Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 17, 1947, Page 8, Image 8

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    Campus to Entertain H.S. Seniors
From Oregon for A WS Weekend
Appriximately 200 high school
senior women will invade the cam
pus this weekend as guests of wom
en’s houses, Barbara Johns, presi
dent of AWS, said today. The guests
will be entertained by a full week
end program, Miss Johns added.
The one weekend will replace the
former practice of rushing high
school seniors during the entire
spring term. In the past, some high
school girls have been invited to the
campus for as many as six or seven
weekends as guests of individual
Among the features planned to
entertain the visiting seniors will be
the annual "Nickel Hop,” spon
: $350
sored by women’s living organiza
tions on the campus. Prizes for win
ning houses will be two record al
bums, to be donated by the Jac
quith Music Store.
“The Hop will be an excellent op
portunity for Oregon men to meet
these high school girls, most of
whom already have indicated their
intention of being on the campus
next year,’’ Miss Johns said. “Dat
ing will not be permitted, but all of
the girls will be present for 'the
Hop,” she added.
Saturday, tours around the cam
pus will take up the morning, with
a luncheon in Gerlinger hall, given
by the Oregon Mother’s club, sched
uled for 12:30. In the afternoon,
WAA groups, Amphibians and Or
chesis, will put on a special pro
gram to be followed by a tea spon
sored by the Eugene Panhellenic.
Saturday night, living organiza
tions will take the senior girls to
see the all-campus production,
"Green Pastures,” after which they
will attend a fireside at the YWCA
Individual houses will be respon
sible for meeting the girls at the
train and bus depots. A list of girls
to be guests of each women’s organ
ization will be given to each house
Thursday evening, Miss Johns said.
ROTC Inspected
By Col. Thompson
A routine tactical inspection of
the University ROTC unit was made
last week by Col. J. W. Thompson
from Fort Lewis, Washington. This
inspection will be followed by the
annual inspection on April 28 and
The latter inspection to be given
by a board of officers from Fort
Lewis will consist of examinations
on all the subjects covered during
the year in the military department.
A formal review to be made up of
the whole corps of cadets, will close
the ceremonies, Col. H. W. Hall, of
the ROTC department annnounced.
Lecture series
(Continued from page one)
Among his books on interna
tional law and international rela
tions are "Problems of Interna
tional Security and the League of
Nations,” “Contemporary Europe,”
“Thus Spake Germany,” and “Ger
many from Defeat to Conquest.”
FRUITS ond |
1459 East 13th
=========================5;===;^=================^ I
Portal Pounding Pooch
Perturbs Professor
Knocking on the door when you
are late for class is not the best
way to make an entrance but it
worked for a dog that attended
R. D. Millican’s general advertis
ing class Monday morning.
After a continued rattling and
knocking on the door Mr. Milli
can said, “If that’s a dog we’d
better do something about this
situation.” And he did.
Letting the dog in, Mr. Milli
can returned to his lecture. The
dog circled the classroom once,,
and then made himself comfort
able in the rear of the classroom,
to quietly spend the balance of
the period.
UO Enrollment
(Continued from page one)
total. Limiting the junior class on
official books is the junior certifi
cate requirement which also leaves
the sophomores with their usual
edge over the freshmen.
The only category of enrollees
showing a percentage decrease
from last spring’s total is the group
labelled “Specials and Auditors.”
ISA senate meeting tonight at
7:30 in 105 Commerce. Important
that all senators attend.
AWS congress meeting tonight
at 6:30 at the Delta Gamma house.
Frosh Glee-decoration commit tee
at 4 p.m. at the Side.
Terrace dance committee meeting
at 6:30 at the Alpha Chi house.
Knama meeting at 6:30 at the
Delta Gamma house.
All freshmen in the sophomore
commission meet at YWCA bunga
low at 4 p.m. Very important.
House song leaders whose houses
are singing in the All-Campus Sing
eliminations should attend meeting
tonight at 8.
Gamma Alpha-Chi will meet to
night at 7 at the Delta Gamma
SDX meeting at 4 p.m. in 104
Journalism building.
Alpha Kappa Delta will meet in
the seminar room in Oregon. Jue
Staton wlil speak.
...Sunlight serenade committee
meeting at 4 p.m. at the Side.
35 W. 11th Phone 3284
Mu Phi Meets
With Rossini *'
An Italian motif will dominate
the meeting of Mu Phi Patronesses
scheduled for 8 p.m. tonight at Ger
linger hall. The history of early
Italian opera will be reviewed and
r are operatic records will be played
from the collection given the school
of music by the Mu Phi groups.
In charge of the program are
Mrs. Pierre Van Rysselberghe and
Miss Maude Garnett. Mrs. Lee A.
Young and Mrs. Frederick M. Hun
ter will serve as chairmen for the
Potluck dinner at First Methodist
church, 1185 Willamette street at
6:30 tonight.
Picnic committee for Junior
Weekend at 4 p.m. at the Alpha Pb^
Let Us Check
Your Shoes
It Will Pay Off
In a Long RUN
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Start getting your
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Slip into a pair of Round-the-Clock Individual
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ure in a variety of patterns to fit all types of
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