Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 14, 1947, Page 8, Image 8

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    Security Council Sets Up
Basic Department Plans
LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., Feb. 13 (AP)—'The United
Nations security council today formally set up basic machin
ery for a program of world-wide arms reduction and immedi
ately plunged into general debate on a separate plan for inter
national control of atomic energy.
The vote on the resolution establishing an 11-nation “com
mission for conventional arma
ments” was 10 to 1 with Russia
However, Andrei A. Gromyko,
Soviet delegate and deputy for
eign minister, indicated to report
ers after the meeting that Russia
would go along with the new arms
plan despite his refusal to vote.
He said Russia had suggested the
arms body and had objected to
the final resolution only over lines
of relationship with the atomic
energy commission.
Warren R. Austin, American
delegate, and Gromyko had ar
gued for weeks over United States
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insistence that the problem of
atomic control be kept outside
the new arms body.
All members of the security
council will have seats on the
arms commission. The same na
tions, plus Canada, have seats on
the U. N. atomic energy commis
The arms resolution also made
provision for early consideration
of two inter-linked' problems—
atomic energy control and an in
j ternational military force.
The delegates complied here by
opening general atomic debate
within two minutes after the arms
Also approved was a paragraph
calling upon the military staff
committee, composed of military
experts from the five major pow
ers, to file a report by April 30
on progress toward organizing a
global police force.
Weather Forecast
Oregon: Mostly cloudy with
light showers in west portions
and in northwest portions Satur
day. Partly cloudy east portions.
Light snow in high Cascades. Mild
temperatures. Fresh southwest
wind off coast.
Bore—one who insists on talking
about oneself when you want to talk
about yourself.
Art Holman’s
Ph. — Springfield 326
Got a clunker in your closet? Get it out and
bring' it to our store. AN e ll make it look like the
money it's worth! There's no job too big' for our
repair shop. Free estimates too!
58 West 11th
Unhappy Dog Waits
For Errant Master
GRANGER, Wash., Feb. 13.—
(AP) The big, unhappy dog which
vanished from Buena after many
months of watching for his un
known master has turned up again
at a farm near Granger, still watch
ing cars but giving some of his at
tention to a little girl named Kath
At Buena the sad but friendly
animal, looking like a cross between
a German shepherd and a collie, was
known as Rex or Carlo. Now he has
another name—Prince.
For months he had stood watch
near a roadside sign at Buena, leav
ing only to search for food. People
said a car had dropped him there
last summer and driven away.
A Seattle man thought he recog
nized the dog as one stolen from
him last August, but Buena people
said they had seen Rex-or-Carlo at
his signboard in July.
Kathleen, 4, is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Joy Kincier, who said
the dog wandered in recently and
was fed and petted by Kathleen. The
Kinders have one dog and don’t
especially want another, but they
say Prince apparently has adopted
the little girl and can stay if he
Accused Slayer Waives
Preliminary Hearing
HILLSBORO, Ore., Feb. 13
(APJ—Albert Jack Green, 16,
waived preliminary hearing today
on a charge of first degree mur
der in the $12 robbery of Ralph
Porritt, 49-year-o 1 d Vancouver
The Lake Grove, Ore., boy, who
police said admitted shooting Por
ritt to get some spending money,
was held for the grand jury.
He appeared before the county
judge, and heard the district at
torney read the formal charge
against him.
Radio Building Asked
PORTLAND, Feb. 13 (AP) —
Radio Airways Inc. applied to the
civilian production administration
today for authority to construct a
$15,500 building to house a new
1000-watt radio station, KASH,
at Eugene.
Bill Bishop, night editor
Phyll Kohlmeier
Bill Larner
Hugh Davies
Doug Fetsch
Fred Taylor %
Seagoing birds sometimes accu
mulate barnacles, as do ships, it has
been discovered by the University
of California zoology department.
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Oregon W Emerald
Bob Frazier, Wire Editor
Plane Crashes in Icy Britain;
U.S. Plans Aid for Industries
LONDON, Feb. 13 (API—Brit
ain’s worst winter in naif a cen
tury claimed the lives of eight
men today in the flaming wreck
age of an RAF bomber carrying
parachute-packed food for a snow
bound Staffordshire village.
The Halifax bomber crashed
two miles from Butterton where
villagers had marked sooty crosses
on snowdrifts as tne place for the
dropping of the first food sup
plies in 10 days of complete iso
The plane had taken off in
freezing and low visibility con
ditions. The bodies of the five
crewmen, two press photogra
phers, and a glider regiment sol
dier were strewn over a snowy
moor. 4
Sixteen similar flights awaiting
clearing skies were called off at
once by the air ministry in a day
which brought renewed freezing
temperatures throughout Britain
and little hope of immediate re
lief. London’s highest mark was
31 degrees and temperatures
dropped lower in rural areas.
—President Truman said Thurs
day that the U. S. stood ready to
do everything within its power to
relieve the plight of the British J
people in their present fuel emer
Mr. Truman said it may be
possible to divert to Great Britain
a number of colliers at sea bound
for other European countries in
an attempt to aid England’s stilled
industries and the 5,000,000 per
sons out of work.
Bobolee Brophy
June Goetze
The campus of Drew university
covers 120 acres.
—— ——1 I. t
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Steaks and Chicken
George s Grotto
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