Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 03, 1947, Page 4, Image 4

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    Webfoots Ready for Nevada
Aiken Sends Team
Through Light Drill
Coach Jim Aiken sent his grid
charges through their last lengthy
workout yesterday before Satur
day’s tilt with the Nevada Wolf
pack, but said afterward he was
not completely satisfied with the
Duck performance.
The head coach fears the Web
foot gridders are not taking the
weekend contest seriously enough,
but regard it more as a breather.
.Aiken warned them the Nevada
.school wants to win at any cost,
and has the manpower to do the
job. The Wolfpack line is as bulky
as Oregon’s and their backfield is
composed of some outstanding
Most of the casualties who
were out of uniform Wednes
day turned out for practice last
night. Bill Abbey, hard-tackiing
quarterback who has performed
so well on defense, was suited
up for the first time this week.
His leg is still giving him
trouble, however, and he may
not see action.
Bob Roberts, burly reserve
tackle was also back in the line
for practice yesterday. Still out
with a cold, however, was Art
Milne, tricky end who scored
against Texas.
Today’s practice will be mainly
a. warm-up drill for the Oregon
crew. Nevada is due to arrive by
plane from Reno at 1 p.m. and
will probably loosen up on Hay
ward field during the afternoon.
Oregon's aerial attack was
smoothed up in Thursday’s session.
Norm Van Brocklin, standing
second in the Pacific Coast con
ference in yardage gained by pass
ing, tossed the pigskin to a variety
of receivers. Ends Dan Garza and
Lou Robinson came in for their
.share of the catches. Van Brocklin
also threw to the wing-heeled
•Take Leicht, who demonstrated the
speed that earned him a spot on
two 1945 All-American teams.
Wet weather for the Saturday
tilt is almost inevitable, and the
gridiron is likely to be soggy.
Whether slippery going will affect
the Webfoot passing attack is a
question that" will have to wait
until actual performance gives its
own answer. Van Brocklin has had
little game experience with a wet
The first string line is in good
.shape for the game. Ends Robin
son and Garza have both come
through the first two battles un
scathed. Tackles Steve Dotur and
Don Stanton, both 50 minute men,
have also fared well. Stocky Ed
Chrobat at guard has performed
well in both games and avoided in
jury. The other guard, Ted Meland.
lias suffered some bad bruises, but
is set for the Saturday contest.
Center Brad Ecklund, a stand
out on defense in both games, will
again boar the load in the pivot
.slot. The husky center has been
proclaimed the outstanding defen
sive player for Oregon by rival
coaches of the first two games.
Jim Newqulst, the other half of
the speed duet with Leicht, is ex
pected to do a big share of the
ball-carrying against Nevada.New
quist is the leading Duck ground
gainer, with an average carry of
seven yards per try.
In the fullback spot, bearing
the main load of the plunging
duties, will be Bob Koch. Koch
will be backed up by sophomore
Bob Sanders. With those two big
boys alternating on the offense.
Casey Wins
For Dodgers
The Brooklyn Dodgers finally
managed to salvage one game of
the World Series as they outlasted
the slower-starting New York
Yankees, 9-8, in the third contest
of the series. ,
Hugh Casey, veteran relief
pitcher, had to be called into the
game to stop the gathering attack
of the slugging Yankees in the
late stages of the contest, as the
Broncs were fast catching up with
the faltering Dodgers.
With only one away in the
seventh inning the Yankees’
chunky catcher Larry Berra, in
the game as a pinch hitter, teed
off on the first offering of Ralph
Branca for a home run.The homer,
first pinch-hit roundhouse in
series history, put the Yanks only
one run behind.
Casey Comes Through
But Casey put out the fire and
saved the day. Pitcher Joe Page
and Snuffy Stirnweiss both bowed
to his slants and the tough inning
was over.
Casey got into hot water briefly
in tire eighth when he walked
Tommy Henrich. Johnny Lindell
smacked a single, but the crafty
pitcher got Joe Dimaggio out on
a double play, and grounded out
George McQuinn. In the ninth he
put the Bombers down in order, to
become the hero of Flatbush.
Homers, by Dimaggio and Ber
ra, weren't enough to stop the
Brooks. Loosing pitcher was Bobo
Newsom, who allowed five hits
and runs.
Princeton differs from Harvard
and Yale because it is so much
smaller and because it is rural, not
Twenty-five of the 48 American
governors serve four-year terms,
22 serve two-year terms, and the
term of New Jersey is three years.
If little Byron Gillory rambfes the way he did against Oregon last
week the Texas Longhorns will be set to trip the highly touted North
Carolina Tarheels. Gillory, Layne and crew will face All-American
Charlie “Choo Choo” Justice and his mates Saturday in one of the
top intersectional games of the season.
Heldt NamesTeam
For Beaver Battle
A padless practice for the mem
bers of the Frosh traveling squad is
slated for this afternoon during the
final workout in preparation for
the opener against OSC Saturday
at 2 p.m.
At conclusion of last night’s ses
sion , Coach Carl Heldt named 33
players who will hit the Corvallis
trail Saturday morning. Only the
travelers are to don uniforms for
today’s tapering off drill which will
consist mainly of light offensive
maneuvers and kick-off formations.
Scarcity of time in which to pre
pare for the inaugural game on the
Frosh schedule has made it im
possible to rehearse offensive or
defensive kick-offs, and this phase
of the Duckling maneuvers will be
in tomorrow's game
Eugene, Oregon
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given special attention today.
Heldt and his staff ran the en
tire squad through a full-length
session yesterday in which block
ing and tackling were emphasized.
The brief scrimmage which fol
lowed was devoted entirely to de
defensive work against a stimulat
ed single wing offense so that the
Frosh will be prepared for either a
“T” or single wing attack.
Aside from a few minor bruises
and sore muscles, every gridder on
(Please turn to page five)
Wolf Pack
Due Today
The University of Nevada foot
ball squad, 40 men strong, is sched
uled to arrive at 1 p.m. in Eugene
today. They are traveling via air
lanes, which is exactly what they
are expected to do in tomorrow’s
struggle with the Oregon Web
N iv ;da Coach Joe Sheeketski
will send his team through a light
signal drill this afternoon on Hay
ward field. This will mark the first
time a Wolfpack team has journal
to the Oregon campus.
Kalmanir Out
Nevada’s only major manpower
loss was Tommy Kalmanir, pass
catcher de luxe, and a vital cog in
the Wolfpack T formation. The
elusive halfback suffered a frac
tured hand in the San Francisco
game last week which will sideline
him for the Oregon clash.
Nevada fields a hefty line of 215
pounds per man which can open
holes for any one of a host of
speedy backs. If their ground of
fense bogs down, the Wolves can
switch to a formidable aerial at
tack which garnered them first
place in the nation last year.
Team Eyes Revenge
Oregon’s coach, Jim Aiken, held
the head mentor job at Nevada last
year and guided 'the gridders
through to a seasonal record of
seven wins and two losses. The Ne
vada game looms as a tough hur
dle for the Ducks, as the Wolfpack
will be gunning for this chance to
defeat their former coach.
Sports Staff:
Fred Taylor
Elwin Paxson
Bob Reinhard
Jo Rawlins - ~l '!
Don Fair , n ' j
Dick Mace ’ n 1 j
Wally Adams
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