Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 14, 1947, Page 5, Image 5

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Assistant Sports Editor
i rue, it doesn’t do very much good to take issue with the
insipid, labble-rousing type of thing that the Oregon State
Barometer seems to be printing these days, but it may not
nurt to detenu one s views of
.a situation; This simple dis
cussion of whether the OSC
Beavers actually f-astbreak this
season was definitely not de
signed to grow into the wild
eyed name calling battle of
adjectives to which it has de
teriorated, but the point is
there for discussion. And the
► -question still is, “Do the Bea
vei-s vfastbi’eak this year.”
The Barometer's Assistant
Sports Editor John Eggers,
who along with this fella'
“Sad55 Sack, caused all of the
hoorah with their slightly in
sane, twisted version of what
.Howard Hobson thinks, says,
“ . . . the foregone conclusion
among coaches, writers and
players . . . that Oregon State
lo ci icisiDreaKing ball club. Ihis may be a foregone con
elusion in some quarters, but it is not unanimous—there are
still a few holdouts.
The Stop-Watch Answer Again
When the question first came to the fore . . . and that
was quite some time before the plow-boys started to yelp
in their seed catalog . . . the suggestion came up that the
fastbreak should actually be timed with a stop-watch.
1 hat was deemed the only method whereby an opinion
could be formed that was based on any kind of authority.
Because we have to admit that a stop-watch is impartial. Time
several ball clubs in action and then make a comparison, and
•%by this method form an opinion.
Well, we have done just that, and the results are inter
esting. Since the argument came up there has been only
two opportunities to time games. These games were the
final Oregon-Washington game, and the last Beaver-Duck
battle at Corvallis.
Just those two games are not enough to form a definite
opinion, and you cannot get an over-all picture of what a team
does in only one or two games—but it does give an indica
tion of the speed at which they travel.
1 he Webfoots Travel Fa st
In the final Oregon-Washington battle the Webfoots aver
aged a total of 8 seconds to take the ball the entire length of
the floor and cast-off. The Huskies took 91/, seconds to do
the same thing. When the Webfoots and the Beavers met
at Corvallis last Saturday night the Ducks maintained their
average of 8 seconds, and the Staters took 12 seconds.
Here is the system that was used. When a team gained
possession of the ball out-of-bounds, via either a successful
basket attempt by the other team, or on a violation of the
rules, the watch was started. When the offensive team
took a shot at the basket the watch was stopped. This
elapsed time was then marked down and later averaged up.
Only when the ball traveled the full length of the floor was
it counted.
If the offensive team lost possession of the ball before
they took a shot it was not tabulated. Likewise if there were
any violation of the rules before the shot were taken it was not
marked. The watch then, was actually started when the ball
went into play and was stopped when the ball hit the back
board or rim on a shot. If the shot attempt did not hit the
backboard, or rim, the watch was stopped when the ball passed
the basket.
One More Duck-Beaver Battle
That, of course, was for only two ball games, but there
will be more. There are two more Idaho games and one
more with the Beavers, and a pair with Washington in Seattle.
We can keep the watch on the Idaho series and on the final
Beaver-Duck battle. Publicity Director Art Litchman has
kindly consented to do the timing job at Seattle.
At the conclusion of these games we should have a pretty
fair picture of the average speeds of some of the teams in the
The "Salmon" Makes a Quick Trip
It might be interesting to note that the fastest time tabu
lated for a dribbling trip the length of the floor was made by
^ Oregon's Guard Stan Wililamson. In the last of the Washing
ton series in the Igloo the "Salmon” took the ball from out of
bounds, dribbled the entire length of the floor, and pushed
up a successful lay-in all in four seconds.
IM Wins - Sig Eps, Theta Chi
......mini...... i vrsTt'Dnivie
| Bruin-Bear Tiffs
(Top SD Schedule
Southern Division
W. L. Pet.
California . 5 1 .833
U.C.L.A. 4 2 .667
Stanford . 2 4 .333
U. S. C. I 5 .167
This week's southern division
action has the California Bears
playing U. C. L. A.’s Bruins in
what could be the decisive games
Friday and Saturday at Los An
geles while Stanford meets U. S.
C. at Palo Alto.
The Golden Bears, somewhat
dehided as a result of last week’s
games, will remain in the south
land in order to take on the Stan
ford Indians the weekend of the
21-22 of February.
In the scoring department,
Johnny Stanich of UCLA still
leads the field with 78 points, on
35 field goals and 8 charity tosses.
Jack Rocker is in second place,
one point behind Stanich.
Stanich, UCLA .... 35 8 10 78
Rocker, Cal. 29 19 9 77
Barksdale, UCLA 29 15 18 73
Hanger, Cal. 24 23 15 71
Clubbers Down DUs
Campbell club moved up an
other notch in the intramural
handball tournament by defeat
ing Delta Upsilon in two straight
games yesterday afternoon.
Dads' Weekend
Sports Program
2:30 Swimming—Men’s Pool
Oregon vs. Idaho
3:00 Basketball doubleheader—
McArthur court
Frosh vs. Lowell high
Frosh vs. Medford high
8:00 Basketball, McArthur court
Oregon vs. Idaho
T-00 Swimming—Men’s’”pool'
Oregon vs. WSC.
2:00 IM Basketball—court 43
Fijis vs. Legal Eagles
3:00 Basketball, McArthur court
Frosh vs. University high
8:00 Basketball, McArthur court
Oregon vs. Idaho
Sports Staff This Issue:
Bernie Hammerbeck
Wally Hunter
Fred T ylor
A1 Pietschman
Jerry McNew
Irwin Paxson
George Skorney
—and up goes your score.
There’s nothing like
29 W. 11th
B League
Sig Eps 29, Chi Psi 10
Theta Chi 37, Dells 9
Theta Chis’ smooth working
quintet romped to an easy 37-S
win over Delta Tau Delta, and
Sigma Epsilon trounced Chi Psi
29-10 in the only two intramural
basketball games played yesterday
These two tilts marked the
end to the regular schedule of
IM play with interleague cham
pionship games slated to get
underway next week.
The Sig Eps, shooting only
when the right number of basket
strings appeared in their sights,
built up an 18-3 halftime lead
over a fighting Chi Psi squad and
then out-scrambled the losers in
win easily 29-10.
Half Erlandson dropped in 10
points in the first half for the
winners and was still high at
the final whistle to take scor
ing honors.
Theta Chi displayed its usual
keen passing and tight defense
against the Delts, who could get
close enough to their own goal
for only 6 points against 18 for
the victors in the first half. Theta
Chi poured it on in the second
frame, controlling the backboards
and hawking the ball to win going
away 37-9.
Bill Cramer and Merv Hanscam
led the scoring for the winners'
with 11 and 10 counters.
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* Donuts
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