Oregon W Emerald MARGUERITE WITTWER-WRIGHT Editor GEORGE PEGG Business Manager BOB FRAZIER, TED GOODWIN Associates to Editor JACK L. BILLINGS Managing Editor BILL YATES News Editor MARYANN THIELEN and WALT MCKINNEY Assistant Managing Editors BOBOLEE BROPHY and JUNE GOETZE Assistant News Editors JEANNE SIMMONDS Feature Editor DOUG EDEN Advertising Manager BERNIE HAMMERBECK Sports Editor BILL STRATTON, WALLY HUNTER Assistant Sports Editors DON JONES DICK BYFIELD Staff Photographer Chief Copy Desk Editor Signed editorial features and columns in the Emerald reflect the opin ions of the writers. They do not necessarily represent the opinion of the editorial staff, the student body, or the University. Entered as second class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Emancipation “It is an intellectual farce if an administration of a univer sity which teaches racial and religious tolerance should revoke that theory by an opposite practice.” The Emerald agrees with this excerpt from a letter signed by four veteran students and published in the January 18 issue. Nevertheless, it is impossible to argue logically concerning any problem which is largely emotional. There has been little known conflict on this campus caused by minority groups. Un doubtedly there have been injustices, but these are of a personal nature and cannot be prevented by administrators in Johnson hall. Last week representatives of the One World club and the American Veterans Committee met with Dr. Newburn to dis cuss their viewpoints concerning the treatment of'one Negro woman who was not allowed to live in the dormitory of her choice. By mutual consent, she and a white woman had ex pressed their wish to room together. This request was denied by Mrs. Genevieve Turnips,eed, director of dormitories, and the colored girl was assigned to another dorm. Discrimination Immediately the question of racial discrimination arose. Interested students asked Dr. Newburn whether any set regu lations existed in reference to such situations. The University does not admit any rules directly pertaining to minority groups. There is a provision that the administration staff may provide housing for any student with the best interests of the school and the state the primary concern. Individual wishes are sub ordinated to the overall policy. rims we are safe to assume that Mrs. Turnipseed placed the Negro student in a housing unit where it was hoped there would be the least resistance from the majority group—the "white residents. The blame for that decision does not rightly belong with Mrs. Turnipseed; the problem should however have been handled with more tact. The blame lies in the white women who would object to living with a colored student. It lies with their parents who threatened to withdraw the women from school. And in turn their attitudes are caused by lack of education, inability to understand clearly the issues involved, and their own environ ment. As a state university, this school must take the positive attitude that students belonging to minority groups are en titled to the same rights and privileges granted to all. The long-range policy of the administration, as expressed by Dr. Newburn, is a gradual conditioning of students and taxpayers alike to a realization of democratic ideals—not only in theory but in practice. The administration cannot legislate or en force tolerance any more than they can legislate or enforce intellectual honesty or conventional sex behavior among stu dents. v^uei ciuii If a faculty member deliberately discriminated in the treat ment of certain students because of their race or religion, he could be chastized in some concrete way. But the administra tion cannot force fraternities to pledge Jewish men. or force dormitory women to accept a Negro student as an equal. Ju many ways this school is more advanced than scores of •other institutions. Campus restaurants serve colored students; Negroes, Chinese, Japanese, and Jewish students mingle with Swedes, Norwegians, C.ermans, and even Texans at campus dances, games, and assemblies. b'urther advancement toward Christianity must come from the individuals who are the citizens of the University com munity and the state. The University can help to hasten both intellectual enlightenment and emotional balance*bv recogniz ing no racial discrimination, by giving due credit to achieve ments by students of any group, and by encouraging those activities which promote understanding and rational solutions of these problems. The Negro is free of physical slavery. But many members of the white races are still in intellectual and emotional vassal age—enslaved by their old race hatreds, their religious intol lerances, their perverted illusion of superiority. Perhaps those groups on the campus who are fighting against intolerance of minorities should shift their emphasis. Perhaps they should set as their goal the emancipation of our provincial, misguided, heathen “whites.” Honoraries that Function We are looking- forward to hearing Phillip H. Parrish lecture on Germany tonight in Chapman hall. Mr. Parrish, editor of the Oregonian’s editorial page, traveled quite widely in Europe last fall, and we read his stuff daily as it appeared in his “Letters Home” in The Oregonian. W(e were impressed by the fact that, while he is an editorial writer of national reputation, Mr. Parrish remains a first-rate reporter—never scorning the high art of reporting what he sees. It is through the efforts of Sigma Delta Chi, national pro fessional journalism fraternity for men, that Mr. Parrish is brought to the campus. For this we commend members of the journalism fraternity. This is the sort of thing that makes the myriad campus “honoraries” worth while. If more of them, tucked away in the ivory towers of their departments, would blossom out now and then and bring good speakers to the campus they would be performing a much-needed function. Sigma Xi, the science honorary, and SDX have always been way out in front in performing services of this sort. This has resulted in a prestige being attached to membership in the groups. There is many a threadbare' Honorary on the campus today that could use a little of this prestige."'* By their very nature honoraries should be made up of the outstanding students in the university. The Emerald recom mends these outstanding students take a leaf from the book of Sigma Xi and Sigma Delta Chi. ' Give every man thine ear but few thy voice. Take each man’s censhre, but reserve thy judgment1^—Shakespeare. Nobody can think straight who does not work. Idleness warps the mind. Thinking without; constructive action be comes a disease.—Henry Ford. %' Telling the Editor ABOUT ADS Perhaps the appellation “Your Shopping Guide” would be an ap propriate addition to the name of your publication. In particular, I have reference to the issue of January 17, 1947. Not only is the paper predominantly ad vertising, but an editorial gives as a reason for suppressing a pro posed magazine that such a periodi cal would abscond with some of the Emerald’s “much needed advertis ing.” Have you read the story entitled "The Straw That Broke the Cam el’s Back”? Theodore M. Odland. Editor’s note: Sometimes the bus iness manager’s back aches too. Ex planation: It costs about $17,000 a year to publish the Emerald. The Emerald’s advertising staff has to meet a $11,000 budget. The rest is paid by the students through their ASUO membership. If the students and the University felt they could afford to kick in the whole 17 grand, we wouldn’t need ads. * * * ABOUT MOB SCENES That “stockyard" scene in front of McArthur court before the game Friday night is cause for concern, I believe. Maybe it was fun to be in back of the crowd and do the push ing. It wasn’t in the middle or near the doors. Fortunately, no one was injured seriously, but damage was done as several windows were broken. It could have been different. Students of crowd psychology admit that the melee could have been a fisco. If one student had slipped, how could he or she have ever gotten up ? With one person down and yelling | for help, panic could start. Every one in the middle would try to get out. The tragic death, due to panic, in the Boston night club fire of sev eral years back is a grim reminder. Maybe the pushers didn’t think of that. Those on the fringes of the crowd had no worry. Those in the center did, and many were worried. They could see what might happen, but could do nothing about it. There are two evident remedies. One is to inaugurate a new ticket taking or door-opening policy, the other is to enforce keeping in line by use of stringent methods. Either one or a.combination of both may save the University from a possible serious .accident A1 Pietschman. > ■* * * ABOUT BEAVERS Lots of indignant townspeople are wondering just where and how so many Beaver rooters obtained tick ets to Friday night’s ball game, and so are we students. It’s disgraceful enough to see our teams beaten year after year by our country cousins, but when we’re not allowed to attend games at Cor vallis, yet see hundreds of loyal Ore gon supporters turned away because the Igloo seats are filled with rabid Beavers, it's adding insult to injury. We begin to think there’s “some thing rotten in Oregon.” If th reeis a logical excuse for this deplorable situation it should be told to the rightfully disgusted Eugenians to prevent further mis understanding and long queues on cold nights. If not let the Beavers stand in line as we would have to do at Corvallis. D. J. Knight Editor’s note: There were 400 Beavers at the game. No tickets were sold to them. The Staters were admitted with University of Oregon ASUO cards which had been lent to them by Webfoots. ASUO cards are not supposed to be transferable. . . . Draw your own conclusions about something being rotten. SIDE PATTER BOB WHITELY Tall, willowy and all there JEAN BARRINGER who hails from the Pi Phi clan, and Chi O June John son were named first week’s win^^ ners in the Law school’s “Search for Beauty” contest currently be ing conducted in Fentons halldwed lialls. Fledgling legalite Pres Phipps emoted a moan at not be ing able to identify a gorgeous blonde job who from all appear ances calls Suzie Hall her home, rhe lawyers ask would she kirjdly walk past again where she can immedaitely be contacted. Ottilie Seybolt was disqualified for rid ing her Wambat bicycle at a fu rious pace past the judges’ podium. "We can’t vote on a blur,” the committee confessed. The Gamma Phi’s have shown plenty of hustle af late as Dorothy Kienholz is sporting a hunk of that stuff that Zell Bros, sells and SAE Jim (iolts is the giver. Sally Bern hard and a jolly Tau from Corn Valley Norm Sorenson are solidly booked, Diane Mead took Sigmanoo Walt Donovan’s joolry, and Elea nor Toll is engaged to Charlie Mc Comb who is basking in southern California sunshine. Jack Mar shall hung his Spee heart on I?t McDowell of Hendrick’s Hall, Noo Two . . . Stu Norene and Jo Sum mers. The Pi Phi’s haven’t hit the skunked list as yet because the cookie jar took another beating for Peggy Hawver and Beta Jack Groff. At the rate the Pi Phi’s are going, someone will have to pin the housemother to make it a clean sweep! The “Old Boys Club” (third year law students) played a dastardly trick on their rotund president Rex Cutler the other day; ~j Returning from his frequent jousts with Charlie Howard, the ample Mr. Cutler eased his flowing bulk into his oversized seat and im mediately leaped to his feet like a red hot poker had been . . . well like a red hot poker. Some unknown colleague had filled the depression with ice water. “My officers pants are rooint” he wailed, “and the culprits that per petrated this henious display will suffer severely.” Mr. Cutler is suf fering from a localized cold, but he is expected to recover. If cute ADPi Carol Nickerson doesfli^. ' mind. ... I’d like to call her the “baby I’d rather sit with.” After seeing her picture in both the Ore- l gonian and The Journal, she can I, sit with me apy time. She can warm my bottle at 10, 2 and 4. A lot of the married veterans are planning to send their wives to shows at least three times a week! Now for the Tuesday suppli ment . . . Mary Anne Thielan, bet ter knowed as “the hair” keeps the horn constantly ringing over at Suzy Hall. Every weekend it's the same old thing . . . she just ] can’t find the time to go out with all the people that want to take her out . . . for which we might add we don’t blame ’em. Best waffle feed of the week was held at Phi Psi Jim Longwood’s apart ment Sunday nite. His wife, the former Carolee Lockwood of the pink palace gang can really whip ’em up. Contact the Phi Psi heiSte 1 for reservations. Ominous rum blings are heard deep in the stacks of the law school as a campaign is (Please turn to Page seven)