Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 04, 1947, Image 1

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The Weather __ Sales Tax
Partly cloudy with scattered light I I | | | 111111 T Watch for the pro and con of the
showers. Slightly cooler. Fair Sun-H I 14 B" ■ B B sales tax question in Tuesday’s
UlluftlUJ.il Em“ra,d
Ducks Battle Wolf pack Today
Tag Sale
Hello Day
WAA Open House
Draws Spotlight
Monday Evening
AWS-sponsored University Wo
men's Week will commence Mon
day morning as co-eds will tie on
their “Hello Day” tags.
The ten-cent tags with a blank
line for the wearer's name will be
a “must” for all women students.
They are now being sold in all wo
men's living organizations. There
will be a booth in the Co-op on
The yellow tags will serve as
an admittance ticket to the AWS
assembly Thursday night at Mc
Arthur court. Chairmen of the tag
sale are Helen Sherman, Marguer
ite Johns, Mary Stadelman, and
Jean Swift.
WAA will hold the spotlight
Monday evening when they hold
open house from 7 to 9 p.m. After
the club presidents are introduced,
Barbara Borrevik, WAA president,
will explain the activities of the or
Beverly Bennett will lead folk
dances and all in attendance will
be invited to join the activity. Miss
Rosamond Wentworth, assistant
professor of physical education,
will call the square dances.
Following this program in the
main gymnasium, there will be a
swimming demonstration by the
Amphibians and a free swimming
period. Patricia Mounts will be in
charge of the pool. She emphasized
that everyone should bring her own
bathing cap.
Coralie Thompson is planning re
freshments to be served at the open
house.. . .
V - . •
Cookie Lavagetto Breaks Up
Fourth Game in World Series
NEW YQftK, Oct. 3. (UP)—Cookie Lavagetto, an old man with
one leg in retirement, broke up a no-hit ball game today when two
were out in the ninth inning and gave the battling Brooklyn Dodgers
a 3 to 2 victory over the New York Yankees
that squared the World Series at two games
Big Floyd Bevens. a. lad from Salem Oregon,
who came within one hit of becoming the first
pitcher ever to hurl a series no-hit game, had
two men, on bas who had walked, when he served
a fat one to Lavagetto.
The stocky little utility infielder promptly rapped
it high against the right field wall to score two
pinch runners and turn what appeared sure defeat
into victory.
liatnea uoagers
Bevens through eight and two-thirds tense innings baffled the
Dodgers—a team which kenotes youth and speed. The big fellow from
Salem, a “tough luck” guy who seems fated to lose one-run games,
had everything but control.
His stuff was working, even though he was the wildest pitcher in
series history. He walked 10 men, breaking the mark set by Jack
Coombs of the Athletics in 1910.
Independent Party
Outlines New Year
Initial meeting of the ISA was
held Thursday evening in 105 Chap
man, Don McNeil presiding. Dick
Williams, educational activities
manager, explained the proposed
$5 increase tuition.
McNeil outlined the plans for the
coming year and welcomed the new
senators as well as members of the
ISA cabinet who had been serving
the group previously. McNeil said
that he would like to see the ISA
as a functioning organization for
the off campus non-affiliated stu
dents as well as for the non-affili
ated students living on the campus.
Orides Plan Pledging
Orides, organization for Univer
sity women living off campus, will
have their formal pledging cere
mony at 7 p.m. Monday night in
alumni hall. *
Cornell Answers Nevada Edits
Concerning UO Ticket Policies
Two indignant editorials de
nouncing policies of the Oregon
athletic department appeared in
Friday’s “Sagebrush,” student
newspaper of the University of Ne
According to information of
fered by the University athletic
manager, Anse B. Cornell, the
grievance arose from a misunder
standing on the part of the Uni
versity of Nevada Sagebrush edi
torial staff in one case, and an
error, since rectified, on the pare
of the Oregon athletic department.
Voices Complaint
One “Sagebrush” editorial de
cried an Oregon ruling refusing
free admittance of Nevada stu
dents to Saturday’s football game
at Hayward field upon presentation
of their student body cards. Visit
ing Nevada fans will be required
to pay regular admission charges.
“We are wondering,” the edito
rial read, “why an institution the
size, and with the background of
the Pacific Coast conference
school, has gone on record to fail
to honor the student cards of a
friendly rival . . . now, with Ore
gon playing cheapskate, we think
the number making the jaunt (to
today’s game) will be smaller.”
No Favorite
Cornell explained Friday that
Oregon is not discriminating
against the Nevada school, but is
following a policy generally accept
ed in the Pacific Coast conference.
The athletic manager pointed out
that Idaho university, U.S.F.,
Washington, Washington State,
and Oregon State are among other
Pacific coast schools whose stu
dents pay thehir own way to out
of-town games.
An exception to this rule appears
in the football contract between
UCLA and Oregon specifying that
I student body cards of both schools
j will be honored when they meet in
! coast conference contests.
Cornell explained that the clause
was made possible because the dis
tance between the two universities
(Please turn to page eight)
New Physicists
Serve Science
The physics department boasts
two new associate professors, Dr.
Eugene P. Cooper, and Dr. Fred
erick W. Paul. A new instructor,
Philip A. Goldberg, and graduaate
assistants complete the staff, an
nounced Dr. A. E. Caswell, head of
the department of physics.
Dr. Paul, a spectroscopist, will
continue his research on metals,
which he began aWthe University
of Rochester, where he recently
studied. Dr. Cooper has been trans
ferred from the naval ordnance
testing station at Inyokern, Calif.
In addition to the above-men
tioned research, Dr. E. G. Ebbig
hausen, associate professor of
physics, will undertake a research,
assisted by the University, on beta
ray spectrum of artificial-produc
ing radioactive substances.
Fourth in the line of research
projects, in the physics department,
is a contract with AAF to under
take a two-year research on physi
cal properties of the upper atmos
phere to 100 miles or more. Fi
nanced by the army, the research,
under the direction of Dr. Caswell,
will be conducted by the staff of
the physics department: Dr. Coo
per, Dr. Ebbighausen, Mr. Lyman
A. Webb, Ronald S. Paul, and Mr.
Yell King Requests
White Blouses, Lids
Johnny Backlund, yell king, re
quested yesterday that rooters at
today’s game wear white blouses
or shirts. He also suggested that
men, no matter what their year,
wear rooter's caps.
Pom poms, which have been sold
in the living organizations by mem
bers of Kwama, should also be on
hand, he said. Members of Kwama
and Phi Theta Upsilon will sell
po mpoms at the game.
! City Manager Deane Seeger
| will speak to journalism students
1 Wednesday.
Oregon Team Favored
To Annex Second Win
In Non-conference Play
Oregon’s fighting football team clashes with the Nevada
Wolfpack today on Hayward field, in the third non-confer
ence tilt of the season for the Ducks. Kick-off time is 2 p.nt.
An estimated 10,000 fans will witness tlve fray. The weather
man has again changed his mind, and predicts shirt-sleeve '
warmth for the third consecutive week.
Both squads go into the game with records of one win and
Changes in UO
Ticket Policy
Draw Criticism
Complaints were received by the
Emerald Friday regarding a new
ruling of the University ticket of
fice which discontinues the early
sale of general admission football
tickets to wives of University stu
Formerly, married students were
able to purchase the tickets at Mc
Arthur court prior to the time they
were put on sale at Hayward field
According to Mrs. R. J. Wren,
ticket manager, early ticket sales
were discontinued due to a- deluge
of demands on the part of students
and their wives who found they
were not going to be able to attend
games for which they bought tick
ets, and wished to be refunded the
purchase price in return for the
Not Redeemable
Mrs. Wren explained that it is
a policy of the ticket office that
tickets sold are not redeemable.
To avoid lenthy explanations
and confusion in the ticket office,
the practice of selling general ad
mission tickets before they go on
sale at the game will be discontin
ued," the ticket manager said.
Similarly no advanced sale will
be made on general admission tick
ets to the Washington-Oregon
game October 18. The reason be
hind this ruling, Mrs.' Wren re
vealed, was a flood of letters re
ceived by James Richardson, man
ager of the Multnomah Athletic
club, from irate Portlanders pro
testing the early admission of Ore
gon students’ wives to the Texas
! game at Multnomah stadium last
i Saturday.
Tickets Sold Early
A total of 224 tickets had been
sold to University students prior to
the time they went on sale at the
stadium. However, only a part of
I the holders of these tickets found
; their way into the bleachers be
fore Richardson ordered that no
more persons would be admitted
to the stadium on general admis
sion tickets until the ducats went
on sale at the regular ticket booths.
Arrangements have been made
for a general admission booth to
j be located At gate 17 on the east
side of Hayward field today so that
students’ wives may more conven
iently buy their tickets and enter
the gates with their husbands.
Non-student wives will be ad
mitted to the student section of the
bleachers only if they are in the
company of their husbands.
one loss. Both scored their
winners in their opening tilts. Ore
gon outran Montana State college,
27-34, while Nevada trounced Flag
staff (Arizona) State 50-0. The
Ducks were hit 38-13 last weekend,
and the Wolfpack dropped to the
classy San Francisco Dons, 37-13.
Webfoots Picked to W'in
Oregon was rated seventy-second
nationally and Nevada ninety
fourth late in the week and the
Webfoots are picked to beat Joe
Sheeketski’s Wolfpack.
Oregon will probably be without
the use of defense Bill Abbey, one
of the hardest-tackling men on the
squad. Abbey suffered a leg injury
in the Texas fray, and was in uni
J form for practice only one day dur
! ing the week. Otherwise the squad
! is in nearly top physical condition.
Backfield Hindered
Nevada’s backfield performance
may be hindered by the loss
through injury of their top running
star Halfback Tommy Kalmanir.
Kalmanir broke his hand in the
San Francisco game.
This will be the first meeting be
I tween the Webfoots and the Reno
squad, but not the first between
Oregon Coach Jim Aiken and the
Wolfpack. Aiken was head mentor
at the Nevada for eight years and
his old pupils will be out to show
the coach they learned their les
sons well.
I :
Dr. Dean to Speak
On Big Molecules
With emphasis on big molecules,
the type found in wood, cotton, ny
lons, silks, and rubbers, Dr. Rob
ert Dean, assistant professor of
chemistry, will deliver a lecture at
8:00 Monday evening in 103 Deady
The one-hour public lecture is
sponsored by Sigma Xi, men’s sci
ence honorary. Preceding the lec
ture, at 7:30 p.m. in 105 Deady
hall, will be a business meeting
of the University chapter of Sigma
Xi. Immediately following his lec
ture, Dr. Doan will open the as
sembly to a general discussion
period from the floor.
Students Eat in Dark
When Power Fails
i Students at the vets’ dorms
and sorority row attempted to
eat dinner and study in the dark
between 6 and 7 p.m.. Thursday
evening due to a power shut-off
at the Seventeenth and Pearl
street sub-station.
An emergency crew from the
power and light board reported
that the power was turned off by
automatic safety devices when
power overload developed.