VOLUME XLVIII T ~~~ Number 11? “ UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. EUGENE SATURDAY. APRIL 19. 1947 U?usf) Weekend Opens I For High School Seniors Many Activities Provide Busy Day for Seniors Approximately 200 senior high school senior girls arrived on the campus yesterday as guests of the University women. On the schedule of entertainment for the girls today are tours around the campus from 9 to 11 a.m. At 12:30 members of Kwama, sopho more women’s honorary, will pick up the visiting seniors in the living J , organizations and escort them to j rthe luncheon given at Gerlinger by j Oregon Mothers’ club. From the luncheon the girls will be taken through the museum, to a J swim pageant given by the Amphib-1 ians, and to .a dance concert given by Orchesis. A tea will be sponsored by the Eugene Panhellenic at 3 p.m. The all-campus production “Green Pastures,’’ and a fireside at the YWCA complete the schedule for today. Chairmen for the weekend in clude: housing, Dorothy Rasmussen, Barbara Williams, Pat Spencer, and Geneva Davis; publicity, Jordis Benkc; tea, Alice Mae Robertson; Sunday dinner, Vickie Utz; ar arrangements and registration, Trudi Chernis; invitations and pro grams, Helen Sherman; contacts, Sally Waller and Mary Stadelman; luncheon, Mary Hibbitt and Roxie Sears; Saturday tour, Joan O’Neill; [ and guides, Kwama, Phi Theta, and Skull and Dagger. The annual Nickel Hop, sponsored Jay the AWS, was held last night from 9 to 12 in every women’s liv ing organization. The money col lected during these hours is to be turned in to Jackie Wachhorst at 11 today in the upstairs “Side.” The winning houses, computed for men on the basis of circulation, and for women on the basis of money col lected, will be announced at the Frosh Glee next Saturday night. Women's Presidents To Attend AWS Tea All heads of living organiza tions Or their representatives are asked to be at Gerlinger today from 3 to 5 pan. to assist with the tea for the high school seniors. New Policy on Meals Encourages Guests Under a new policy of honoring exchange meal tickets, students eating in a University dormitory may have students living in other dormitory units as guests Friday nights and Sunday noons. The system, as outlined by Mrs. Genevieve Turnipseed, director of dormitories, is to have the student who wishes to have guests sign them in with the food manager of his own dormitory. The guest's meal ticket is then honored as if he were eating in his own dorm. Another feature of the new ex change meal policy is the weekly dance which is held during and im mediately after the Friday night meal in each dorm having dining fa cilities. Blind Xylophonist To Play in Concert Pierce Knox, blind xylophonist, will present a concert Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in Guild hall in John son. Regarded as one of the phenome nal musicians of all time, Knox plays some of the most difficult mu sic on one of the most difficult in struments. Included in his tentative program are “Hungarian Rhapsody,” “Gyp sy Airs,” “Stars and Stripes For ever,” and “Flight of the Bumble Bee” as well as modern music. While still in high school, he was awarded first place in a national high school student contest. The blind musician played for Bob Ripley’s “Believe It or Not” ex hibition in both the New York and the San Francisco World’s fairs. Between musical numbers there will be a demonstration of the Braille system of writing and an explanation of how Braille books are made for the blind. Knox’s concert program is being directed by the National Transcrib ers Society for the Blind of Palo Al to, California, an organization em ploying the blind to make Braille books. Campus Presentation of Odeon [ To Feature Seven Fine Arts Presentation of the seven arts, as interpreted by students of this campus, will be the order of the day on April 27, the date set for ' *the annual Odeon. Although a definite program has not yet been outlined, the day’s festivities will offer original compositions in music, dance, drama, exhibitions of sculpture and painting, as well as selections of student literary tal ent. The Odeon was established as an annual event some' years ago through the efforts of a co-ed de termined to win deserved recogni tion for student talent in the arts. Suggesting that a day be set aside solely for the display of student creative ability and reacquaintance with the arts, she was met with enthusiastic approval from stu dents and faculty alike. The day received the name of “Odeon” from an ancient Greek amphi theater. Fi'om the school of music, stu dents will direct their own choral music written in class. A string -♦^quartet is promised, and student pianists w.ill play original compo sitions. Mr. Arnold Elston, fac ulty advisor, stresses that these student presentations were com posed in class under class stand ards, but that original feeling and insight were sought. The finest and most original (Please turn to page eight) 'Pastures/ Post-War Extravaganza, Scheduled Tonight at Mac Court DON’T BLOW 'DAT HORN “De Lawd,” Jdrnes Bronson, warns Gabriel, barren Dobbin, against blowing the horn in “The Green Pastures,” tonight’s McArthur court production of the Negro version of thee Old Testament. Frosh Glee Committee Engages Freddie Keller for Annual Dance Freddie Keller and his orchestra has been engaged by the freshman class to furnish music for their annual Frosh Glee to be held next Saturday night, April 26, at McArthur Court. The announcement of Keller’s choice was made Friday af ternoon by Art Johnson, freshman president, at a meeting of the Glee committee. Keller is well-known to Portlanders and beachgoers, having played around Portland and Seaside for a number of years. Tickets will be placed on sale Monday according to Jim v.nau mau. x ucc t^x the Glee will be $1.60 a couple, he said. Grace Hoffman, entertainment chairman, stated that a full pro gram of intermission entertain ment had been planned. The dec oration committee, headed by Wes Nicholson, is proceding with ar rangements to carry out “Danc ing in the Dark,” the theme which was selected by the committee last week. Males Mutter as Campus Skirts Stylishly Lengthen By FLETCHER and KOHLMEIER “Molding the dress to the body not the body to the dress” is the idea of modern designers of skirts according to latest fashion maga zines. A glance through these magazines will reveal such expres sions as “the suave silhouette”, “long-bodied”, “in the dancing mood of spring”, and "to make your every move a poem” to des cribe the lengthening skirts. Campus style critics, however, take a different attitude toward this trend of lengthening and nar rowing skirts, as the opinions of male students will show. “The longer skirt gains a gentle decorum for the silhouette” said one magazine fashion expert, but according to Bill Bishop, campus magician, the subject of the disap pearing ankles is serious. “At this rate, men soon will have to look at girl’s faces instead of their legs to identify them”, Bill sighed. Caustic Comments Jack Billings, senior in journa lism, while strolling across the campus with his fiance, Gloria Smith, said that his field of study on this subject was limited but that he thought “it a dirty capital istic scheme to trick women into buying new clothing.” “I was per fectly satisfied with skirts as they kere,” he said. Harvey Wardrip, a clerk in the co-op, echoed the sentiments of Billings and added that he con sidered the short skirts had been | “long enough to cover the subject but short enough to be interest ing.” Ed Cuthbertson, a fellow worker quipped “the length some girls wit go to!” All of which makes Scotty Min tolovich very unhappy. He claims that “as the skirts grow longer, my face does too.” A Theta Chi spokesman, Bud darter, said that his fraternity brothers, when discussing the sub ject, arrived at unprintable state ments but settled for “terrible”, “stinkaroo”, and "no need for it at all.” “It doesn’t make ary difference because they’ll soon be running around in shorts and pedal-pushers anyway,” was the philosophical statement of John Schaefers, pro prietor of the Side; which is en tirely in keeping with the state (Please turn to page eight) Hundred to Enact Connelly Drama Tonight at 8:15 p.m. the cur tain will rise in McArthur court on the first post-war spectacle performance staged bv the Uni versity theatre. Marc Connel jly’s Pulitzer prize play "Tlie Green Pastures," complete with oyer 100 cast members and a 75-voice choir will be given 1 under the direction of Horace W. Robinson, director of the Univer sity theatre. The play opens in a Negro Sun day school where Mr. Deshee is telling his class about the Old Tes tament. His explanation of the wonders is in terms which the young people can understand. Heaven is shown as a place where the angels can do things they en joy most—-it is like a series of earthly holidays. Play Amusing The play is amusing and touch ing by turns. There are laughs one minute and spiritual exalta tion the next. Scenes shift from the serenity of the office of "de Lawd” to a Babylonian night club and its frenzied dancers. The New York Times has called the play the “divine comedy of the modern theatre.” Glenn Griffith and his Eugene high school a cappella choir will sing 25 Negro spirituals in the production. Bronson Plays Lead James Bronson plays “d^ Lawd”; Warren Dobbin, Gabriel; Harry S. White, Adam; Marie DiLoreto, Zeba; Robert D. Over, Noah; Alan Foster, Moses; and Clifton G. James, Pharoah. Other members of the cast are: Clell Conrad, Florence Hawkes-. (Please turn to page eight) Edition to Feature Prize Short Story The first edition of the Emerald Literator will feature “Heir Appar ent,” the prize-winning short story by H .Jack Ostergren, Manny Muss man, Literator prose editor, an nounced Friday. Ostergren, senior in journalism, walked off with the blue ribbon in the annual Marshall-Case-Haytox short story contest. Other stories, poetry, essays, ar ticles, and photographs submitted for publication in the Literator must be in the Emerald editor’s office to day. Any student now enrolled in school is invited to contribute orig inal creative writing. Membres of the Literator editor ial staff will meet at the 10 a.m. to day in the editor’s office and are re quested to brin gwith them any completed work. Interviews Set Monday - R. H. Jordan and W. P. Mjntun, both of J. C. Penney company’s dis trict office, and Calvin Smith, Man ager of the Eugene J. C. Penney company will interview seniors for positions with the J. C. Penney com pany from 1 to 3 p.m., Monday. In terviews will be held in the offices of Dr. N. H. Cornish and Dr. D. D. Gage in Commerce hall.