Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 23, 1947, Page 7, Image 7

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    Research Libe
Offers Booklets
Pamphlets dealing, with statisti
cal comparisons and surveys- on
state and municipal finances and
taxation and other phases of mu
nicipal administration are availa
ble to University students at the
bureau of municipal research li
brary in Johnson hall.
These publications are prepared
by the University bureau of re
search and service and offer much
statistical information to students
interested in public finance, munici
pal administration and economics.
The research bureau is current
ly putting out a revised edition of
the Oregon building code for small
,j\ recent addition to the bureau
staff is Arnold M. Westling, public
works and planning consultant.
Orides to Present
Tea on Wednesday
Orides, the organization of In
dependent Oregon coeds, will open
their fall term activities with a
rush tea Sept. 24 at 7 p.m. in al
umni hall of Gerlinger, Trudy
Penny, President, has announce.
Short silks will be in order.
An open meeting will be held
September 29 at 7 p.m. in alumni
hall. There will also be a meeting
for all members at Gerlinger Mon
day at 7 p.m.
The President has extended an
invitation to all unaffiliated Uni
versity women who are interested
in joining the group. She explained
that Orides is a social group offer
ing to off-campus women many of
the benefits of a living organiza
tion, such as exchange desserts,
house dances, and athletic compe
Business meetings are held ev
ery Monday night at Gerlinger
Education Teachers
To Present Program
Teachers in the Astoria area
will be given an, opportunity to
continue their education through
a plan proposed by the University
and the state department of edu
cation. Director of the in-service
program will be Dr.Hugh B. Wood,
professor of education ait the Uni
The plan will be presented the
teachers at a conference now
being held in Astoria.
Dr. Paul B. Jacobson, dean of
the school of education and pro
fessor of education, is one of the
principle speakers at the confer
ence. Other University faculty
members who are attending are
Dr. Rudolph H. Ernst, profes
sor of English; Dr. Leavitt O.
Wright, professor of Romance
languages; Dr. Frank E. Wood,
associate professor of mathema
tics; and Jean Kendall, assistant
professor of art in art education.
Voters to Discuss
Oregon Sales Tax
The Oregon sales tax will be dis
cussed this evening at 8 in room
207 Chapman hall in a debate
sponsored by the League of Wo
men Voters. Dr. Eldon Johnson,
dean of the school of liberal arts
and the graduate school, will be
Presenting the case for the sales
tax will be Glenn S. Simmons,
chairman of the Lane County
Tax Control commission and Kel
ley Loe, public relations director
for the league's aim to create
more responsible citizenry by ed
ucating voters on both sides of
public issues.
Vets with No More Gl Dough
May Still Get State Assistance
i Oregon World War II veterans
who have exhausted their GI bene
fits may continue their schooling
under state educational assistance
for the length of time spent in ac
tive service, according to Edward
i. Taggart, educational officer for
the state department of veterans’
State aid to eligible veterans is
$35 per month for those attending
40 approved educational institu
tions, including vocational schools.
The veterans must have served
six months or more in the armed
forces, have received an honorable
discharge, have resided in Oregon
for one year prior to entering the
service, and be a resident of the
state at the present time.
Monthly payments are based up
on the number of months spent in
active service up to 36 months.
Approximately 1600 veterans
have taken advantage of state aid,
Taggart said, for part-time and
evening classes and for regular
high school and college courses.
He pointed out that 1947 amend
ments to the educational aid act
permit retroactive payments to
students who may have neglected
to apply for the benefits at the
start of any term.
Application may be made
through the department of veter
ans’ affairs, state library building,
Salem, and at 416 S.W. 11th Ave.,
Webfooters Aid
Behind Scenes
A Webfooters’ organizational
meeting will be held Wednesday at
7 p.m. in room 105, journalism
building, according to Johnny
Backlund, yell king.
It is imperative that each living
organization, including off-campus
groups, has a representative at the
meeting, Backlund said. Represen
tatives should be appointed by
house presidents immediately.
At this meeting, the Webfooters,
behind-the-scenes rally squad
group, will make plans for the en
tire year.
UO Extension Division i
To Start Evening Classes
Evening classes given under the
general extension division of the
state system of higher education
will open October 6, Dean John F.
Cramer, director, announced. Class
es will continue through December
12, Dean Cramer said.
Courses are open to those in
terested in extension work, wheth
ed on credit or non-credit basis.
Each course meets one evening a
week for ten weeks. Cost for all
students is $3.50 per credit hour.
Extension classes in Eugene, held
on a more or less formal basis for
more than 35 years, have grown
from an original small group to
729 last year. Interest of Eugene
townspeople in this work has en
couraged the organization of more
classes and the broadening of the
scope of the extension program,
Dean Cramer said.
Courses Added
Among the new courses added
this year is Great Books—Master
pieces of Literature. This course,
organized for the “common read- j
er,” will emphasize the intrinslc
human and literary interest of the.
books discussed.
Class work will consist of one
hour of lecture and one hour of
discussion at each meeting with
seven of the University's lectures.
Books to be studied includ the
Bible, works of Homer, Dante,
Chaucer. Shakespeare. Cervantes,
Moliere, Samuel Johnson, the Eng
lish lyric poets, and Dostoievsky.
Classes will meet at 7:15 Wed
nesday evening in the browsing
room of the library. The course is
The schedule also includes cours
es in general culture, business ad
ministration, woodworking, physi
cal education, and shorthand. In
addition, three education courses
have been included in the fall term
These are a new course in meth
ods and materials of creative de
sign, a special problems workshop
on health education, and a course
in remedial reading.
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