Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 17, 1947, Page 4, Image 4

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    Ducks Prepare For Opener
Webfoots Win 10 Strgight Pre-Season
Games: Starting Berths Still Open
Howard Hobson’s unbeaten Duck baseball team began
workouts for its northern division opener tomorrow afternoon
against the Idaho Vandals. The Palouse team, on a six-game
road swing against Oregon, Oregon State, and Washington
State, is of unknown quantity and may surprise the Webfoots.
In notching 10 straight wins in pre-league skirmishes, Ore
gon measured Portland and the Salem Senators three times,
and Willamette and Montana twice. Closest game was the
first tilt against Salem, when the
Hobsonmen, garnering half as
many hits as their opponents, eked
out an 8-7 12-inning win.
Only almost sure position on
the starting nine is nailed down
by stubby Walt Kirsch, who has
been an ideal leadoff batter,
dangerous with the willow, and
steady in his fielding. At first,
Iliek Bartle has the jump on the
rest of the candidates, but out
fielder Dick Burns may cause
him trouble, should Bartle fail
to hit.
At shortstop, both Ranny Smith
and Bob Santee are sharing hon
ors. Smith is the fielding half of
the duo, while Santee’s hitting may
prove a deciding factor. Newcomer
John Kovenz, A1 Cohen, ancf Bass
Dyer all are battling it out for the
hot-corner position.
Roy Carlson seems to have the
catching chores in tow, with vet
Dick Rodiger ably backing him up.
Hobson’s real problem starts in
finding the combination that will
be the starting outfield.
Santee and Burns have both
performed creditably in the outer
garden, while Hal Zurcher has
turned in some sparkling defen
sive performances mixed with
some , long-distance clubbing.
Charley Mickelson, the possessor
of a cannonball wing from the
outf.VId, has been the hitting
t lie ball like a starter lately, and
certainly not to be overlooked
is I'at W ohlers who has been hit
ting well.
Powerful Tony Crish is another in
the never ending line of outfielders
strongly in the running for an
opening berth. Crish, while still
lacking in defensive play, has more
than made up for this with his
performances at the plate. Homer
Parks, a heavy-sticker, and Don
Dibble, noted for his fielding abil
ity, are still in the running.
Hurling for the YVebfoots is
in good hands, with Ilal Sallz
iiian in Hie role of number one
pitcher. Hacking him up will be
speedlmller Harry Walker, and
big southpaw John Day. Whitey
I.okan and bis big curve is also
another possible starter.
Fred Kuhl and Norm Hcnwood
look like reliefers at this stage of
the season, while Hobson has a lot
of untried wingers in Sid Mills,
Wally Scales, Jerry Switzer, and
Jim Eckstrom.
Pictures of the entire golf
squad are to be taken today at
the Eugene Country club at
3:30 p.m. All team members are
urged to be present.
Golfers Prepare
For Oregon State
Positions on the Duck golf team
remained static yesterday as the
squad worked hard for its match
with the Oregon State Beavers
Saturday in Corvallis.
The exact strength of the
Beaver golf team is unknown. Al
though the Webfoots will be fav
ored on the strength of their win
over Washington, Coach Sid Mil
ligan, taking no chances on an up
set, has urged practice and the
team has responded with some fine
Present team positions are: 1
Lou Stafford, 2-Glen Spivey, 3
Dom Provost, 4-Bob Sederstrom,
5-Jim Dunahoo, 6-Rod Taylor.
These positions may change be
fore the OSC meet for each man
on the squad is open to challenge
from the man behind him.
HANK BOROVVY . . . former Yan
kee pitcher now with the Chicago
Cubs who let Pittsburgh’s Hank
Greenberg touch him for a scream
ing double that won the ball game
as Chicago and Pittsburgh opened
the National League season.
Hobby Eyes JV Horsehiders:
Sked Opens With OSC Rooks
The jayvee baseball squad trotted through an easy workout under
yesterday’s warm sun as Varsity Coach Howard Hobson traded reins
for the day with JV mentor Barney Koch to get a look-see at this
season's new material.
Tomorrow afternoon the junior varsity will open its season with
' the Oregon State Rooks in Corvallis. On Saturday afternoon they
slate a twin mu witn tne i_,ewis ana
Clark Pioneers.
Koch has chopped his original
squad of 65 men to 27 and nine
more are doomed for the ax before
tiie season is long underway.
Hustling hard, the JVs went
through a pepped-up infield prac
tice session with the outfielders
threw in long flies off the bat of
working-out as they fielded and
Hobson. Both sets of men took
four laps before heading for an
early shower.
For hurlers Koch has a sizeable
staff with Norm Henwood, Fred
Kuhl, Sid Mills, Homer Davis.
Wally Scales, and Horace DeBer
President Newburn and Dean Orlando Hollis
Stellar Opening Day Pitc her-Catcher Combo
TJhe University of Oregon’s
rabid and loquacious rooters are
ready today—ready for an open
ing baseball game that takes on
all the glory of pre-war at its
For tomorrow Oregon’s own
president, Dr. Harry K. Newburn,
will deliver the first pitch that
will put the Webfoot season un
derway. On hand to receive the
first offerings will be the faculty
representative, Dean Orlando J.
Hollis. The Honorable Earl Mc
Nutt, mayor of Eugene, will lay
the wood to the opening offering
in an attempt to knock out a base
A wide variety of other fea
tures is also on hand. The Univer
sity band, under the directorship
of Director John Stehn, will be on
hand to aid in raising the colors.
An ROTC unit will be available
to help in the actual raising Of the
Tlie 1947 Junior Weekend
Please order early for
Friday Delivery
39 E. Brdy. Phone 2309
queen, Nina Sue Fernimen, will I
throw out the ball that will open j
the afternoon’s activity.
Alpha Delta Sigma, advertis
ing honorary, is cooperating in
obtaining prizes for the opening
day event.
Chesterfield cigarettes will also
aid in the inaugural ceremonies
with % “free distribution” pro
Opening ceremonies are under
the promotion of the Daily Em
erald sports staff.
According to "The Green Pas
tures,” earth was created as a place
to “dreen off" the excess firmament
which was used in the custard at a
celestial fish fry.
Duck Netters
Swing Today
Paul Washke’s varsity tennis
men will open their 1947 campaign
this afternoon against Willamette
university squad at 2:30 on the
Oregon courts.
According to Washke, little is
known about the Bearcats’ strength
but the Salemites suffered a pair of
defeats at the hands of the Ducks
last season, and many of the same
courts'ters that notched up victor
ies in those matches will be on hand
this afternoon.
Letterman Jim Zieger, top-seeded
man on the Oregon team, Leland
Anderson, runner-up man on the
ladder, and Bob Carey will all wield
their rackets in singles matches—
for the second time against Wil
lamette. Joe Rooney, fourth in the
standings, and fifth man Fred How
ard both played frosh tennis on
Webfoot teams in pre-war encoun
In the doubles event Zieger and
Anderson, and Rooney and Howard
will team together in an attempt to
rack up a third straight win against
their opponents.
Milkman Enters Race
BOSTON, (API — Joe Smith, the
Medford milkman who holds the
course record of two hours, 26 min
utes, and 51 1-5 seconds, just got,
under the wire today by filing for
the 51st Boston A. A. marathon to
be run Saturday. No more entries
will be received for the race in
which 178 have been listed as com
Weather Forecast
Oregon—Partly cloudy Thurs
day with a few scattered light
showers. Cooler Thursday except
on coast. Clearing Friday. Light
local frost probably in valleys
Thursday night.
Sports staff this issue:
Wally Hunter
George Skorney
Elwin Paxson
Bernie Haxnmerbeck
A1 Pietschman t
Don Fair
The weather now is nice and warm
Causing all the college kids to swarm.
Down to Del’s for soft ice cream
A dish that truly is a dream.
774 K. 11th
7 a. m.-11 p. m. weekdays 9 a. m.-ll p. m. Sundays