New Russian Professor Due Alexander Koiransky, new as sistant professor of Russian, will arrive on the campus this evening. His classes will begin Tueday, September 30, in the rooms indi cated with the exception of the first year Russian class which will be held in 114 P. E. A native of Russia, Koiransky' left that country during the first revolution. During the war he taught Rus sian as part of the navy language program at Stanford unviersity. More recently he taught at Baylor! university in Texas. Koiransky will teach Russian, Russian literature in English, and French. Y/a$h flieift, < any way vfiUj like ye guarantee Hie Size OR YOUR MONEY BACK | TUB and RUB and SCRUB them Guaranteed to Fit for the Life of the Sock Young people who study scientific facts should be interested in Adler SC socks. Facts are that we guaran tee perfect fit for the life of these 100% virgin wool socks! Or your money back, cheerfully! Super swell for campus wear—for guys—for gals. No more cramped toes—less mending. And 33% longer life because Adler SC’s have Nylon reinforced hed and toe. Creamy white—full sizes 9 thru 13. At all better stores. By the makers of Adler SC Chic Rib nylon-wool slak soks. THE ADLER COMPANY Cincinnati 14 • Ohio 108 W. 6th St., Los Angeles 14, Calif. U O Alumni Invited To Terrace Rally Prior to the Ocegon-UCLA game in Los Angeles next month, Ore gon alumni are invited to a party and Rally Friday October 10 in the new Terrace Room and Garden at the Town House, 2961 Wilshire Elvd. University representatives! attending will include Leo Harris, athletic director, and Jim Aiken, head football coach. Over 300 people attended the party in Los Angeles last year and all wives, husbands, relatives, and friends of Oregon alumni are wel come to atend this year’s party. Moore Son Bom Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Moore are the parents of a seven and one-half pound son, who was born at the Sacred Heart hospital Monday. DANCE BANDS for any occasion contact JIM ..SHAW University Ext 325 The child has been named Allen Kirby. The father is an assistant professor in the English depart ment. Fifteen In Hospital During First Week Fifteen students have given in to Strain of registrating and begin ning classes since September 15. Those still hospitalized in the in firmary are Charles Strater, Rich ard Tone, Robert Sanders, Ardetta Daniels, Mana Amburn, Audrey Braden, Charles McMillan and Ed ward Keiser. The six other patients were re leased on September 20 or later. They are Barbara Meyer, Larry *"" ' i asa Thompson, Allen Sterton, Abraham j Perlstein, Margaret Adkins, and William McGregory. Chairman to Meet A social chairman meeting will be held today at 4 p.m. in the alum ni hall of Gerlinger. Social chair men from all living organizations should attend since it will be an important meeting. --- September is one month when a lot of pins are planted . . . others are October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, and August. 1 pair registered Somoyede dogs 8 months old $65.00 each $120.00 for both very gentle - ideal for children Oregon Trail Pet Corral 35 vc. 11th Phone 3284 SUITS and Football games The Perfect Team Hailes i APPAREL—1044 W«l t i i ! j PHILIP MORRIS is so much t better to smoke! PHILIP MORRIS offers the smoker an extra benefit found in no other cigarette. For Philip Morris is the ONE, the ONLY cigarette recog nized by leading nose and throat specialists as definitely less irritating. Remember: Less irritation means more smoking enjoyment for you. Yes! If every smoker knew what Philip Morris smokers know, they’d all change to PHILIP MORRIS.