Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 04, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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By United Press
JERUSALEM, Palestine, Oct. 3!
(UP)—The Arab general strike in'
Palestine, called to protest United 1
Nations recomrrflsndations for par
tion of Palestine, passed quietly to
day with Arab leaders urging their
followers to remain calm “until
the word comes.”
(UP) — The navy reported to
day a Japanese soldier surren
dered on Guam Wednesday
(Guam time), without knowing
the war had ended, after living
like an animal in the jungle for
more than three years.
COPENHAGEN, Denmark, Sat
urday, Oct. 4 — (UP) — The Lib
eral cabinet of Premier Knud
Kristensen was overthrown today
by a 80-to-66 vote in parliament.
DETROIT, Oct. 3 — (UP) —
Temperamental disc jockeys at
a Detroit radio station told the
management they didn’t want to
be called a disk jockey.
SO the station conducted a
contest to find a new' name and
today reported such replies as
“needle nudgers,” “Saucer tos
sers,” “tallow turners,” “wax
waifs,” and “groove gauchos.”
BERLIN, Oct. 3—(UP)—Rep.
John Taber, (R., N.Y.), chairman
of the houfee appropriation com
mittee, said today that he had not
seen any uhderfed people during
his brief tour of Europe and Tur
key and that he did not favor a
special congressional session to im
plement the Marshall plan.
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 3 (UP)
—Another two to three cent de-..
..cline on wholesale butter prices
tomorrow is anticipated by mar
ket observers here because of the
sharp decline on eastern mar
Washington, Oct. 3.—(UP) —
Secretary of Agriculture Clinton
P. Anderson said tonight that, if
the government’s voluntary food
conservation program fails, there
would be “little use” in trying to
compel the nation to save scarce
grain for needy European coun
LONDON, Oct. 3—(UP)—The
Duchess of Windsor is creating
consternation among Paris fash
ion -leaders by supporting British
women in their campaign against
the long skirt, London newspaper
columnists reported today.
3—(UP)—Mrs. Eleanor Roose
velt, widow of the late president,
delivered to United Nations del
egates today a singing indict
ment of the press in Russia.
Costello Heads
Cadet NCO List
Regimental Sergeant Major John
T. Costello leads the list of fall
term cadet non-commissioned offi
cer appointments in the Reserve
Officers Training corps at the
University, announced Colonel
Frank R. Maerdian, head of the
military department.
Other appointments included:
first sergeants, Robert Roberts,
George Melvin, Wesley, Wesley
Miller, David Kempston, Wyman
Hammer, and Robert Quick. Philip
Elbon and Donald Clark were ap
pointed master sergeants.
Kamin, Paul Klug, Harry Edwards,
Technical sergeants were Henry
Dean Sheldon, Theodore Callagan,
Dale Thiessen, Clifford Van Proo
yen, Charles Rufner, Robert Mac
Kenzie, Carl Miller, Lowell Chase,
Charles Hallin, Carl Smith, Donald
Wadsworth, Jack Odell, Fred Mat
thias, Morven Thomas, Lynn Buck
lin, and Eldon Foster.
Chosen for staff sergeants were
Gordon Allbright, James Bocchi,
James Snyder, Dewey Rand, Paul
McCracken, Richard Smith, Selwin
Wisdom, David Cromwell, Thomas
Sandmeyer, Willias McCullough,
Donald Schmieding, John Donald,
Robert Dunn, Kenneth Ouncan,
Ralph Bright, Harold Beyers, Wil
liam Walker, Robin Arkley, Walter
for rent
796 11th St. Ray Steelman
October 4th is last day to return such
books for full refund if returned as
The 6CO=OP9
Cokes Provide Award
W. F. G. Thacher, retired University professor of English and
advertising in whose name a $150 scholarship will be awarded next
spring term to the most outstanding junior in advertising. The funds
for this scholarship will be provided from the proceeds of a Coca
Cola machine recently installed in the Emerald business offices,
under the auspices of Alpha Delta Sigma, men’s national profes
sional advertising fraternity. Thacher is a past president of the
national fraternity. The spring term award will mark the first
annual presentation of this scholarship.
Miller, Rex Gunn, Roger Wahlgren.
William Privett, Henry Haight,
Walter McFarland, Cyrus Garnett,
Paul Smith, Robert Phillips, Dallas
Knight, James George, Steve Gann,
and Robert Davis.
Costume Girls Begin
Preparation for Plays
Startled spiders, daddy long legs,
and stray mice have suddenly
found themselves on the hostile end
of a determinedly-wielded broom
as they were swept from one of
their favorite haunts—the costume
department in the basement of
Friendly hall.
The broom belongs to Pat Lane,
now head of the costume depart
ment for the University theater,
who has some definite ideas about
how a costume department should
be run.
“Although one feels like a mole
after being down there for an
new head of the costume depart
hour, I hope that we will be able
to get the costumes cleaned, mend
ed, and catalogued before the end
of the year,” Miss Lane declared.
Considering that there are 200
costumes, 50 hats in various states
Miss Lane and the 14 girls helping
her have chosen a man-sized task.
But to this job are added the sea
sonal difficulties.
In the fall one must wade
through the mountain of leaves
that pile up on the steps leading
down to the basement. These same
leaves clog up the sewage system
so that the drainage seeks a new
outlet onto the basement floor.
I .
“This is really a small trifle com
pared to the results of the spring
floods,” said Miss Lane as she an
ticipated the half a foot of water
that covers the basement floor dur
ing the spring rains.
The costumes hang from racks
and therefore aren’t damaged by
the submerged floor. Dust and dirt
perform the real damage to the cos
tumes which range from medieval
period to 1930.
The collection is made up most
ly from donations, although some
have been made by the department
and others purchased. The most
prized possessions of the depart
ment are the authentic1 19th cen
tury gowns and suits which have
been used in many period plays
produced by the University thea
ter. Occasionally, the theater must
rent costumes for a production
causing a noticeable effect on the
cast “who love to wear rented cos
tumes and always work with in
creased enthusiasm,” Miss Lane
The first project on her program
will be to get dust covers for the
racks of costumes. Marilyn Vogt,.
Hazel Jennaway, Barbara Kirsch,
Nancy Humble, and Anita Hager
are busy cleaning those costumes
that can be washed, while the sew
ing and mending will be done by
Shirley Peters, Marilyn McLough
lin, Joyce Nixon, Leona Anderson,
and Nancy Humble. After the
cleaning, Nancy Applegate, Donna
Wells, Marian Roberts, and Myr
< lene Larson will catalog them.
“It’s really like playing in the
attic with our mothers’ long dress
es," Miss Lane confided, which in
dicates that in spite of the spiders
and mice, the girls really have a
good time.
Emerald Classified
All classified is payable in advance at tha
rate of four cents a word the first insertion,
two cents a word thereafter at the Emerald
Business Office.
WANTED: Tenor, bass, piano,
• drummer combo work. Phonte
“Curt” at 700. (14, 15)
LOST: Silk scarf: brown and yel
low Paisley. Mrs Archibald.
Phone B.A. school. (14, 15)
$25 REWARD for information
leading to recovery of King
trumpet missing from Straub
hall lobby. Call Duff Young, 703.
Let us guard your cash
A Checking or Savings Account
with the
Eugene Branch
of Portland, Oregon
Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation