Bulletin Tells Of U.N. Jobs Opportunities open to college and university graduates in the newly established International Civil Ser vice of the United Nations organi sation were emphasized in a bulle tin recently received by the Univer sity student placement service from Helen G. Fisk, associate director of Western Personnel Service, which rets as a clearing house of informa tion about occupations and stu dent personnel work. The personnel office of the Unit ed Nations in New York has em ployed 900 persons this year—inter preters, secretaries, typists, recep tionists—to handle the clerical work of the organization, according to Miss Fisk. Policies Established The Legislative Assembly, which is the top governing body of the U. N., has already established two major policies of employment: 1. All employees must be em ployed on a competitive basis. 2. Due regard must be given to geographic distribution in making appointments. Miss Mary Smieton from the Ministry of Labor of the United Kingdom was appointed to the post af chief personnel officer in May, 1946. Many Types Needed The work of the United Nations organization will demand the ser vice of people from many types of professions. Attorneys, linguists, accountants and many other types Df skilled workers will be needed. A broad cultural background, some knowledge of the social sci snees, and understanding of inter national problems will be essential :n Addition to preparation in one’s specialty. ODD FELLOWS LODGE Spencer Butte No. 9 Meets Tuesday Nite at 8:00 p. m. Corner of Oak & Broadway CAMPUS CALENDAR Kvvama meeting in front of the Theta house at 6:15 p.m. Newman club meeting at the YMCA at 6:45 p.m. House managers meeting at the Sigma Alpha Mu house at 6:45 p.m. Important meeting for all rushees or anyone interested in rushing at 4:45 p.m. in the alumni hall of Ger linger. All rushees must be present in order to remain on the rush list. Archery club pictures for Ore gana on the Gerlinger sun porch at 1 p.m. All girls who participated in the archery tournament last spring ter mand anyone interested are asked to report. Chess club meeting upstairs in the Side at 7 p.m. Skull and Dagger meeting at the Kappa Sigma house at 6:30 p.m. Christian Science organization meeting in the YWCA at 7:45. ISA Senate meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 105 commerce. Zoology Texts Needed Any students possessing copies of the zoology books, “Animal Biol ogy” by Guyers, and “General Zool ogy” by Storer, and are not tak ing zoology this term, are requested by Dr. P. L. Risley, head of the biol ogy department, to sell their books to the Co-op store immediateely. “Many students this term are without books for zoology and new ones have been very difficult to ob tain, so we are hoping that owners of these books that are not in use, will cooperate in this request,” Dr. Risley said Friday. Religion Topic of Meet Walter Purcell, noted Portland Bible teacher, spoke on the “Dual Natures of the Believer” Monday at the University fellowship meeting in the University YMCA. Copy Desk Staff: John Benneth, editor Dianna Dye Rollie Gabel Bobolee Brophy Kit Wilhelm Bep McCourry Freshmen to Nominate Candidates for freshman class of ficers will be nominated Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in room 3, Fenton hall in the first meeting of the class of 1950. Two candidates from both the In dependent and Greek parties will be nominated from the floor at that time. Gil Roberts, first vice-president of the ASUO, is in charge of the elections which will be held January 28 at the YMCA. Club Set for Ski Trip Newman club has chartered a bus for its annual ski trip which will be Sunday, February 9. Those wish ing to go should contact Frances Degnan, chairman, at Ext. 283 im mediately since the bus will accom modate only 40. Skis must be reserved at Hender shott's one week ahead of time. Final plans for the Willamette area trip will be discussed at tonight’s meeting of the club at 6:45 at the YMCA. Labor Editor Lectures S. Eugene Allen, editor of the Oregon Labor Press, lectured on public relations from an organized labor point of view at the 8 o’clock business public relations class on Monday. Also chairman of the Portland public school board, Mr. Allen, is a regular member of the business ad ministration school lecture panel. Dean Attends Confab Dean Sydney W. Little of the school of architecture and allied arts will attend the Oregon chapter of the American Institute of Ar chitecture in Portland today. The meeting will feature election of officers and annual committee reports of the institute. Advertising Staff: Jim Curry, day manager Vivian Oyala, layout manager Layout staff: Bob Philips Shirley Gilbert Solicitors: Bob Chaney Ann Hite, circulation manager 1.—/ Delicious sandwiches and shakes prepared by the Midway Drive-In and delivered to any spot on the campus. Orders taken from 8:30 'til 10:00 p. m. Tues., through Friday. Phone 1015 HOGAN'S GROCERY and COOK'S MARKET 544 E. 13th Phone 2066 Students Must Supply Data for Job Folder Students who want to be listed in the advertising pjob-folder which is being published by Alpha Delta Sigma, advertising honorary, must have all the necessary information turned in today. Interested students are asked to contact George Pegg at the Emerald business office im mediately. The folder will be distributed to advertising agencies, newspapers, magazines, and other businesses that employ advertising personnel, and will contain information on Uni versity students interested in the field. Night Staff J. Lawrence C., night editor E. Lee B. J. Bug C. B. Jean M. M. Theresa S. DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 9:30 to 12:30 Wayne Ryan and his band at SWIMMER'S DELIGHT 3 miles east of Goshen COLLECTORS ITEMS AND ALBUMS Latest Hits Over 10,000 Used Records to select from including Glenn Miller Originals DOTSON’S YE OLD RECORDE SHOP NEW LOCATION 118 W. Broadway Ph. 202 CHOICE •s&' 4 FAMOUS TRAINS » STREAMLINER -CITY OF PORTLAND Lv. Portland 4:50 P.M. t0 ChicT‘ Si* atilingt *>« month .T." E appo,nted Pullman and coach a«. commoaations *. * no extra fare, "PORTLAND ROSE* Lv. Portland 9:00 AM. Fast schedule to Denver, Kansas City, St. Lobii CWt»EO. Last word in modern equipment Ihentt S!i Pe" WltH dr*Win* room8- compart. m^’u? J"8’ and 8ect,OM« • ■ • also com. modioue coaches. Daylight trip thru Columbia Gorge. Lv. Portland 0:30 P.M. An ideal train for Denver, Kansas City and St Loni,. Accommodation, for all dames. "PACIFIC" Lv. PortlMd 9:15 P.M.' fl«arsm^rtmvelWeagQ Eut'' ‘ *>* aU Per compiett information, inquire M GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT Room 751 Pittock Block Portland 5, Oregon UNION PACISIC RAILROAD i ■ I ho tpmtUk... soy "Union Pacific' WINTER VACATIONIST* R»m«mb*r... Sun Valley b now open. ’HI SiASONID TRAVELER O O I S *T TRAIN