Campus Hangouts to Feature Special Mom's Weekend Dinner Students living off-campus may be confronted with a pro blem when they entertain their Moms who will be visiting them Mother’s Weekend. For their benefit and to give all Mothers reading this, an idea of where they may eat and what they may see during the three crowded days—May 9, 10 and 11, tire hos pitality committee for the weekend, headed by Ann Burgess, has prepared the following information. You may take Mom to: The Eugene or Osburn hotels. which will be serving a special din ner on Mother’s day. George's Grotto, known for its fish dinners and lunches, will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Featured at Kennedy’s restau rant are turkey steaks, something new which may intrigue Mom. •Across Willamette is the Del Rey; don’t count on taking Mom there since it won’t be open -remodeling time. East of Willamette on Broad way one may find Ernie Piluso’s which will be serving a special dinner of turkey, steak, chicken or baked ham on Mother's day. For you who have cars and wish to take Mom for a drive, it may be convenient to stop at Lew and Ev’s—famous for steaks. On campus you may take Mom to. The Side, the Rush Inn, Del’s or.Rennells. (no need to say where they are located since most stu dents enter at least one of these spots every day.) Take Mom to one of them; she’ll enjoy the atmosphere. And, overlooking the Mill Race is the Anchorage, known to many for its good dinners and cream pies. It’s a safe bet that Mom will want to see the Mill Race. When you wish to show the campus to Mom, remember that the Libe will be open all day Fri day and Saturday; the Art museum will be open Saturday from 3 to 5 p.m.; the natural his tory museum will be open from 1 to 4 p.m. Friday and on Satur. ADVERTISING STAFF Day manager—Bud Carter Layout: Carl Miller Jackie Moore Margie Neer Clare Wiley Solicitors: Mary Ann Miller Bill Gardner CHECK these DISCS... '• r-i JACK, JACK, JACK Andrews Sisters r- THEM WHO HAS— GETS Jimmie Lunceford ^ HOT LIPS Henry Busse ri THERE IS NO GREATER LOVE Charlie Spivak TH MAM'SELLE Art Lund' Tj HEARTACHES Jimmy Dorsey r] MY ADOBE HACIENDA | ■ The Dinning Sisters | // Vu THAT’S WHERE I CAME IN Jo Stafford [—] MIDNIGHT MASQUERADE Alvino Rey n I CAN’T GET UP THE J J NERVE TO KISS YOU J Freddy Martin ^ 70 \\ est Tenth Phone 5266 ; day after 1 p.m. and the infirmary | from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday add j from 8 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday. Even though you're.not an art major, don’t forget to take Mom j down to the art school which will j be open all hours. Both the YWCA I and YMCA will be open both days, j The Journalism school and the j University press will be open both i days also—show Mom the center of the campus (at least journalism students think so.) For you who won’t ■ be able to show your Mom the spots of inter est on the campus, a campus tour has been arranged for 1 o’clock Saturday. The tour will be con ! ducted by students. HUB! Jim Prior, ADS Head, Convention Delegate Jim Prior, recently elected presi dent of the University of Oregon chapter of Alpha Delta Sigma, na tional professional advertising fra ternity, has been named as the chapter's delegate to the national convention of the fraternity which will be held in Chicago this June. Also planning to attend is W. F. G. Thacher, professor of English and advertising, who is the national president of the advertising fra ternity. Russian Film to Head Campus Entertainment “The Fall of Berlin,” a Russian- | made film, will be shown tonight j in 207 Chapman at 7:30, accord- j ing to Dick Williams, education al activities manager. The free feature-length movie will include film confiscated from the Nazis, and shots taken by official pho tographers of the Russian air force. The movie was produced by Yuri Reisman. In July, 1876, Deady hall became the first building on the University of Oregon campus. Fraternity and Sorority Crested or Greek letter 1^^ ^~(5*npus 23g^or7/mytT OOP L 13' - ST Fennell's University Pharmacy 798 E. 11 tli| everybody loves the nriew eat treat! :» v is so much better to smoke! ..O'T 0 % **»>■» £ Aivt. 11 W;% K Yhe grandest smoke you’ve ever enioyed! It’s true, if every smoker knew what PHILIP MORRIS smokers know . . . they’d ALL change to PHILIP MORRIS. Yes, the PHILIP MORRIS smoker really gets what other smokers only hope to get... PERFECT SMOKING PLEASURE. So for perfect smoking pleasure . . . try a pack today! .»