Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 18, 1947, Page 7, Image 7

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    „Coed Groups Complete
Weekend Preparations
Campus women’s organizatoins have just completed prep
aiations foi the one and only "rush weekend" of the term. The
weekend starts this afternoon and ends on Sunday.
Houses have cooperated in confining rushing to one week
end by planning a series of entertaining events, designed to
gi\e the high school seniors a “preview” of college life. The
high school seniors will arrive this afternoon and tomorrow
moming, and students with cars available duriiur this time are
asked to be on hand at train and
bus depots.
Houses to Meet Girls
The women’s organizations are
responsible for meeting the high
school girls as they arrive, and tak
ing them to Gerlinger hall to check
in. The Nickel Hop, Friday eve
, ning, is an all campus affair which
is being reinstated for the first time
this year, as part of post-war activ
Starting the festivities of the
AWS Weekend, the Nickel Hop
will be held from 9 to 12 tonight.
The price is five cents for
fifteen minutes of dancing. The
dance will be held at every liv
ing organization except Kappa
Kiappa Gamma. Refreshments
will be served at each woman’s
house at 10:30 p.m.
All men attending the dance
are asked to visit as many
houses as possible in the course
of the evening. Two records
albums will be awarded to men’s
organization whose individual
members have participated most
in the dance, and to the Wo
men’s house which has collected
the most money. The albums
have been donated by the
Jaquith Music company.
The campus tours on Saturday
morning will be an opportunity for
the visiting seniors to see all of the
departments in which they may
have interest.
WAA Plans Program
The museum will be open for the
guests from 1:30 to 4:30 on Satur
day afternoon. The Women’s Ath
letic association has planned a spe
cial program for Saturday after
noon, consisting of a water pageant
Rent A
P A System
Record Player
G. H. Smeed Phone 4402-M
Rich, fragrant, luxurious... for wake-up
cleansing with new brilliance and satin
smoothness. Barbara Gould Special Cleans
ing Cream for dry skin or Cream Pompon
for normal or oily skin. A buy you can't
Sat. is Double or Nothing
Day at the
$2.00—Group includes:
Blouses, Shorts, Bilfolds, Sweaters, Scarfs,
Pajamas, hats.
$4.00—Group includes:
Bathing Suits, Skirts, Sweaters, Jewel
Cases, Overnight Cases, Felt Jackets, Bed
$8.00—Group includes:
Beach Coats, Slack Suits, Slacks, Dresses.
We&ttf ate Shoppe
Next Door to the Side
given by the Amphibians, and a
dance concert by Orchesis.
Features on the entertainment
program of the Saturday afternoon
tea are a fashion show given by
University freshmen, and a brief
program "emceed” by Bob Moran.
“Green Pastures” Scheduled
The living organizations will take
the girls to see "Green Pastures”
Saturday night—the first all cam
pus production in McArthur court
given since "Of Thee We Sing.”
The campus YWCA has planned a
short program and fireside imme
diately following it.
A rally send off Sunday afternoon
concludes the first attempt at a
rush weekend of this sort ever
planned by Oregon women. The
AWS cabinet, headed by Barbara
Johns, is acting in a body, as gen
eral chairmen for the weekend.
Victims of Spring
Occupy Infirmary
If you don’t want to end up in the
infirmary, don’t go wading ahead
of the season—at least not in a drain
pipe. Annie Bennett, Kendricks
hall, learned this the haid way and
is now in the local health resort
nursing an infected left foot.
The mumps are holding James
White in bed for the second week,
while in a nearby ward Virginia Da
vis and LaVerne Spears are suffer
ing from poison oak.
Veteran Opens
Post Exchange
Similar to a proposed student un
ion feature is the “snack bar and
general store” introduced on cam
pus last week by" Thomas L. Burbee,
navy veteran and sophomore archi
tecture student.
Location of the enterprise is the
northwest lounge of the second vet
erans’ dormitory, which opened last
It’s something for the boys in
both dormitories, according to Bur
bee. Immediateely dubbed “px”
(military post exchange) and “ship
store” by veterans, the business will
promote the pursuit of “snack hap
piness” with a stock of cookies, po
tato chips, canned fruit juices, milk,
soft drinks, and ice cream.
All cabinet work and installation
was done by Burbee during spring
vacation. Store fixtures, which were
constructed of knotty pine to har
monize with the lounge walls, in
cluding shelving, counter, glass
case, and panels which enclose the
during business closure,
entire 12 square feet of floor space
Burbee is president of Nestor hall,
one of five independent men's liv
ii'g groups in the second veterans’
dormitory. He attended the Univer
sity in 1940-41 Snd returned last
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Shampoo gives amazing lather in hard or soft water. Leaves no soap
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4 oz. jar $1; 1 lb. jar $3.50
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