Zone Draws Attention As Bevo Battle Nears With the memory of last week’s overtime loss to Oregon j State still in their minds, the Webfoot cagers ran through a stiff scrimmage Wednesday afternoon in preparation for the second Beaver tussle in McArthur court tomorrow night. A capacity crowd of 6,600 fans is expected for the first home appearance of the Webfoots against their arch rivals from Corvallis. Coach Hobby Hobson worked his squad yesterday against a zone defense, fully expecting mentor Slats Gill to use that system tjiis weekend. The Web foots ran up 6i) points against the Beavers last Saturday in Corvallis, some of which was against a zone. It was the first time this year that type of defense has been thrown against the Oregons. It proved effective, but the Ducks in sist that they wilt be able to pene trate any type of defense Gill chooses to use Friday. Same Starters Hobson will probably use the same starting five that has taken the floor thus far this season, but Forward Dick Wilkins and Guard Reedy Berg have shown well in early week workouts and both are expected to see considerable action against the Orangemen. Captain Stan Williamson's 4(> points in three conference games establishes him as one of the leading scorers in the league to dale and high man on the squad during conference play. Lanky Ken Hays is next with 34 points in a trio of games, followed by Ed I»ick with 28, Roger Wiley with 27, and A1 Popick with 24. Dick contihues to lead the squad in scoring with 158 in 14 games and he is followed closely by Wil liamson who has collected 157. Hays has 149, Wiley 145, and Popick 102. Beavers Recovered Releases from Corvallis report that all of the Beavers have fully recovered from the stomach flu that hit the squad last week. Gill will be able to start his regular five consisting of Alex Peterson and Cliff Crandall at forwards, ■Red Rocha at center, and Lew DAN TORREY ... sensational Ore gon State freshman, Is ticketed for a lot of action at a guard spot to morrow night when the Beavers in vade McArthur court. Beck and Morrie Silver at the guard posts. Freshman Dan Torrey is giving Silver a run for his money, how ever, and may crowd Oregon State’s star transfer out of the starting five. Huskies Dump Vandals Again MOSCOW, Jan. 15 (AP)—The University of Washington’s un defeated basketball team tonight completed a four-game conquest of Idaho, trimming the hapless Van dals Vandals 69 to 49 to move into first place in the northern division, Pacific Coast conference. It was the Huskies’ 12th straight victory and gave them a half-game margin over idle Oregon State. Vandals Lead Early •The Vandals led most of the first half, putting up their most effec tive battle to date in defense of their northern division title, but the speed, shooting ability and ball hawking of the Huskies proved too much in the second half. Jack Phoenix, the Vandals’ 6 foot 9-lnch center who sat through last night’s game on the bench, did not suit up tonight. |Coach Guy Wicks said he had “no comment.” Jack Nichols, Husky center, opened the scoring with a field goal in the first minute of play and kept Washington within striking Oliver Sees Rule Changes; Lauds Aiken's Appointment Hopes of a return to a more wide open style of football were ex pressed by Gerald A. (Tex) Oliver yesterday as he reviewed the work of the NCAA and American Foot* bal Coaches association proceed ings in New York last week. Oliver, who resigned as Oregon football coach last fall, was present at the New York sessions and served on the rules committee of the coach es association. He was also elected third vice-president of the associa tion. According to Oliver much discus sion occurred over proposals to eliminate the rule prohibiting the defensive team from running with fumbles and laterals that touch the ground. Also considered was the elimination of the rule declaring the ball dead as soon as the ball car rier’s knee touches the ground. Pros ITse Changes Both of these suggested modifi cations have long been in effect in professional football. The fumble rule was introduced into college football during the heyday of Pop Warner and his wingback systems |to favor ball handling. The rule on the ball being dead upon the runner’s knee touching the ground