems in skirts,
that is . . . and that’s no “let down”
for the man who wants a good wife.
2. Just think, fellows, you won’t
see any more knobby or knocked
knees for a while.
3. It must be a relief for the man
who is going steady to see his little
gem in a new setting now and then
... at least it’s something for her
to talk about and him to agree
4. Besides, you wouldn’t want the
Oregon co-eds to be out of date
. . . left standing in a pile of dust
while the broom of fashion swept
around her feet. And, no I'm not in
the pay of one of those scheming
By this time, I don’t suppose I’ve
soothed anyone’s feelings about the
new styles so I’d better get on with
pointing out a few smart looking
combinations seen at Saturday’s
Girls Wear Cords
Sue Schoenfeldt followed the new
trend toward corduroy with a
bright green tailored jacket and a
straight gray skirt. Serving double
duty was the print silk scarf she
used as a sash until it Started
raining, when it turned into a ban
dana. Also in corduroy was Audrie
Roselund, who reversed Sue’s com
bination with a boxy gray jacket,
a green scarf, and a green wool
skirt. Her jacket was accented with
bands of corduroy outlining it and
connecting the four large pockets.
Betty Ann Stevens wore a good
*• - -—--■-....
looking full-backed coat of bright
green and with it, a green print
scarf tied under the broad collar.
Another smart coat had Laura Ol
son in it . . . "twas a brown and
yellow check of heavy wool. Red
headed Barbara Nesa looked nice
in her short coat with fine choco
late brown lines crossing a white
background, worn over a brown
My compliments to the girls on
the rally squad, they represent
Oregon very well in their new di
vided skirts of white wool. They
also deserve credit for not letting
the rain dampen their spirits even
though it gets them plenty wet.
Checks Pass
Well suited to the occasion was j
Jean Swift in a boxy jacket and
straight skirt of large black and
white checks. Pat Lakin also
caught my eye as she passed in a
suit with a bright blue skirt and a
jacket of bold blue and white
Ann Harbeson wore an unusual
skirt of gray flannel with a four
inch cuff at the hem that sported
gray buttons. Topping the skirit
was a swinging pink corduroy jack
This year’s Pendleton Round-Up
queen, Patti Folsom, deserves men
tion for her sportish light brown
wool dress, as does Gloria Grenfell
and her mannish rust corduroy
Night Staff:
Dean Blankenburg, night editor
Virginia Lee Fletcher
Evelyn Nill
Anita Holmes
Martha Bramlett
Eugenia Billeter
Carol Rohlffs
Don A. Smith
Glenn Dudley
Barbara Fagg
Nan Gaveney
Anne Goodman
Roger Moore
Roberta Smallen
Dick Yates
NOW OPEN „lh.ooP
Your Student Mailing Service
Mon. - Fri. 12:40-1:10
3:00-5 :00
Saturday 11 :00-Noon
Small Service Fees
Let us carry your
packages to the post
office for you.
*-■ ' r ■ -y„i = t-i ■
j food from
j 790 E. 11th
Phone 1597
Tests Due Wednesday
Deadline for graduate record ex
aminations has been set for Octo
ber 9, J. Spencer Carson of the Uni- ,
versity testing bureau, announced
All graduate students who have
been notified of the examinations
and all those studying in depart
ments whcih require the tests, must
meet this deadline, Carson said.
Side Patter
To plunge ourselves into a bit
of remorseful philosophy for a
moment, absorb the words of Wen
dell Phillips who said: “What is
defeat? Nothing but education,
nothing but the first step to some
thing better.’’ And he was so right.
The something better in this casJI
will be the game with UCLA thiw
coming weekend.
Despite the fact that the foot
ball men are forcfcd into retire
ment at an early hour, Pi Phis
Ginny Walker, dating Nu Darrell
Robinson, and Jane Daggett with
Bob Sanders of the Sigma Chi clan,
have been seen enjoying their few
hours of leisure. And Kappa Mary
Ellen Struve also spent a quiet Sat
urday evening with Wayne Bar
tholomey whose ribs came in con
tact with several Nevada feet.
The Taus were out in full force
Saturday, possibly celebrating the
pinning of Gordon Janney to Al
pha Chi Mary Lou Diamond. Also
in the group were Sue Schoenfeldt
with smiling W’ilbur Craig, and
Don Smith squiring Kappa Leslie
Congratulations to AOPi Hazel
Trolinger and Darrell Lindsey of
Brigham Young college in Utah
who are now engaged, and also to
Chi O Adelle Carringan who is
pinned to DU Bob Grey.
Kappa Betty Greene was up for
the weekend for a visit, and SAE
Bob Ballard came down from Port
land to be with her so maybe that
old romance is still on. At the Chi
Psi lodge there was a gay party
this weekend and besides the usual
couples such aS- Bobbie Fulmer of
the AOPis and Jim Kroder, Theta
Donna Poundstone and Sigma Chi
Duke Elder were there looking
very happy.
Kappa Sig Reed Grasle seemed
to be most pleasantly occupied on
the dance floor with a blonde arm
ful, and a new combo or two
seemed to be present too. Chi O
June Bosworth with Sigma Nu
basketball star, Jim Bartelt, and
Kappa Cynthia Griffin with hand
some Don Crouch of the Phi Delt
Members of the law school such
as Roger Dick and Fiji Bob Hoen
come out of hibernation just long
enough between classes to watch
the pretty girls go by. Incidental
ly three fern fatales got a rough
deal with the Nevada foottilft'
team. It seems the fellows thought
they won the game single handed
and became so overt in their lan
guage and gyrations in general
that the gals got up and left.
That's the way it goes some
times, but the Side offers the best
cure-all for the morning blues, a
shot of coffee and a donut. It’s
quittin’ time.
(Pd. Adv.r