Oregon*# Emerald MARGUERITE WTTTWER-WRIGHT GEORGE PEGG Editor Business Manager BOB FRAZIER, TED GOODWIN Associates to Editor JACK I* BILLINGS Managing Editor BILL YATES New» Editor MARYANN THIELEN and walt mckinney Assistant Managing Editors BOBOLEE BROPHY and JUNE GOETZE Assistant News Editors JEANNE SIMMONDS Feature Editor DOUG EDEN Advertising Manager BERNIE HAMMBRBECK Sports Editor BILL STRATTON, WALLY HUNTER Assistant Sports Editors ROGER TETLOW DON JONES Chief Night Editor Staff Photographer Signed editorial features and columns in the Emerald reflect the opin ions of the writers. They do not necessarily represent the opinion of the editorial staff, the student body, or the University. Entered as second class natter- at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. No Snow Job Sounds, quite similar to muttering in the ranks, have reached this office concerning the adoption of a new constitution by the ISA senate. It seems that you can snow some of the troops some of the time, but you can't snow all of the troops all of the time. Tn a letter to the editor published in the January 10 Emerald, two Independent women object to the adoption of the consti tution without a vote by the students it affects. The ISA senat ors passed the new document unanimously, but some of their constituents were not too well informed about the action until it was announced in the Emerald. The letter appeals for a more ■democratic way of handling such action. The ISA president answers the accusations in a letter today. He indicates that the constitution was adopted by the senate in order to expedite matters. Evidently he believes that since the senators are the duly elected representatives of the students, their approval of the new constitution was enough to merit its acceptance. Bickering All this bickering may seem petty, but actually it is a healthv sign that there are students interested in their government. If we are going to play at democratic student government at all. it should at least he active. And students should partici pate at times other than merely on election day. Nevertheless, it must be realized that many of us have ideal ized democratic government to an impracticable degree. As Walter Lippmann once said, “Democratic government is not the direct expression of the will of the people. The people do not govern. By their occasional mobilizations as a majority, people support or oppose the individuals who actually govern." This is true on the campus as well as on the national scene. In the ISA, it is the senators who govern; the students merely lend their support or opposition to them. In the Greek party, the governing is ostensibly done by the Greek bloc made up •of two representatives from each sorority and fraternity, and .actually done by an anonymous few who, through the bloc, direct the political actions of the Greeks. In no sense do the majority of the students govern at all. Democrats I o sonic political thinkers it seems foolish to even pretend that the people are sovereign. In reality, they say, a minority does and must govern. And they advocate that our demo cratic processes he abandoned altogether. On the other hand, there are democrats who insist that the voting powers of the general public tends to check the arbitrary actions of the gov erning few, and insures that representatives who generally concur with public opinions will do the governing. We agree with the latter view. Misses Goetze and Rrophv have a legitimate gripe. A constitution which affects all mem bers of a party should be referred to the party members for consideration before adoption. If the ISA senate felt that a special election would be too cumbersome, it would have been possible to present the proposed measure to the students in some other way. An assembly could have been called, speeches in living organizations could have been made, and the text of the constitution could have been published in the Kmerald. We believe the ISA officers and senators acted in good faith. However, all politicians should remember that you can snow some of the troops, etc. The American people cannot be too careful in guarding the freedom of speech and of the press against curtailment as to the discussion of public affairs and the character and conduct of public men—Carl Slutrz. Not Wanted: Jim Crow The racial problem on this campus has been largely un noticed. The smug comment that there is no racial problem here has often been heard. This may either be wishful think ing or weak-kneed refusal to recognize facts. The fact remains that there is a potential racial problem here. The campus has all the ingredients to cook up a nasty kettle of Jim Crow. We have members of several races among the student body; w-e also have prejudice and intolerance, both among students and faculty although the latter attempts to dis guise its personal shortcomings as much as possible. The only reason that the problem has not become acute is because members of the so-called “white" race are in such an overwhelming majority. The attitude of some University personnel that any situa tions like this likely to arouse public indignation should be kept quiet only tends to drive the hate-peddlers underground. The only way to cure trouble is to bring it out into the open and allow the sterilizing caustic of public opinion to clean it out. Avoiding a potential problem is an almost sure way to bring it on. The letter from the One World Club, published today, is a definite indication that minority groups are beginning to take cognizance of their status on the campus. It is pretty well known that some sororities jmd fraternities will not pledge Jew ish students, or members of colored races. It is less well-known that colored students have accused faculty members of discrimi nation. If there are any University regulations dealing with the rights of colored students, then let them be made clear. And if these regulations in any way condone discrimination, let the voices of democratic students and taxpayers erase them forever from the rulebooks. Telling the Editor ABOUT ISA Discredit has been brought to the constitution committee and sena tors of the ISA through the infer ences in the letter written jointly by Roberta Brophy and June Goetze in Friday’s Emerald. I think it significant that the sen ators unanimously accepted the new 1 constitution, realizing its superior ity over the clumsy out-moded and somewhat vague instrument under which the Independent Students’ association operated in the past. The ladies’ statement that “most of the students whose interests these senators were elected to rep resent had little or no knowledge of the provisions of th constitution” is an unjustified reflection upon the senators. Early in November a constitution committee was appointed by the senate. All meetings of the commit tee and the senate were open to any interested parties—who were really interested in offering constructive criticism. Many suggestions offered by stu dents not on the committee were evaluated first by the committee and then by the senate. Their sug gestion “that final approval of the document be delayed” was deemed inadvisable by the senate as was evi denced by its unanimous adoption of the constitution. As it now stands we have a strong, workable organization. This document, more than any other in existence on this campus, offers unlimited opportunity for practic ing democracy. Our senate meetings will be held every two weeks. The meetings will be open to any interested members of the Independent Student’s assso ciation. We hold no secret meetings and visitors are entitled to express their opinions on the floor of the Senate. I sincerely hope that all indepen dents will read the new constitution when it is distributed and partici pate in senate meetings. Howard R. Lemons, President Independent Students’ Association. ABOUT GRADES Friday afternoon slightly more than fivd thousand students formed the traditional queues to learn the results of their past term’s endeav ors. This needless waiting, and ag gravating inconvenience, was the result of a University’s growing pans. The problem of how the grades should be announced has been han dled rather badly and as a natural result there has been considerable complaint, both among the students, to whom the question is a vital one, and also to the editorial page of the Emerald. For any school of large size this task is not an easy one, and for this reason I believe that in all fair ness the administration can not be blamed too heavily. However, many schools are faced with this problem and it seems to be that U. of C. has the answer. There the situation is placed squarely in the student’s lap: if he wants his grades before they have completed the administrative cycle he simply gives each of his professors a self addressed postcard along with his final, and goes home knowing that in several days he will have the results. By the way, it will work at Ore gon too, for I followed this system and received all my grades before Christmas. Vern Flake ABOUT JIM CROW At a meeting of the ONE WORLD CLUB held Wednesday evening, January 8, 1947, it was brought to the attention of the group that there are certain “Jim Crow’’ regu lations regarding the dormitory pol icy here at the University of Oregon. The facts, as presented to the club, are these: A colored girl and a white girl, out of friendship and on a voluntary basis, decided to (Please turn to page seven) SIDE PATTER BOB WHITELY The Law School announces with justifiable pride .... The Beauty Contest of the year! Today’s Side f drippings deals entirely on the new and unique innovation of-the law school freshman class to find “The Ideal Girl the Law School would rather, commit a Tort upon.” For days the freshman class of the Law School have been hard at their books peeking out the front window at Fenton Hall wondering who those beeyootiful gals are that amble by in between classes. Weird sounds emanate from the room as the sweet young things jounce by. One freshman girl from' Fossil swore a cougar was trapped in the room as She walked past one recent gusty day. Having called a special meeting, the born leaders of the class have proposed a popularity contest open to all girls between the ages of 13 and 25 who attend the university. This is strictly a non-political contest, no bloc meetings, no secret gather ings, and approval of the weekly winner will be taken orally. If you gals take any thing but Musics Appreciation, you are bound to pass the Law School portals, where the eager freshman will judge you on your individual points and merits. All that is required as an entry blank is a friendly smile and a slight nod as you rush to your elementary geography class. For winners of the weekly contest, the committee will formally call at her living organization where a situable gift will be bestowed. Names of the winners will appear each Tuesday in this column. The time element is no problem at all, as the lawyers will have their operatives stationed at the newly scrubbed windows at all times from 8 till 5. As an added feature for this week’s contest, the winner will receive the big con^)ination special, a date to the Sigma Nu house dance, a date to the Law School winter term tea dans annte, ALL with the pride of the Freshman class, and former King of Hearts in 18 . . . oops, 1943, Ed Dick’s little brother Roger.. The overall winner for the term will_^ be presented with a suitably en graved compact from the lawyers, and a mass date at Tiny’s. Judg ing will be on personality of your walk, clothes consciousness, rav ishing smile, and other physical attributes. Remember co-eds, the first week’s winner of the Law School’s search for beauty will have a lively weekend with ROG DICK! Push pull . . . click click . . . look chic! Look sharp .... feel sharp .... BE SHARP .... WIN WITH THE LAW SCHOOL! PD ADV. REMEMBER THAT SPECIAL PERSON ON A SPECIAL DAY Come in and see our complete line of charming remembrances for VALENTINE’S DAY THE GIFT SHOP 963 Willamette Eugene