Maternity Pledges [Announced by Dean University fraternity pledges from the beginning of winter term were announced Monday by the of fice of the dean of men. Included were: Alpha Tau Omega, Francis E. Dunn, Portland; Clifford Hume, Portland; Lloyd E. Mieser, Jr., Portland; Robert N. White, Portland. Chi Psi: James R. Hay den, Crystal Lake, Illinois. Delta Tau Delta: Robert H. Kerh li, Portland. Delta Upsilon: Fred N. Van Horn, Seaside; Lowell E. Ernst, Bend. Kappa Sigma: Lee P. Everett, Eugene; Albert B. David, Portland; William R. Davis, Ashland; Robert A. Lovlien, Roseburg; Donald E. ((Ruecker, Portland, i Phi Gamma Delta: Theodore R. 4^'look, Jr., Portland; Floyd A. Fred | erickson, Portland; Walter E. Hol § man, Portland; John B. Hunt, Jr., I Portland; Shelton G. Sessions, Port P land. Phi Sigma Kappa; James H. Beagle, Coos Bay; Joseph M; Cham bers, Grants Pass; David B. Cou tant, Grants Pass; Don Sauer, Grants Pass. Pi Kappa Alpha: Edward H. Crawford, Merrill. Sigma Alpha Mu: Robert Cohn, Portland; Rich ard G. Finke, Portland; Allen H. Lippman, Portland. Sigma Chi: Richard H. Hazard, Pasadena, Cal.; Sigma Nu: James R. Bartelt, Ash land; Sigma Phi Epsilon: Robert L. Deller, Eugene. World Religions Topic At Westminster House A series of studies in world relig ions will begin today at noon at Westminster house in response to a request by a group of students for such a series. The course will be taught by Dr. ^iseph R. Harris, director of the Westminster foundation, and will continue for about eight of ten weeks. Anyone interested in attending these noon meetings should bring their own lunches, or luncheon may be bought for 35 cents. THE BEST IN CHOICE FOODS BUY DIAMOND A EUGENE Fruit Growers ASSOCIATION Vets Forum The following- men should report to the Veterans office in the base ment of Johnson hall to fill out form 1961, which is necessary for the compl'etition of their winter term registration. James H. Beagle, William Black mer, Jack M. Blasingame, Elwin L. Brown, Lynn F. Bucklin,, Gordon W. Burbee, Richard D. Christian sen, Leslie J. Corey, John W. Day, Billy E. Duhaime, Thomas A. Ed lfsen,“Everett P. Fulton, Jerone R. Geffen, Junior L. Goerge, Roland N. Gillespie, Robert C. Graham, Eu genet W. Griffith, Patrick J. Groff, Thomas K. Gurney, Kirk A. Ham ann, David O. Henthorne, James F. Hickman, John G. Joachims, Glen L. Kelly, William W. Keylock, Jeff B. Lambert, Ralph W. Locke, George E. Marsters, Ralph P. Ma tile, Jr., James W. Nelson, Hugh No land, Boyd E. Peterson, George Rawlins, Jr„ Frederick C. Robison, Richard A. Rothermel, Robert D. Runnion, Pbliip G. Scheer, Henry W. Schultz, Glenn H. Snyder, Mer land P. Sowers, Jennings O. Sten dal, Jr., Robert W. Strebig Earl L. Sweet, Francis W. Thorn, Edward Uglesich, Lloyd M. Van Peursem, Harold D. West, Charles B. White. CAMPUS CALENDAR Amphibian tryouts at 4 p.m. in the Gerlinger pool. Alpha Delta Sigma meeting at 4 p.m. upstairs in the Side. Skull and Dagger meeting at 7 p.m. at the Sigma Chi house. Meeting of the former members of Scabbard and Blade at 4 p.m. Thursday at the military depart ment. Interdorm council meeting at 7 p.m. in the John Straub dining room. Newman club meeting at 6:45 p.m. at the YMCA. Luncheon at Westminster house at noon; roundtable discussion at 9 p.m. Christian Science meeting at 7:45 in YWCA. A group picture of Pi Lambda Theta, education honorary, for the 1947 Oregana will be taken Wednes day at 8 p.m. in front of the dean of women’s office in Gerlinger hall. ISA senate meeting, 7:30 p.m., 105 Commerce hall. All talent auditioning for the pre game program this coming Friday night be at the Theta house at 4 p.m. Tuesday. Department of Biology Lists New Instructors New instructors in the biology de partment for winter term include Donald J. Kimerdorf, Mrs. Samuel F. Ramey, and Mrs. L. E. Detling, according to an announcement made Monday by Dr. P. L. Risley, head of the biology department. Kimerdorf received his bachelor's degree from Oregon and has been studying for his doctorate at UCLA which he hopes to receive this sum mer. All three of the new department members will assist in different laboratory sections, Dr. Risley said. Help make the New Year happy for some puppy Give him a home. OREGON TRAIL PET CORRAL 35 W. 11th Phone 3284 Webb Attends Ad Meet A meeting of the advertising com mittee of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers association was held at the Multnomah hotel in Portland Friday. Carl C. Webb, manager of the ONPA and assistant professor of journalism, represented the Uni versity of Oregon at the meeting. Telling the Editor ---1 (Continued from page four) room together. After securing the permission of the house mother, they were informed that there is a campus regulation to the effect that colored students and white students cannot room together even at their own request. Other instances were cited and substantiated of discriminatory treatment in housing and dormitory policy. An investigating committee inter viewed the house mother of Alpha hall and Mrs. Turnipseed, both of whom assured the committee that they were acting under a ruling signed by the president of the Uni versity. The ONE WORLD CLUB is writ ing a letter to the President of the University and sending him a copy to the EJdERALD on the assump tion that it is the duty of all Ameri cans to defend the provisions of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence which state that all men are created equal and that "No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States. . . If this ruling exists, Mr. Presi dent. we would like to know the au thority on which the ruling is based, in order that we may act to have it rescinded; because we feel that a state university is supported by all the taxpayers, and its facility s should be equally available to all the people, regardless of race, class, or creed. Very truly yours, Keith W. Bacon Leonard C. Maxey William H. Webster, Jr. One W’orld Club FOR YOUR HOUSE DANCE Rent A P A System Record Player SMEED SOUND SERVICE G. H. Smeed Phone 4402-M FOR DELICIOUS; SATISFYING SNACK convenient to the Campus it’s HAL'S HAMBURGER HUT 1128 Alder—Around the Corner from the Mayflower Open Minds —for open Country TELEPHONE men are hard at work X extending and improving telephone service in rural areas served by the Bell Companies. They’re pushing a $ 100,000,000 three to five year program to give telephone service to all who want it just as fast as possible. To do this they had to look beyond conventional telephone practices. New techniques and new and improved equip ment had to be planned, developed and proved. Now they arc furnishing idea phone service over rural power lines, over new steel wire that requires fewer poles per mile, over insulated wire that can he buried directly in the ground and by means of rural radio. Men who approach every problem with open minds . . . who are guided by inge nuity and resourcefulness rather than by established method... find telephony an ever stimulating and interesting career. A BELL There’s Opportunity and Adventure in Telephony TELEPHONE SYSTEM