ATTEND THE CHURCH of YOUR CHOICE GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 11th & Ferry Rev. W. B. Maier, pastor Church School, 9:45 Worship Service at 11 a.m. Gamma Delta for Lutheran students and friends, Sunday, 5 p. m. CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10th Ave. at Pearl i Rev. Norman K. Tully, Pastor Servicemen, Students, and visitors cordially welcomed at Divine Worship FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1166 Oak Street Hugh N. McCallum, Pastor University Classes, 9:45 a.m. Dr. Victor P. Morris, teacher Town and Campus Group, 6:15 Bible Breakfast Forum, 9:40 a.m. (donuts and coffee) Worship Services, 11 a.m., 7:30 p.m. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 490 13th Ave. East Phone 4192 Wesley Goodson Nicholson, Minister Morning Worship, 11 a.m. Mary S. Grubbs Director of Student Work Student Supper, 6 p.m. ST. MARY’S ESPICOPAL CHURCH Rev. E. S. Bartlam, Rector Rev. Hal R. Gross, Student Pastor Services at 8 and 11 Wednesday at 7 a.m. at Gerlinger Hall Canterbury Club, 5 :30 at Church FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 12th and Willamette L. O. Griffith, Minister Robt. J. Bull, Assoc. Pastor Morning Worship, 11 a.m. Youth Fellowship, 6:30 Wesley House, on campus Dave Seaman, director Student supper, 5 :30 Recital, 6:30 Discussion Group, 7:00 CAMPUS CALENDAR Westminster open house and re freshments for students and their dads after the game. Folk dancing class at the YMCA from 9 to 11 p.m. Unitarian church open house af ter the game. Sophomores Requested To Petition YW Posts Sophomores especially are re quested to petition for positions on the YWCA cabinet, according to Miss Lois Greenwood, executive di rector of the Y. Anyone interested may contact Miss Greenwood for an appoint ment. Offices open are president, vice-president, secretary, and treas urer. Cabinet positions to be filled are publicity, flying speech, posters, membership, public affairs, lunch eon, worship, conference, town and gown, social, house, younger girls, community service, and sophomore commision. Copy Desk Staff: Gloria Talarico Keith Baird Warren Collier » Diana Dye Actress Grandma (Continued from page one) the play and keeping the cat in good spirits so she will purr and stay con tented has to be faced each eve ning. Miss Hawkesworth was born in Council, Alaska and lived in Juneau until she was 12 years old. Her fam ily moved to Eugene six years ago. The young actress, who is a fresh man majoring in drama, attended Eugene high, where her last role was the grandmother in “Ghost Wanted.’’ Second Appearance "From a granny to an eight-year old,” laughed Miss Hawkesworth, whose diminutive stature makes her the logical candidate for child roles, “That’s quite a jump for one year.” Her first appearance on the University stage was in “Dark of the Moon.” A special matinee for “I Remem ber Mama” has been slated for Sat urday afternoon, February 15, at 2:30 p.m. Tickets are available at the box office in Johnson hall. /7i ap.p.eciSii*ttf, in fyeLmaAy MadenuUieile. . . . Berkeley Junior does it again ... in soft crepe with flippant pleated peplum and sleeves edged edged in lace and new tied keyhole neckline. Aqua and rose. Sizes 9 to 15. 14.95 EXCLUSIVELY AT EUGENES FASHION CENTER KEEP YOUR DIAL TUNED AT 1450 ' For KORE’S Twentieth Anniversary BEGINNING FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14TH Dads and Students! You are cordially invited to Jbin with the Mutual Network and the city of Eugene in the celebration DON SHANAHAN Don kicks off festivities to night at midnight and KORE wiH be on the air all night with the Night Owl Disc Show, Dream-Time Musical program, and the Shady Val ley Folks. WAYNE SHERWOOD former vocalist KOIX, Port land. currently at the Music School, and the Springfield High A Cappella Choir, and other great local talent. SALUTES KOKH will he saluted by many other leaders in Oregon radio, among t'h e in being HEX, KWIL, KKJI, KBND and KALE. KORE j Established Feb. 15, 1927 by Frank Hill and C. G. Phillips. 1947—KORE is now leading Eugene in programs and list ening appeal. 1927 Twenty Years of Public Service 1947