Oregon W Emerald WORLD NEWS SECTION_ JIM BANKS, BERT MOORE, EDITORS Andrew May Hints Expose WASHINGTON, April 24 (AP) —A threat of a 1944 campaign fund expose “involving high Demo cratic party officials” came Thurs day from the defense at the war fraud trial of Andrew J. May, former house military committee chairman. Sawyer Smith, an attorney for the ex-congressman from Ken tucky, announced that May is ready to testify about 1944 cam paign contributions that would in volve “high party figures, includ ing members of congress.” Smith said May would talk if •the government pursues further in the trial the matter of two $1000 checks the government claims May received for interced ing with the army in behalf of two soldiers. May’s counsel argued that most other wartime congressmen had interceded for sons of friends and constituents during the war and added to the jury: “These two checks were purely and simply campaign contribu tions to the Democratic commit tee and nothing else.” May and three co-defendants are being tried on government charges that May received pay for using his official influence as house mili tary chairman to get war depart- j ment favors for the Garsson muni- , tions combine. Mistreatment Laid To Naval Jailers ANNAPOLIS, Md„ April 24 I (AP)—A former prisoner in the iu.S. naval academy’s North Sev I ern brig exhibited to a general court martial Thursday scars on his wrist which he said were caused by burns received when he was strung up to an iron heating pipe. The testimony came from Sea man 1/c Theodore Vissakay, one of two prisoners whose reception at the academy hospital started ; an investigation which led to | charges of mistreatment against i five marines and a sailor. Japanese Vote On Legislators TOKYO, April 25 (API—Japan ese voters turned out Friday for the most hotly-contested election of the occupation—the selection of 466 members of the house of rep resentatives. While no violence was expected, the home ministry issued special instructions to police to guard against “undue incidents” after in vestigating strong-arm tactics that marked the campaign. Playing for what the Japanese consider the largest political stakes, both conservatives and leftists conducted vigorous cam Here is the long awaited new-day jairade of home waving ... * ■ New-type Miracle Curler * WITH THE SUP-PROOF TEETH * ...ADDS THE FIH AITOUCH TO HOME WAVING... * MAKES IT EASIER, SIMPLER, FASTER, *• IMPROVES THE CURL I SUP-PROOF Hair caanot possi bly slip on curlers. FRIZZ-PROOF Fnds wrap inside curl to prevent fishhooks. POSITIVE-LOCK Holds cur I securely in placeat hair line. Now, Crowning Glory—the cold wave created especially for home use—is finer and easier to use than ever. The DeLuxe set includes 40 Miracle Curlers... plus a new shampoo which ideally prepares your hair for your lovely, natural-looking Crowning Glory wave. You can be abso lutely confident of perfect success the very first time you cold-wave your hair at home with Crowning Glory. Millions of solution—liquid neutralizer—special shampoo—curlers—instructions . . . complete in one kit. delighted women have used it. Crowning Glory is different. It is mild and gentle, contains no ammonia. Remember, Crowning Glory is the only cold-wave solution created especially for home use backed by over 5 years of scientific clini cal research...produced under the most rigid laboratory control. For a soft, beau tiful, natural-looking cold wave — insist on Crowning Glory! Crowning Glory Regular Ser Crowning Glory DeLuxe Set 40 Crowning Glorv with Soedal Shampoo and with Special Shampoo and4o New-tyoe Miracle Metal-Core Fiber Curlers New-tyoe Miracle Curlers Curlers, in box Tiffany-Davis Stli & Willamette 1 Ex-Bureaucrat Wants Tax Cut WASHINGTON, April 24 (API —A former treasury official and a Vermont banker told the senate finance committee Thursday it ought to approve an income tax cut. John W. Hanes, undersecretary of the treasury in the later years of the Roosevelt administration, declared that taxes, the $258,000, 000,000 public debt, and federal ex penditures all can be reduced at the same time. Hanes delivered an unqualified endorsement of the house ap proved bill, pending before the committee. This would lop 20 to 30 per cent off most individuals in come tax obligations, effective as of last January 1. The annual re duction has been estimated at nearly $4,000,000,000. Red Cross Movie Tonight A Ked Cross movie, “Oars and Paddles,” will be shown today at 4 p.m. in room 101 of the physical education building. The firm deals with the use of row boats, canoes, and similar small craft. paigns and both reported hired j political toughs to break up rival meetings. Wesleyans to Entertain Junior Spike Joneses “Anything Goes” in costumes or musical instruments at Wesley house tonight. It's the Spike Jones party from 9 to 12 p.m. Prizes will be awarded for the costume and the entertainment best fulfilling the “City-Slickers” theme. Everyone is to bring his own in strument. Stan Nystrom is in charge of the affair. Sunday night Wesley foundation officers will be installed at the meeting at 6:30 p.m. Supper will be served at 5:30 p.m. Westminster Program Includes Grange Visit Music, a reading and a forum are on the bill for Westminster house’s Saturday night program at Bailey Hill Grange. The affair will be held Chickenpox Amon^* Infirmary Ailments Within the cool and restful con fines of the infirmary this week is Robbieburr C&urtney suffer ing from chickenpox. The number of visitors in the infirmary has reached an all term low with only nine students now there. The other hapless individuals besides Mrs. Courtney, are: Jer ry Fraser, Barbara Freeman, Carol Thalman, Mary Jo Morton, Lloyd Donahoo, Art Wiltse, Jim Bullard, and Bob Prescott. at 9:30 p.m. at the Grange, west of Eugene and Eleventh street. At the Sunday morning services at Westminster house Dr. Breen off»*_ the history department will speak on “Was the Reformation Neces sary?”. DANCE EVERY SATURDAY For table Reservations Call Springfield 8861 9:30 12:30 Wayne Ryan and His Band SWIMMER'S DELIGHT 3 Miles east of Goshen. Call Spr. 8861 help your hair to loveliness with JEWELITE ___ brushes by PRO-PHY-LAC-TIC AVe have them ! Jewelite brushes . . . supreme example of the bruslmiakers' art . . . bristled with gleaming Prolon (finest of synthetic bristle). Wide range of styles for men and women. Choose these lovely, sparkling Jewelite items in diamond-clear crystal or in dainty shades of ruby of sapphire. A—Men's Military Set . 7.00 B—Men’s club brush-and-comb set 3.50 C—Professional Type Hair Brush. .. 2.00 D—Roll-wave bjrush .. 4.00 F—The Invigorator .. 4.00 F—Comb, brush and mirror set.12.00