Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 15, 1947, Page 8, Image 8

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    Heart Ailment
Fatal to Sultan
■—Lt. Gen. Daniel I. Sultan, army
ground forces commander in the
China-Burma theater during the
war, died Tuesday night at Walter
Reed hospital here.
He had been inspector general
of the army since he returned to the
United States in 1945, after making
a distinguished record in the Orien
tal war zone.
The war department announced
that death resulted from an acute
heart condition. The general had
been ill for several weeks.
Funeral arrangements will be an
nounced later.
General Sultan took over com
mand in Burma and India when Gen.
Joseph W. Stillwell’s old China
Burma-India theater was split up,
holding the assignment from Octo
ber, 1944, to June, 1945.
Air Crash Inquiry Due
—Along with new talk of labor
laws, there were among capitol hill
developments today:
Chairman Knutson, R., Minn., of
the house ways and means commit
tee announced that house Repub
lican tax managers would sponsor
legislation to continue indefenitely
the high wartime taxes on liquor,
furs, jewelry and other items. They
had been tabbed for death July 1.
Chairman White, R., Maine, said
the senate commerce committee has
called on the civil aerontuatics
board for figures on airplane crash
In the house, Chairman Wolver
ton, R., N. J., of the interstate com
merce committee announced he is
introducing a resolution for a broad
study into possible new air safety
Crash Victims Arrive
MANILA, Jan. 14 (AP)—Thirty
six survivors of the crashed Far
Eastern Airlines plane Miss Luzon
arrived Monday aboard the U. S.
army transport Gen. E. T. Collins,
which rescued them from the rub
ber lifeboats in which they had
been adrift in choppy seas for 17
Moon to Cover Jupiter
The navy announced Monday that
Jupiter, the largest and second
brightest planet, will l>e concealed
by the moon from 7:55 to 9:06 a.
m. E.S.T. Thursday.
Five Prisoners Escape
SPOKANE, Jan. 14 (AP)—Five
teen-aged army prisoners over
powered their guards and escaped
Tuesday while on a work detail at
Fort George Wright, army authori
ties said Tuesday night.
Desk Staff:
Donna Kletzing, editor
Jon Snillib
Dick Byfield
Virginia Fletcher
Marge Rambo
Bill Yates
An estimated 902 wars have been
fought in the past 2500 years.
the CLUB
Barber Shop
S14 Willamette
1935 Ford Sedan
Motor in yood condition.
Hubie Williamson
Phone 700
Attorneys Tag Lewis' Acts
An 'Insult to United States'
I 1
In a clash in the supreme court,
government attorneys Tuesday
termed John L. Lewis’ action in last
fall’s coal strike “an insult to the
United States.” Lewis’ defenders
retorted that such remarks belong
“in a political forum.”
The high court heard arguments
on appeals by Lewis and the United
Mine Workers from the $3,510,000
in fines imposed on them in U. S.
district court here for disregarding
a court order against last fall’s coal
strike. District Judge T. Alan Golds
borough found the disregard was
Attorney General Tom C. Clark
used the term “insults” in a pre
pared argument asking the high
tribunal to uphold the fines.
Clark contended the government
had only followed proper and legal
procedure when it went to the courts
in an effort to forestall the strike.
Luzon Volcano Erupts;
MANILA, Wednesday, Jan. 15
(AP)—Three villagers were re
ported killed Tuesday by lava
fumes from violently erupting
Mayon volcano, which gained
ashes over a wide area and sent
more than 6000 Filipinos on south
ern Luzon fleeing to evacuation
The report of the first fatalities
from the volcano, which rumbled
to life a week ago after a five
year slumber, was carried by the
Evening News, which quoted Gov
ernor Venancio P. Zinga as au
Ex-Skipper No Pirate
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 14 (AP)
—Clifford F. McCroskey, 56, ex
skipper of the fishing boat Gloria
West, learned Tuesday he was not
a pirate.
He had been indicted on a piracy
charge after he took the Gloria
West from a Willamette river
mooring to Port Angeles, Wash.,
last year.
Rail Needs to Be Filled
YAKIMA, Jan. 14 (AP)—George
F. Ashby of Omaha, president of
Union Pacific railroad, said' here
Tuesday that unless material short
ages or strikes occur, the railroad
should be able to meet all equip
ment demands by the end of the
Television Due
PORTLAND, Jan. 14 (AP)—A
television company president pre
dicted Monday that television
would be a commercial reality
throughout the United States with
in a year- but warned of “danger
that television may degenerate
into a series of animated radio
Oregon WEmerali
Gloria Smith, Wire Editor
Governor Earl Snell (left) takes oath of office at the Capitpl building at inaugural ceremony starting his
second term. Chief Justice George Rossman (right) administered the oath, while president of the Senate
Marshall E. Cornett of Klamath Falls and Speaker of the House John H. Hall of Portland preside at the
joint session of the two chambers.
Plane Crash Kills
Soldiers, Crewmen
MEXICO CITY, Jan. 14 (AP)—
The war department said Tuesday
night that 21 soldiers and crew
members were killed Tuesday when
an army transport crashed and
burned while taking off from the
Puebla airport, 50 miles, southeast
of here.
Observers said the plane which
crashed appeared to be overload
ed, and wobbled as it gathered
speed on the runway. As soon as it
got its wheels off the ground, they
said, it turned over and crashed. It
burst into flames, and hand gre
nades, light artillery, and rifle
ammunition which it carried, be
gan to explode. Rescue squads
could not approach the wreck.
New Cold Snap Due
PORTLAND, Jan. 14 (AP)—
Winter roared back into the weath
er picture Tuesday, borne on a new
cold wave that moved down from
Canada and signalled the end of
widespread January thaws
throughout the mid-continent.
Weather Forecast
Oregon—Partly cloudy Wed
nesday with local fogs Thursday
morning. Continued cold. Gentle
to moderate variable wind off
Wire Staff:
Bob Whitely
Jeanne Simmonds
Take Advantage of these
Amazing Reductions. Ski
Sweaters in all sizes and
colors for your weekend
ski trip.
8.95 now 4.95
€/ 1004 Willamette
Phone 633
McDonald Theater Bldg.
London Dock Strikers
May Tie-up 4,000 Men
LONDON, Jan. 14—(AP)—A
mass meeting of London dock
workers voted Tuesday to join some
30,000 union laborers in a walkout
protesting the use of troops to move
food supplies held up by a nine-day
strike of London truck drivers.
The decision, which may affect
all of London’s 24,000 organized
dock workers, was reached at a 40
minute noon hour meeting atteend
ed by between 1200 and 1400 men
who ignored appeals of union lead
ers to remain at work.
Ohia Crash Kills Three
DAYTON, O., Jan. 14 (AP)-p
Three Wright field army fliers were
killed and another injured Tues
day night when their flying fort
ress crashed through a swamp
thicket, rammed a tree and burned
three miles northwest of Patter
son field.
Popular and Classic
Freddie Martin,
Managua, Nicaragua
Charlie Spivak:
Stomping Room Only
Largest Classical
Selection in town.
S9 East 10th Aw
Tel. 727
Saddles with the
New "Flat" Heel
' ‘ I
1060 Willamette
Phone 968