Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 14, 1947, Image 1

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Number 00
14, 1947
Students Listed
On Honor Roll
Set New Mark
Twenty-One Top List
With Perfect Grades
Tweny-one students scored a
perfect 4.00 GPA during fall term
and 186 others fell within the 3.50
3.99 group, forming the largest hon
or roll in the University’s history,
Clifford Constance, associate regis
trar, announced.
The honor roll includes under
graduates with a GPA of at least
3.50 and is based on a study pro
gram of not less than 12 hours.
Those students topping the roll
With 4.00 were: Chaney, Thelma M.,
Cunningham, Joseph A., Edwards,
Elizabeth, Gleason, Harry E., Grif
fith, LeJeune W., Hamblen, Elean
or E., Hansen, Bjorg, Howatt, Fred
erick F., Lebenzon, Albert B., Mac
Gregor, Malcomb D., Miller, War
ren E., Payne, Oscar W. R., Richard
son, Donald B., Sherman, William
D., Spearow, Doris L., Thompson,
Margaret A., Thurston, Charlene L.,
Utz, Joyce C. Wells, Barbara A. G.,
.Winslow, Margaret K., Young, Jo
^ph H.
The other students on the honor
roll are:
Abbett, Joan E.; Alexander, Jean
A.; Allen, Ruth L.; Archer, Warren
E. ; Bailey, Thelma A.; Ball, Ken
neth M.; Baney, Hope E; Banks,
James R.; Basler, Elizabeth; Beck
with, Arthur V.; Belsma, Alfred D.;
Benveniste, Leon; Bergstrom, Leon
ard; Bond William A.; Brown, Bet
ty E.; Buckley, William H.; Bud
denhagen, Barbara; Burdic, Joseph
T.; Butzin, Donald E.; Callahan,
Richard M.; Carlson, Roy J.; Car
penter, Janet M.; Caughell, Ralph
J. Chapman, Thelma M.; Chedes
ter, Richard; Cheney, Lorraine J.;
Clarkson, Quentin D.; Clucas, Ed
ward L.; Cobb, William S.; Cook,
Hugh A.;, Jr.; Cooper, Edward E.;
Coulter, Don H.; Crombie, Mary C.;
Culver, Mary E.;
DeBernardi, Faith E.; Deffenbach
er, Leola; Dessen, Elinor R.; Doh
erty, Victor W.; Dow, Robert H.;
Dugan, William R.; Duyck, Jean C.;
Elvigion, Lewis T.; Evonuk, Nor
man R.; Fladstol, Marjorie M.;
Flanery, John R.; Forrest, Robert
Frazier, Robert B.; Frese, Lloyd
F. ; Frydenlund, Joanne; Frye,
(Please turn to page si.r)
March of Dimes Drive
To Last Through Month
Rasmussen Announces
Committee Members
The campus March of Dimes
campaign, held in conjunction with
the nationwide infantile paralysis
battle, opens today and will con
tinue until January 31, Marv Ras
mussen, general chairman of the
University drive, announced Mon
day. At the same time, Rasmussen
named the recently appointed mem
bers of his committees who will as
sist him in the polio collection.
The funds collected in the drive
will go into the polio fight, which
was originated by the late President
Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Named to committee posts were
Walt McKinney, freshman in jour
nalism; publicity chairman; Jordis
Benke, sophomore in liberal arts,
Moe Thomas, sophomore in business
administration, and Jack Burris,
sophomore in law, special events
committee; and Pat Webber junior
Joint Violin Recital
Scheduled Tonight
William Shisler, freshman in mu
sic, and Hex John Underwood,
freshman in science, will present a
joint violin concert tonight at 8 p.m.
in the music school auditorium.
BotH musicians are students of
Rex'Underwood, professor of music
and father of Rex John. The recital
which is open to the public, will con
sist of three parts, the first two
sections will bb performed by Un
derwood on the violin and the last
will feature Shisler playing the vio
lin, with Underwood on the viola.
The program is as follows:
Variations on a Theme—Corelli
Caprice No. 13—Paganini.
Scherzo Tarentelle—Wieniawski.
Rex John Underwood
Allegro molto appasionato
Allegro molto vivace
Rex John Underwood
Sinfonia Concertante for violin
and viola—Mozart.
Allegro maestoso
William Shisler, violin
Rex John Underwood, viola
Trim Unknown Sweetheart
Trims Show Windows Too
This week’s Unknown Sweetheart
is in navy slang, 4.0. We had quite
a time finding her, taut managed to
track her down at the Westgate
dress shop where she works at win
dow trimming during odd hours.
Her name: Sharon Bustey.
Vital statistics: 5 feet 2 inches,
the prettiest natural blonde hair to
be seen on the campus; weight
around 104; eyes, hazel; year, fresh
man; major, interior design.
When notified that she had been
chosen Oregon’s fifth Unknown
jjlweetheart, Sharon was so over
whelmed she couldn’t speak. All she
could do was to smooth a wrinkle in
the yellow creation she was wear
ing, and smile. We didn’t want to
interrupt her work, so we talked
to the manager for some current
information about her celebrated
She’s Always on Time
“Oh, Sharon is one of the hardest
working girls in the whole store,”
offered the manager. “We don't
know what we would do without
her. Her complexion is the talk of
the campus along with her platinum
blonde hair. She always appears
hurt when coeds maliciously whis
per that her curls are bottle
Sharon smiled in approval.
“Whenever we receive a daring
low cut formal,” the manager con
tinued, “Sharon is the first to try
it on. With her face and figure she
is-the most popular model we’ve
ever had.”
We were standing behind Sharon,
(Please turn to page eight)
in journalism distribution and col
lection. The collections will be made
by Phi Theta Upsilon, junior wom
en's honorary, which is represented
by Miss Webber.
The special events committee is
making arrangements for the
events which will be featured dur
ing the drive. One of the programs,
planned for Friday night at McAr
thur court before the Oregon-Ore
gon State basketball game, will
feature a short talk by Bill Loud,
Eugene chairman, followed by a col
lection under the auspices of the
Order of the “O.”
Collection pots will be distributed
throughout the campus by j,he Phi
Thetas, and will mark the' begin
ning of the drive, Rasmussen stated.
How Can a Can
Opener Open Cans?
The several metaphysical as
pects of the simple can opener
failed to defy an enterprising lad
in Professor O. M. Willard's Eng
lish comp section, who wrote his
weekly theme on the complexiti
ties of that gadget. Alas, the pro
fessor differed in his interpreta
tion of the useful object, for the
student had noted that the cut
ting edge of the opener was forced
into the can, while Mr. Willard in
sisted that the can was forced
against the cutting wheel.
A serious discussion followed,
and the finer points of the object
were analyzed and categorized,
but the period ended without a
The class met again, with the
argument still pending, but Mrs.
Willard had contributed her can
opener to a worthy cause, and the
professor, lecturing on the intra
cacies of the instrument, proved
to the class that at least the Wil
lard opener operated on his ba
Council Convenes
To Replace Pond
A special meeting of the ASUO
executive council has been called
for 4 this afternoon to select a new
Dads’ Day chairman to replace
Marty Pond, who was declared in
eligible for activities after a check
of his scholastic record showed that
it did not conform to University
Pond, sophomore in business, was
unanimously approved as chairman
by the ASUO council last Tuesday.
Petitions were called for as soon
as the vacancy was created and the
applicants will be considered today.
ASUO President Tom Kay did not
call for eligibility certificates. He
said he would check on each appli
cant’s qualifications personally.
The council will also set the daujs
for freshman and ASUO elections.
The Mechanical Age
Life is so simple, it's really surpris
Even the honor roll’s alphabetizing.
They make it so easy to find the
right name,
It’s not hard to find that you’ve no
claim to fame.
Why be so staid, now let's be orig
Crossword, let’s say, would be indi
Go-Ahead Given
On Planning
For Senior Ball
1947 Formal Event
Tops Social Poster "j
Plans for tlu- 1947 Senior Ball
got under way Monday night
with the announcement of the
appointment of Walt Dickinson
as general chairman for the
event. Dickinson, who is presi
dent of the SAE house and A
business major, was appointed last
week by the senior class board
headed by Jocelyn Fancher, se
nior class president.
The formal all-campus dance*
which is to be presented at Mc
Arthur court on January 25, prom
ises to be the highlight of Oregon's
winter social calendar. Other se
niors who are to act as committee
heads are Eston Way, decorations;;
Doug Eden, publicity; Marge John
son, programs; Jay Hyde ami
Natalie Cartier, tickets; Doris
Spearow, patrons; and Bob Morri
son, clean-up.
Decorations for the affair have
not been announced. The decora
tion committee includes the fol
lowing persons: Bill Thomas, Jim
Dryer, Phyllis Perkins, Janet Bar
ringer, Ann McGillicuddy, and
Lois Coleman.
Corsages arc to be optional for
this first formal of the new year
and dark suits will be in order.
Tickets will soon be on sale at
$2.40 a couple.
Dickenson,'who served before the
war on freshman and sophomore
dance committees, said that no pre
sentations were being planned as
yet for the dance.
Drama Tryouts Slated
For Wednesday Night
Readings for the second Univer
sity theater production of the win
ter term will be held in Guild hall
Wednesday evening at 7:30.
Mi's. Ottilie T. Seybolt, associate
professor of speech and drama, wi ll
direct the play, which calls for a
large cast.
Students unable to attend the
Wednesday night reading are asked
to see the drama studio bulletin
board for further information.
Yocom Resigns Zoology Post
Retirement Plans
Feature Relaxation
Dr. Harry B. Yocom, professor
of zoology at the University and
former head of the zoology depart
ment, has retired, President Harry
K. Newtaurn has announced. His re
tirement became official when it
was confirmed by the state board
of higher education in December.
Having served 26 years on the Ore
gon faculty, Dr. Yocom was head
of the zoology department until
3945 when he took a leave of ab
sence for health reasons. He re
turned to the campus last fall term
to await confirmation of his retire
The professor was quoted as say
ing that he would spend hi-s time
now, “just resting and raising iris.”
In addition to his teaching, Dr.
Yocom was acting as curator of the
invertebrate collections in the Uni
versity and associate director of the
institute of marine biology.
Graduating from Oberlin college,
Ohio in 1912, the veteran professor
received his master’s and doctor's
degrees from the University of Cali
fornia in 1916 and 1918. Before com
ing to the University, Dr, Yocom
taught at Wabash college, Craw
fordville, Ind.; Kansas State Col
(Ptcasc turn to page eight)
(Cut courtesy Register-Guard)
! ,)r- Harry B. Voconi, former University zoology department head, who
retired at the close of fall term after more than 26 years association with,
! the University.