New Campus Club To Assist WSSF Plans were formulated last week by the new International Relations club to aid the campus World Student Service fund drive, according to Walt Crmosby, presi dent of the organization. “We are assisting the drive be cause of the international char acter it possesses,” Crosby said, “and because of the definite need for the drive to be successful, our part will consist of contacting and explaining the purpose of the drive to the various campus or ganizations.” Crosby requested that anyone interested in participating in the club’s phase of the drive should contat him personally, or leave a slip with his name in Dr. Paul Dull’s office in Oregon hall. Proceeds from the WSSF drive will be used for the assistance of students all over the world. The money will be used to purchase' text books, clothing, medical sup plies, and food, Crosby said. Music Sorority Inducts Members at Dessert New members of Phi Beta, mu sic sorority, will be inducted in a ceremony to take place Tuesday at an afternoon dessert. The des sert will be given by Phi Beta patronesses at Gerlinger hall. A program will include piano solos by Patricia Metcalf Chase, president, and vocal numbers by Lucile Olson, contralto, accom panied by Emily Rhodes Parker. The patronesses committee in charge of arrangements is headed by Mrs. O. F. Stafford. Mrs. C. E. McLean, Mrs. Philip Souers, Mrs. Harry Titus, Mrs. Hugh Ford, and Mrs. R. M. Lyon will assist her. f Political Scientists To Elect Officers President and secretary-treasur er of the Poltical Science club will be elected by members of the club senate at the organizational meet ing tonight at 7:30 in the YMCA. The president, who is to hold office for a year, will appoint a six-man rotating program com mittee, members of which will serve for one term. Candidates for president are Warren Miller, Tom Corbett, Malcolm McCollum, Cal Maxey, and Elbert Floyd. Nominated for secretary-treas urer were Gay Edwards, Hazel Leonard, Nancy Base, Cathie Crombie, and Hazel Trollinger. All members of the senate are re quested1 to attend the organiza tional meeting. Chief Justice George Rossman of the Oregon supreme court will address the group February 12 in alumni hall, Gerlinger. Smith to Attend Meet Dr. W. D. Smith, head of the geology department, will attend a meeting of the Willamette Basin commission in Salem Wednesday. He will be attending the meeting as a member of the Lane county advisory commission on flood control. Dr. Warren D. Smith New Museum Trustee At the December meeting of the Oregon Museum foundation in Portland, Dr. Warren D. Smith, head of the geology department, was elected a trustee of the foun dation. Dr. L. S. Cressman, head of the anthropology department and in charge of the natural history mu seum in Condon hall, is also a trustee of the Oregon foundation. Plans are being laid for the new state museum to be built in Port land by the Oregon Museum foun dation, according to Dr. Smith. Math Paper Published A paper entitled “The Statis tical Sign Test,” written by W. J. Dixon, associate professor of mathematics at the University, was published in the December is sue of the American Statistical Association Journal. According to the mathematics department, the paper dealt with the simplified significance test, or the differences in methods of treatments. Condon Club to Skate The Condon club will hold an ice skating party Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. at the Eugene Ice arena. All members of the club and their friends are invited to attend. HUNGRY? You will discover good food and excellent service HAL'S HAMBURGER HUT 1128 Alder—Around the Corner from the Mayflower (OPEN SUNDAY) The drama theater is on the first floor of Johnson hall. Ir $300,000 is still needed before Oregon can have a student union. I——————* MODERN DANCE EVERY FRIDAY EVENING Olenn Snyder’s Seven piece orchestra 9:00 - 12 ;00 at the Woodmen of the World Hall 291 8th W. YOUR OLD SIBERRIAN IS BACK NOW THE NEW Delicious Steaks Breakfast Lunch Dinners Snacks Excellent Fountain Service 744 E. 11th NEAR THE MAYFLOWER THEATER A MATURE ADMINISTRATION FOR AN ADULT FRESHMAN CLASS Plus STATEWIDE REPRESENTATION JIM BQCCHI From Klamath Falls For No. 1 Position JEANNINE MACAULAY mI: From Portland For No. 2 Position Pel. Adv.