Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 24, 1947, Image 1

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    The Weather ^ Emerald Aspirants
Eugene and vicinity, clear to part- A complete iist of a„ Emerald
ly cloudy today; little temperature night staff and copy desk workers
change. and reporters will appear on the
_ Emerald bulletin board tomorrow.'
VOLUME XLIX_._Eugene. Oregon — Wednesday. September 24. 1947 * No. 8
Vet Planner
Senator Wayne L. Morse tells the inside story on veteran's iegisla
lation in the 80th congress. The first part of an interview with the
senator by Emerald Editor Bob Frazier appears today on Page 2.
UO Plans 'Beat Texas' Rallies
For Streets of Eugene, Portland
Three “Beat Texas’’ rallies are
planned by the ASUO Texas rally
committe for this weekend. Head
ing the committe is Yell King
John Backlund. Every effort is
being made by the committee to
stimulate spirit for this showdown
battle between the two schools.
The first snowball rally of the
year will start from three differ
ent locations. One snowball group
will leave from Alpha Phi; the
second from Sigma Kappa; and
the third from Tri-Delt.
A complete itinerary for each
group will be published in tomor
row’s Emerald.
Guides Furnished
Members of the rally squad',
Kwama and Skull and Dagger will
head each group and guide them
in their travel through the cam
pus. Each organization has been
requested to prepare as many
signs as possible for the foot pa
rade. No cars will be used in the
A “March through Portland’’ is
planned for Friday night by the
rally workers. Arrangements have
been handled by Bass Dyer in
Portland. Dyer explained his pro
gram to the local rally commute
Saturday morning.
Assemble at 8:15 p.m.
Students will assemble at the
Benson hotel at 8:15 p.m. Friday.
Led by the Oregon band, Webfoots
will march up Broadway en masse.
Fight signs have been asked for.
The yell king requested that all
signs from Thursday’s rally be
kept for this event and the one
slated' for Saturday morning.
Portland has turned over the
(Please turn to page two)
To Orient
Dr. E. Ray Nichols
To Advise Group;
Expansion Planned
The University symposium pro
gram will begin its fourteenth year
cf local and state-wide service ac
tivity next Tuesday evening at a
7 p.m. meeting in room 107 Friend
ly. This first meeting of the year
will be largely devoted to an orien
tation of new members and a pre
liminary discussion of the season’s
topics. Short informal talks will be
given by several veteran “sympo
riumi’ce's” and refreshments will be
consumed by all of those present.
Last year this student speech
program, under the direction of Dr.
R. D. Clark, served almost 50 com
munities with University of Ore
gon speakers addressing over 12,
000 people on topics of both state
and nation-wide interest. This year
the symposium program will be
under the guidance of Dr. E. Ray
Nichols who will be aided by John
Baird, instructor in speech. War
ren Miller, senior in political sci
ence, will assist as student director
of the program.
Frovides Experience
The symposium phase of the
University speech and drama de
partment’s service program each
year provides public speaking ex
perience for 30 or 40 University
students and brings these students
before the public in a three-month
program devoted to open discussion
of current social, economic, or po
litical problems. The program is
designed to give experience in
chairmanship of public discussion,
in radio discussion, and in open
forum questioning as well as in the
analysis, criticism, and persuasion
inherent in the presentation of a
public discussion of current prob
Plans for the year call for an ex
pansion of the program to include
special instruction for inexperi
enced speakers as well as for the
regular symposiumites. This will
serve to initiate potential sympo
sium squad members into the tech
niques of persuasive speaking and
open-forum questioning. Freshmen
are especially encouraged to take
part in this 'program as it is now
established to give them a basic
(Please turn to page three)
Wesley Foundation
To Hear Swomley
John Swomley, director of the
national council against conscrip
! tion, will be a guest at the first
I Wesley Foundation “coffee hour”
' to be held at Wesley house, 1347
Onyx street, from 4 to 5:30 p.m.
today. Swomley will speak and hold
an open forum for all students in
terseted in the question of peace
time conscription.
Wednesday at S p.m. Swomley
organizations at house firesides on
ity center, on the topic “Peacetime
Conscription, the Road to War.”
The public is invited to hear this
Alum Magazine
Will Feature
Class of 1947
The October issue of Old Oregon
will feature the class of '47. There
will be approximateely 100 stories
about members of the last grad
uating class. These short write-ups
will tell briefly of the activities of
’47 alums since last June.
According to Res Anderson, al
umni secretary, Old Oregon has
undergone a complete renovation
in style and content. The lay-out
will talk at the Eugene commun
y ear’s and more white space will
be used for easier reading.
Campus Scenes Featured
All nine issues this year will have
half-tone drawings fqr covers.
These drawings will feature mod
ern and historical campus scenes.
The covers were drawn by Mrs.
Jack Wilkinson, whose husband is
assistant professor of painting and
drawing in the art school.
The Old Oregon staff plans to
include more news of the classes
and hopes for a better distribution
of this class news. More space will
be made available for this news by
cutting down on the amount of ad
More Pictures Planned
The staff also plans to use more
pictures this year and to have more
feature stories.
The first issue will feature arti
cles on the Webfoots now at the
Denver Post, a story by*Professor
Moll about his recent trip to Aus
tralia, a special football feature, a
story on the cover artist, Mrs. Wil
kinson, articles on the expansion
in the art p-nd music schools, and
stories by Preident Newburn and
Ernie Haycox.
Hits Above
5000 Mark
Male Registrants
Outnumber Women
With 2000 Margin
Unofficial registration totals
through Monday noon showed that
5524 students had completed the
entire process. Of this unofficial
number 5455 represented students
whose cards had been run through
the IBM machine for final regis
Registrar Curtis E. Avery stated
that students are still going
through the registration schedule
and should boost the totals by the
end of the week. He also said that
some prospective students were
still being granted admissions.
Of the students’ cards run.
through the IBM recorders 3677
were men and 177S were women.
This maintained the approximate
male-female ratio of two to one
that had prevailed during the first
days of registration.
Of the men students 2798, a lit
tle over 75 per cent, were veter
ans. There were S3 women stu
dents with previous military ser
This term’s enrollment thus far
is still short of the 5696 total of
fall term last year.
Meeting Slated
For Webfooters
Plans for the entire year will be
discussed at the Webfooters’ or
ganizational meeting tonight in
room 105, journalism building. The
time has been changed from 7 p.m.
to 7:45 p.m. so it will not conflict
with exchange desserts, Johnny
Backlund, yell king, said yester
Backlund emphasized that it is
important that each living organ
ization have a representative at the
meeting. The Webfooters, the be
hind-the-scenes rally squad group
organized last year, will teach
songs and yells to members of
their own living organizations, ar
range for card tricks at football
games, aijjl in other ways promote
spirit at athletic events. Back
lund said.
Scribe Traces Student Union Drive from Infancy
When most of us at the Univer
sity were in the pre-romper or
romper stage, and before most of
us thought much of anything a
bout the University of Oregon,
someone dreamed a dream of
Student Union. John McGregor,
president of the Class of '23, ini
tiated the drive that will one day
culminate in aJLTnion for Oregon.
But wars, rising costs, econom
ic turmoil, the death of Dr. Erb,
and trouble unforeseen in McGreg
or's day have clouded the build
ing picture, and now the Univer- j
sity students are faced with an
other financial problem. Shortly
after Harry K. Newburn became
president of the University, he
gave the drive for funds new im
petus and Will V. Norris was ap
pointed to investigate Unions
throughout the country so that
Oregon’s would equal or excel the
best of them.
Campaign Begun
Last spring term a fund rais
ing campaign was instigated, and
the goal of that organization
was set for $600,000. At that
time, it was thought that that
sum, plus other revenue on hand,
would erect a building of 150,000
square feet, but the drive was des
tined to fail short, and it became
evident that even if the money
was raised, it would not build the
150,000-square foot building, due
to the rise of building costs.
But hope still prospered in a
union, and corners were cut to eli
minate some 57,000 square meet,
and the plan was drawn up with a
93,000 square foot union. It was
not easy—but it had to be done.
The building as now blueprinted
won’t have a hotel or a browsing
library, a co-op annex, or a post
office or a bank, or alumni offi
Much Still Left
But the slashed plan still ac
commodated housing for a ball
room, art lounge, student office
space, meeting rooms, banquet
rooms, administrative office, gen
eral lounge, cafeteria, soda bar,
bowling alleys, billiard and pool
tables, music listening rooms, Ore
gana offices, and a barber shop.
Essentially, the size of all these
areas is the same, despite the fact
that the footage of the building
has been cut roughly one-third.
And then came the financing of
this long-awaited building. To
build such a 93,000 square foot
building would cost an estimated
$1,500,000 in today’s market, of
which current estimates indicate
there is a shortage of about $300,
Hence, a new plan has been de
vised to help guarantee a Union
“in our time.” If, for a ten-term
period each University student
were assessed an additional $5
on his tuition and fees costs, we
could realize a completed Union
before this year's freshmen gradu
Such a system would begin win
ter term of this school year, and
at the end of the period, the tui
tion would be lowered by $5. It
is assumed that the University
will continue to register approxi
would the missing and essential
$300,000 be realized.
Must Guarantee
It is of especial importance and
significance that the plans can
not even be commenced until the
cum is guaranteed, but, should the
students stand behind the plan
when the president and chancellor
of the University present it to the
state board of higher education,
plans can be begun immediately,
and the building would stand on the
campus before the termination of
the 10-term plan. _
The time for action is now. Ore
gon’s present high enrollment and
the great number of veterans sub
stantiate that, and its need for a
Union has never been greater.
That’s the State of the Union as
of September, 1947. The students’
favorable opinion is essential, and
time is of the essence.