*doan’ Tryouts Set Tonight at Studio By JANICE KENT Final try.outs for the cast of the University theater’s May pro duction, Maxwell Anderson’s “Joan of Lorraine,” will be held this eve ning in the drama studio. Those interested who will not be able to attend these try.outs should make an appointment with E. L. Clark, director. Marilyn Wherry will act as assistant director. Miss Grey, who characterizes Joan of Lorraine in the play with in a play, and Jimmy Masters, the stage manager, are the two lead ing characters. —Masters is a practical man of the world. He agrees with the play wright that Joan should be por trayed as an honest, good woman, but not particularly saintly. Miss Grey, however, insists that Joan is an idealistic, unyielding crusader, never compromising with the shallow standards and corrupt ed politics of her time. Miss Grey herself reflects some of these vir tues. The main conflict of the play exists between Masters and the leading lady. The cast consists of 22 members. The five feminine roles are minor with the exception of Miss Grey, who also plays Joan. Each player will portray two characters, the modern stage player and the per son that the player represents. Night Staff: Patsy Maloney Mary Stadelman Mel Mariner Barbara Heywood Jeanne Simmons CAMPUS CALENDAR Kwama meeting at 5:30 at the Alpha Gamma Delta house. Impor tant that all members attend. Newman club meeting at 6:45 in the YMCA. YWCA cabinet meeting at Y bun galow at noon today. Wesley student council meeting at 4 p.m. Wesley Players meeting at 7 p.m. at Wesley house. University religious council execu tive committee meeting at YWCA at noon. Westminster luncheon at noon for 35 cents. Dr. Harris will speak on “What Can a Student Believe?” Westminster community round table discussion at 9 p.m. Skull and Dagger meeting at Sigma Phi Epsilon house at 7 p.m. All members and new candidates must attend. Student Union slides at Kappa Sigma house at noon and at Alpha Chi Omega at evening. Phi Theta Upsiion meeting at 6:30 in the Kappa Kappa Gamma house. Junior Prom decoration committee meeting at 4 p.m. at Pi Beta Phi house. All members are asked to at tend. Meeting of the graduate students’ organization policy committee at noon at the Side. Open to all gradu ate students. » Meeting of University Jazz club combo at 7:30 in the back room of the Side. Christian Science organization will meet at 7:45 p.m. at YWCA bungalow. “Half a dime for a wonderful time”—Nickel Hop. UO Sigma Deltas Announce Pledges The UO chaptev of Sigma Delta Chi, men’s journalism fraternity, has announced the pledging of eight new members. There will be a meeting for both new and old mem bers Thursday, May 1, at 4 p.m. in room 105, journalism. New members are: Bert Moore, senior; John Benneth, Alfred Eng lish, Warren Miller, William Was mann, and Hans Wold, juniors; and Don McNeil and Bill Yates, sopho- , mores. Pledges will be initiated formally at a banquet later in the term. Departments to Hold Math, Chem Seminars Seminars will be held today in I chemistry and mathematics. Speakers at the mathematics seminar in 204 Deady hall are: Walter Gilbert, on “Miscellaneous Topics in Determinant Theory”; and Arlo Anderson, “Solution of Maxima and Minima Problems by Algebra.” At the chemistry seminar in 103 McClure hall, Bernard Wex. ler will discuss “Chemistry of Special Senses.” The University library was es tablished in-1892. Put Off Pigging (Continued from page one) The cooperation of Univer sity students is urgently needed during the rush hours, the man ager insists. The calls will go through when the operators have time. But authorities sug gest, don’t pose as a fireman just to get a date; someone’s . bouse may be burning down. EVERYTHING IN PICTURES HOUSE DANCE SHOTS BANQUET PHOTOS WHITE SHIRT PICTURES BAT'S PHOTO SERVICE “If we don't please, we don’t charge" Phone 4685-W 1195 W. Tyler ! i*. {TjawiWJ wlmi lit tbbiuo fot. -KemAj 2.00 yews A. " Old Golds are not sprayed with water from the Fountain of Youth. And smoking Old Golds won’t give you an iron constitution. Nor fulfill any of those fancy cigarette claims you read. But if it’s real deep-down smok ing enjoyment you’re after—Old Golds will give you that with flavor ** to spare! Old Golds offer just one thing: the ultimate in rich, mellow smok ing satisfaction. With the world’s most luxurious tobaccos. With nearly two hundred years of fine tobacco experience. With scru pulous care, and with quality < guarded by every -known scien tific device. Interested in that kind of smoke? Looking for top-quality tobaccos at their positive peak? Then light up an Old Gold, man—and en joy the happiest fact in cigarette history! ‘