Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 29, 1947, Page 8, Image 8

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    Marshall Report
Stalin Sees Possible Meeting
On Issues Now Splitting Allies
WASHINGTON, April 28 (AP)—Premier Stalin told Sec
retary Marshall that compromises are possible on the great
issues splitting the wartime allies, Marshall revealed Monday
But the American secretary of state, just back from the
Moscow conference which bogged down in disagreement on all
main points, warned in a radio report to the nation that the
fate of Europe cannot wait on
“compromise through exhaustion.”
Speed Asked
“Disintegrating forces are be
coming evident,” he said. “The
patient is sinking while the
doctors deliberate.”
Without becoming specific, ' he
said: “Whatever action is possible
to meet these pressing problems
must be taken without delay.”
The American secretary de
clared Russia’s {proposals for a
centralized German government
and heavy reparations would have
resulted “in a deteriorating eco
nomic life in Germany and Europe
and the inevitable emergence of
dictatorship and strife.”
Makes Propaganda Charge
He also accused the Soviets of
“propaganda appeals to passion
and prejudice.” He said charges
were made “which varied com
pletely from the facts as under
stood or as factually known by the
American delegation.”
But he said that some progress
was made because differences
were clarified, and “Future nego
tiations can start with a know
ledge of exactly what the issues
are that must be settled.”
French Coalition
Fights DeGaulle
PARIS, April 28 (AP)—France’s
coalition government Monday
faced a shaky future on the eve of
parliament’s return from a month’s
holiday to tackle an array of dis
puted questions on foreign and do
mestic policy.
Divided upon almost every other
matter, the big three of Premier
Ramadier’s cabinet—the Commun
ists, Socialists and MRP—appeared
united on only one point: opposition
to General Charles De Gaulle and
his newly-announced “Rally of the
French people.”
They see in De Gaulle’s move
ment (R. P. F.) a disguised politi
cal party which threatens to wean
away many of their own members.
The national committee of the MRP
warned its members against joining
De Gaulle’s R.P.F., saying it seemed
to be organized as a “political par
ty.” The Communists have spon
sored “committees of vigilance” to
oppose De Gaulle.
Senators Ask
Union Curbs
—Senator Allen Ellender (D.,La.),
seekingto halt a drive to toughen
up the senate union-curbing bill,
told his colleagues Monday that
the measure as it stands will
“remedy the most obnoxious
But, as senate debate resumed,
Senator Kenneth Wherry (R.,
Neb.) informed reporters a poll of
senate Republicans indicated
strong support for at least three
or four amendments urged by
Senators Robert Taft (R., Ohio)
and Joseph Ball (R., Minn.). These
1. Prohibit unions from inter
fering with workers in their choice
of unions.
Local Autonomy Featured
2. Forbid national unions to die- ,
tate contract terms to their locals.
3. Outlaw union-administered
health and welfare funds.
Wherry said indications are the
going will be roughest on the
fourth amendment, which would
authorize private employers to
petition for court injunctions to
block jurisdictional strikes and
secondary boycotts.
Weather Forecast
OREGON: Mostly cloudy with
Occasional showers Tuesday and
and Wednesday. Cooler east por
tion Tuesday. Moderate to occa
sionally fresh west to southwest
winds off coast.
Oregon If Emerald ’
Wallace May Take
Third Party Step
—Henry A. Wallace roared with
laughter Monday at a suggestion
that President Truman anticipates
his support in 1948 and declared
“It’s too early to say about that.”
Asked whether he plans to join
with Senator Claude Pepper (D.,
Fla.) to head a third party in the
presidential election, he said that
“We’ll make a rendezvous next
March to see about that. I still hope
the Democratic party will become
the liberal party. If not, there will
have to be some steps taken—no
doubt about that.”
And as to his own political ambi
tions, if any, he said that "The only
question of my running for office
would be to benefit peace in the
world, and if it would do that I
would run as hard as I could.”
U.S. 'Weakness'
Told by General
—Lt. Gen. J. Lawton Collins told
the U. S. chamber of commerce’s
35th annual convention Monday
that American armed forces have
become “terribly weak” at a time
when "Other nations are capable
of attacking us.”
“We have ten divisions in the
army today,” he said. "Russia today
is capable of putting 200 divisions
in the field. Russia’s satellites in
Europe could put another 100 divi
sions in the field.
“We cannot man 4000 aircraft
today. The Russians have over
Only 5 of the original cherubims
in the New York cast of “The Green
Pastures” remained small enough
to last the first five years of pro
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