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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1947)
■No Check Delay for University Vets eagle Flies on Schedule; Vets Aid Bill to Up Pay Subsistence Payments Not Stopped in Oregon Student veterans in Oregon will receive their subsistence checks on schedule this month, according to an Associated Press story from Portland re ceived here last night. The story followed an earlier • release from Washington, D.C., which stated that the Veterans Administration would be unable to send out monthly checks due today to more than 2,870,000 vet erans receiving unemployment or educational allowances. The later story, which quoted Charles Langdon, veterans admin istration manager in Portland, , said that the checks in the Oregon area would be sent on schedule. Some checks, it said, were already in the mail. The story from Washington said that the Veterans Administration had announced that funds which congress appropriated for making the payments had been exhausted. “The delay,” the story added, “is expected to be of short duration since additional funds for the pur pose are carried in the deficiency appropriation bill currently before congress and should be available within a few days.” .'Go-op Capers’ Dance Theme “Co-op Capers” is the theme of the annual semi-formal Co-op dance, which will be given Satur day, May 3rd, from 9 to 12 in Ger linger, to the music of Herb Wid mer and his campus dance band. This year, alums of the men’s co-ops are being invited. Jim Rob son, social chairman of Campbell club, says “it is hoped that the “Co-op Capers” may become the annual spring dance of the Co-op houses—a traditional social get tog'ether of members, friends in terested in the development of the Co-op movement, and alums." On the dance committees, each co-op has provided one member for each committee. Jim Robson is general chairman; the following are committee heads: Ken Whit lock, Campbell club, decorations; Zabelle Dohanian, Highland house, refreshments; Margaret McKin_ rick, Rebec house, programs; ^ George Schafer, Campbell club, clean-up, and Lee Lewis, Univer sity house, chaperones. Bob Fowells, president of Camp bell club, worked on alum con tacts, assisted by Lloyd Stutsman, Don McNeil, and Si Eliingson. Twisties Tonight's Featured Dessert “Twisties” go on sale today under the direction of freshmen Helen Sherman and Carol Becker, spon sored by Phi Theta Upsilon, junior women's honorary. Booths will open at 8 a.m. selling the twisted dough nuts for five cents each. Goal of the committee has been set at two twisties to every student on the campus, with the proceeds going to Phi Theta for a scholar ship fund. Wednesday night is to be "Twis . tie" night on the campus with all living organizations urged to serve twisties for dinner dessert. The sale will continue through booths until 5 p.m. Thursday. AVC Campaign Spurs Vet Allowance Boost In accordance with the national planning committee’s platfprm supporting additional increase in subsistence for GI students, the local chapter of AVC began a campaign Monday to support a bill now in congress which, if passed, will raise the veterans' subsistence allowance. Jack Compton, legislative chair man for AVC, has asked for the cooperation of all students on the campus who are interested in aid ing the drive. Leaders of the AVC feel that the problem is particularly critical at this time because of the recent an nouncement of rises in dormitory rates, to become effective at the end of this term. According to Mrs. Genevieve Turnipseed, director Of dormi tories, increases in board and room have been made by the state b6ard for the following reasons. 1. The cost of raw food pis student has increased to seven dollars, and in order to procure the proper tood, rates must be increased $4 per person. 2. AH state employees are being placed on civil service with increased incomes. 3. The new retirement fund for those over 65 which requires the employee and state to con tribute five per cent. With these added operating ex penses, she explained', it is impos sible for the University to keep rates at spring term costs. Ex penses for the summer session will be $144 for both sessions. Fall term board, to be computed on a monthly basis, will be $40, and room, to be computed on a (PI fuse turn to page seven) Music Festival Attracts Talent Winners of the all-campus sing contest will give a special request performance during the Sunlight Serenade scheduled for May 11, ac cording to Dale Harlan, chairman of the event. The annual Sunday afternoon feature of the Junior Weekend will feature the best tal ent from the music school and out standing musicians from the vari out living organizations. Plans are still in the blueprint stage at present but call for re freshments during the windup pro gram of Junior Weekend. Punch and cookies will be served to all those attending the event. Besides the special Sunlight Sere nade committee headed by Harlan, three music honoraries are helping to make the event an outstanding success. Phi Beta, Mu Phi Epsilon and Phi Mu are all correlating their (Please turn to pai/c seven) Students to Show Mothers Festive Oregon Weekend ■_■ (Emerald photo by Jon Jones) SETTING THE EXAMPLE Beverly Carroll, Mother’s Weekend chairman, sends today’s special mother's edition home to Mom. Students are mailing the papers home today from the Co-op, as a special invitation to mothers to attend the weekend May 9, 10, and 11. Hello, Mom, Welcome to Oregon THE COMMITTEE This year we are especially look ing forward to meeting you Moth ers whose sons are now back in school. This is your first big oppor tunity of the year to view the place we now call “home,” to meet the people, and to see the many places we know so well. We’ve planned everything of in terest for you, and extend to you the hospitality of the whole Uni versity. You may have to put forth a bit of effort, but please don’t miss this weekend. I THE ADVISER This is the 20th Mothers’ Day at the University. There could bo Mothers here this year who helped to welcome Mothers to the campus those first Mothers’ Days in 1927 and 1928. During these years Ore gon Mothers have done much for the University. The Oregon Moth ers scholarships and their emer gency loan fund, which have been their chief interests in recent years, have helped many a fine student t« come to the University, or to stay, (Please turn to f>agc seven) * Mother's Week-end to Relive Old Traditions By BETH BASLEK Exactly 20 years ago a small jroup of mothers gathered for Mothers' Day on the University lampus, encouraged by Arnold Ben le'tt Hall, then president of the University. Their purpose was to see just exactly what was going on n the school, the work their chil Iren were doing, where and how ;hey lived, and how they spent their eisure time. They had such a good, time, and the students so enjoyed having them, that they have been coming back every year for a bigger and better Mother's Day weekend. For these same reasons, mothers will gather again this year on May 9, ,10, and 11. It is true that their num bers have grown with increased in terest on the mother’s part and with the increased enrollment in the University. It’s a little harder to find a place to s£ay in the busy little. metropolis of. Eugene these last few years, but if we know you are coming there will always be a place to stay. Those mothers who went to the University before their children will find many new build ings, and plans for more, and many strange faces. The lovely May weather, the charm of the picnic on the old campus, and the friendly Oregon spirit are things which have not changed in twenty years, how ever. ' t Pleasetnrn to page seven) Planned Events Jam Calendar Approximately 1,000 mothers of University students are expected to visit the campus during Moth ers’ day festivities, held in conjunc tion with Junior Weekend, May. 9, 10, 11, according to Beverly Carroll, chairman of Mothers' Weekend. Highlighting the events held for Mother is the tea to be held in Ger linger hall from 2 to 1:30 p.m. Sat urday. The float parade will con tinue past Gerlinger to enable the mothers to see it without the neces sity of going to Thirteenth street following the tea. Serving at the tea will be members of the AWS and the YWCA. Other events exclusive for Mom include the Mothers’ executive board meeting on Friday at 2:30 p.m., and the business meeting for all Oregon mothers Saturday morn ing at 9:30 in the Guild theater. In addition to these events, Mothers will have a chance to see the high lights of Junior Weekend. Registration will be held in John son hall from 11 a.m. to 12 noon and from 2:30 to 5 p.m. Friday. Since the picnic has been scheduled for 12 noon Friday, mothers wish ing to participate should be in Eu gene before Friday noon. All students, especially men, are urged to ask their mothers down for the festivities. Housing is prom ised for all who wish it, according to Beryl Howard, in charge of hous ing. Either the students or their mothers may contact Miss Howard. Students assisting Miss Carrol are: David Dimm, promotion; Lau ra Olson, publicity; Nancy Peter son, registration; Ann Burgess, hospitality; Beryl Howard, hous ing; Don Dole, decorations and campus preparations; and Nila Desinger, social affairs. Dean Karl W. Onthank is faculty adviser. 'Cotton Frolic’ Set On Saturday Night The "Cotton Frolic,” a dance for the benefit of the PNCC delegates, will be presented Saturday night in the Persian room and the east dining room of the Eugene hotel. Formals or sport clothes are in order. The Eugene junior chamber of commerce, in a statewide drive to raise money to send the two Pacific Northwest College con gress delegates to Lake Success, New York, will sponsor the dance and an intermission fashion show, Ray Foster, chairman of the dance and' vice-president of the junior chamber, announced. The Junior Weekend court will model cottons for the fashion presentation. Bob Hays and his six-piece orchestra will play at the event, and Bob Moran, junior in liberal arts, will be master of ceremonies. Kwamas will sell tickets in the Co-op this week.