Fairmbunt Presbyterian Church... East 15th and Villard First Church of Christ Scientist... 1215 Oak street 'Congregational Church . 4901 13th East Baptist Church, 868 High. % St. Mary’s Catholic Church. 166 East 13th United Lutheran Church.. 315 East 13th ..“Why Attend Church ?” will be the subject of the sermon to be deliv ered by Dr. Joseph R. Harris at the 11 morning service. The choir, di rected by Miss Mary Nash, will ren der special music. Miss Barbara J. Eagleson will be the guest soloist. ..The subject of the lesson-sermon in all Churches of Christ Sunday will be “Christ Jesus.” The Golden Text is “Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsel lor, The Mighty God, The everlast ing Father, The Prince of Peace. -Rev. Wesley G. Nicholson will preach the conference sermon dur ing the morning worship. “Comfort Ye” is the anthem to be sung by the choir. Elizabeth House, soprano will sing a solo, “Hold Thou My Hand.” .Dr. Vance H. Webster has selected for his sermon topic to be delivered at the morning service “The Joy of the Calvary Way.” The choir will sing an anthem entitled “We Adore Thee.” The sermon topic for the 7:30 service is “What Must I Do to Be Saved” ? During the evening worship the Judson House trio will present a number. Masses are held at 6:30, 7:15, 8:30, 9:45, and 1-1:00. Father Bartlam will be officiating. Dr. F. S. Beistel will be guest speak er during the morning worship at 11 a.m. Special music will be pro vided by the choir. monEv Ducks—it's dangerous to juggle money v i for you’re sure to lose some. The safe way to account for every penny is to open a checking account here today. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK - - OF PORTLAND - EUGENE BRANCH Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation VETS' FORUM (Continued from pai/e tivo) for many of its services in the E. T. O. The reason given by military au thorities was they did not want the American soldiers to get used to or expect services rendered on a plain gratis basis. Army Justice Movements to put some sanity and a thread of continuity into army justice have long been under way. Last week Secretary of War Pat terson approved most of the recom mendation for revision of military justice. These recommendations were drawn up by a special commit- j tee from the American Bar associa tion. Changes to be made in military justice include: defendants are giv en the power to compel the attendance of witnesses; qual ified” enlisted men can be used on general and specific courts martial; the defense attorney must be a lawyer if the trial judge advo cate is; general courts need not or der the dismissal of an officer con victed of drunkenness nor need they sentence a soldier convicted of rape —pm——n'lwii — to death or life imprisonment, as at present. Some of these proposals do nut go far enough but all concerned w.'l probably agree that it is •‘about, time" for some movement toward a sane overall policy in the adminis tering of military justice. Night Staff: June Goetze, night editor Ruth Williams Bill Bishop Hugh Davies Harold Wright Have a Coke 4 y BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY COCA COLA BOTTLING CO. OF EUGENE, OREGON a a ■ 1 i Don't Miss the Big Show i Monday afternoon at 4 in front of the College Side i - ; Everyone Is Invited ; " • You'll See Bill Bishop, campus magician, and you'll hear the tops in music All in one big 20 minute show for the campus Red Cross Drive It’s another University Service Sponsored by Alpha Delta Sigma and Gamma Alpha Chi Campus Advertising honoraries .and Boosted bv 'l'he Oregon Daily Emerald