Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 05, 1947, Page 7, Image 7

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tist Church, 868 High St.Dr. Vance Webster has selected for
| his sermon topic to be delivered
| during the Easter services at 9:00
I and 11:00 a.m., “The Broken Seals.”
j The anthem to be sung by the choir
will be “O, Death Where Is Thy
Sting.” Mrs. Harvey St. Johns will
sing a solo, “Open The Gates of the
Temple,” Knapp. An evening musi
cal program will be presented at
7:30 at which time baptismal ser
vices will also be held.
Christian Church, 116 Oak St.The guest speaker for the 11:00
morning worship will be Dr. Wil
liam F. Rothenberger, evangelist,
who has selected for his sermon top
ic, "Easter in Church and Home.”
“Hallelujah Chorus” will be the an
them to be sung by the choir. A so
prano solo, “I Walk Today Where
Jesus Walked” will be sung by Mr.
Rothenberger. The University
group will meet at 9:45 a.m. and the
Bible Breakfast forum is at 9:30
Congregational Church .“The Eternal Now” is the title of
90113th East the sermon to be delivered at the
11 a.m. Easter service by Rev. Wes
ley G. Nicholson. A soprano solo,
“Awake Thee That Sleepest” will
be sung by Elizabeth Howes, so
prano. The choir has selected to sing
, "This Glad Easter Day” and “Sanc
tus.” There will be two identical
morning services presented, at 9:00
and 11:00 a.m.
it. Mary's Episcopal Church.The Easter services will begin at
66 East 13th Street 6:30 a.m. with the celebration of
holy communion followed at 8:00
a.m. by the choral communion .At
11 a.m. Father Bartlam will deliver
the morning prayer and sermon, and
at 12:30 celebration of holy com
munion will be held. The music for
the services will be under the direc
tion of Milton Deterich.
rairmount Presbyterian Church....“The Easter Hope” will be the topic
ast loth and Villard Blvd. of the sermon to be delivered by Dr.
Joseph R. Harris at the 11:00 ser
vice. Special Easter music will be
rendered by the choir directed by
Miss Mary Nash.
n, cnurch of Christ, Scientist....“Unreality” will be the subject of
1 and Oak the lesson-sermon in all Churches
of Christ, Scientist this Easter Sun
day. The Golden Text is “Every
^ tree that bringeth not forth good
fruits is hewn down and cast into
,the fire.”
iriWw-? ChUrtCfh ;.Rev- L- °- Griffith has selected for
^ Ulammette Street his sermon topic to be delivered at
the 11 a.m. worship, “Kindly Light.”
Wayne Sherwood, bass, will sing
Angel Rolled the Rock Away.”
Special music will be rendered by
Doris Helen Calkins, harpist. A con
cert will be presented by the choir
at 8 p.m. entitled, “Christ in the
World,” Noble Cain.
m. Marys Catholic Church.Masses are held at 6-30 7 15 8-30
1062 Charnelton 9:45, and 11 a.m. Father Leipzig
will be officiating.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints .A special program of musical num
bers, readings and talks will mark
the Eugene Ward Sunday school ob
servance of Easter Sunday. The
featured speaker will be Eldon Han
son who will use for his text, the
subject, “He is not here, for He is
risen as He said.” The musical por
^ tion of the service will be a vocal
solo by Jean Latham, “The Lord’s
Prayer.” Music will also be ren
dered by a ladies’ vocal trio and a
16-voiced male chorus.
Lane Count/ Squares Off
For Student Union Fight
A University student center, for almost 25 rears the dream \
and goal of students, faculty, and friends of the institution, i
moved a big step nearer reality Thursday night with the first
meeting of a Lane County Citizens committee to raise funds
for the structure.
Called by Chairman William H. Russell, the meeting set
the pattern for a forthcoming drive to'raise $200,000 as Lane
vuuuiy s snare or tne remaining
$600,000 needed for construction
of the structure. The main drive
will not get under way until April
28, but preliminary work will be
gin immediately.
Haycox Keynotes
Keynoting the meeting, Alumni
President Ernest Haycox of Port
land predicted that the first work
on the new building would start
“by homecoming this year." “Wo
are going to raise this money be
cause we must raise it. We are
going to build the building,” he
The meeting was attended by
approximately 35 persons, most of
whom will head committees in ther
| intensive campaign planned for
Lane county. Offices of the drive
will be set up in the Eugene hotel
Various speakers told of the
history of plans for a student
memorial union and the need for
it on the campus. Photographic
slides giving details of the struc
ture were shown to the group.
“Home of Learning”
Opening the meeting, Chairman
Russell explained that the build
ing would be a “home of learn
ing." It will be a civic center for
the university, a place where stu*
dents can meet as equals, he said.
William M. Tugman, editor of
the Register-Guard, outlined the
need for such a building on the
campus, particularly with the in
creased enrollment of the univer
sity. He showed how the campaign
would tie in with the drive to
obtain funds for construction of
recreational areas in Eugene.
With the number of high school
students attending the University
increasing each year, a student
center has become an absolute ne
cessity, Haycox told the Eugene
leaders. He said it would prove an
important complement to the
classroom by making students'
leisure hours profitable ones.
“What happens oiitside the
classroom is as important as what
happens in the classroom. A civic
center for the University com
munity would create a kind of
citienship and would help to teach
the students how to live and work
with each other,” Haycox said.
Representing the University,
Dr. Earl M. Pallett, Assistant to
the President, expressed his ap
preciation for the keen interest of
alumni and friends in the project.
Student President Thomas Kay
and Wally Johnson, chairman of
the student unio n committee,
e.hoed these words and pledged
their whole-hearted support in the
Committee chairmen appointed
by Russell are as follows: Ben F.
Dorris, Lloyd W. Rowling, C. R.
Manerud, Mrs. J. Don Smith, Syd
ney A. Milligan, and Karl W. On
Spring Poetry
(Continued from pane one)
of which the titles of the poems
submitted are to be typed.
No prize in either competition
will be granted if. in the opinion of
the judges, none of the poetry en«
tered is of sufficient merit.
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