Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 11, 1947, Page 8, Image 8

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    Truman's Tax Plea
Sent With Budget
WASHINGTON; Jan. 10 (AP)—A budget of $37,528,
000,000 to run the government for the year starting July 1—a
figure he called -‘hard-boiled”—-was sent to congress by Presi
dent Truman Friday with a plea not to cut taxes.
Republicans countered with the claim that they can paie
$8,000,000,000 or more off that figure. And those bent on tax
reduction stood lirm.
Mr. Truman estimated the gov
ernment would wind up $202,
200,000 in the black by June 30,
1948, when the fiscal year ends,
provided income taxes are left
alone. Further, he said in his an
nual budget message, this surplus
would swell to $1,800,000,000 if
congress (1) continues luxury
taxes now due to come down July
1 and (2) increases rates to wipe
out the postal deficit.
If department heads squealed at
Mr. Truman’s ideas of economy,
they are likely to howl at the Re
It had been commonly reported
for several days that Mr. Truman’s
budget would be around $37,000,
000,000 and Senator Taft R., Ohio,
commented that he thought this
could be trimmed by $3,500,000,000.
Cavemen Called Home
GRANTS PASS, Jan. 10 (AP)—
Drumbeats are pounding from the
domain of the Oregon Cavemen to
all parts of the world announcing
the 25th caves-coming of the tribe
set for the night of January 25th,
when all tribesmen who have ever
sat at any council fire or feasted
at any caveman meet are ordered
by Chief Bighorn to return to the
ancestral home for a reunion of
the tribe.
Market Does Nosedive
New York, Jan. 10—(AP)—One
of the sharpest, and shortest, nose
dives of the past month was expe
rienced by the stock market Friday.
The drop came before the release
of the third presidential message of
the week which, in the opinion of
brokers, again brought scant re
sponse from securities.
Luzon Volcano Erupts
MANILA, Jan. 10 (AP) — The
great Mayon volcano on southern
Lu^on has been in eruption for
three days and a small stream of
lava is coursing down toward Li
pog, fishing town of 5,000 popula
tion, U. S. navy fliers reported
Suit Limits Suggested
With retroactive portal-to-portal
pay suits asking a total of more
than $4,000,000,000 from industry
awaiting court action, three new
recommendations were made Fri
day to limit employers’ liability in
such cases.
Troops Move Food Line
LONDON, Jan. 10 (API-Great
Britain’s labor government ordered
the nation’s military forces Friday
to move food and other necessities
held up by a strike of more than
16,000 truck drivers.
The strikers fought back by
calling for widespread sympathy
Disarmament Finished
BERLIN, Jan. 10 (AP)-Maj.
Gen. Robert W. Harper, director of
the armed forces division of the
United States military govern
ment. says Germany’s physical dis
armament is "virtually completed,”
but that a “war potential” still
must be eliminated from some Ger
man minds.
President Favors
NW Power Boost
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 10. —
(AP) — The president’s recom
mended appropriation for the Bon
neville power administration would
provide for extensive construction
throughout the Northwest and give
service to a number of “shortage
areas,” Dr. Paul J. Raver, admin
istrator, said Friday.
Raver said the amounts available
in the president’s budget for con
struction work this year did not
represent the total cost of the pro
jects involved; that in addition to
the recommended appropriation, a
total of $54,191,000 would be re
quired to bring all projects listed to
Veteran Census Soars
The number of war veterans ex
ceeded 18,000,000 for the first time
in history at the end of 1946, the
veterans administration reported
'Pirates' Fly in Greece
ATHENS, Jan. 10—(AP)—A for
eign office spokesman said Friday
unidentified planes had been flying
over northern Greece recently at
night, apparently supplying guer
rilla bands battling government
troops in that area.
Rent Increases Sought
PORTLAND, Jan. 10 — (AP) —
Abolishment of rent occupancy
controls, along with slight rent in
creases, was asked Friday by sev
eral state and city officials and
landlord groups.
First Citizen Named
COOS BAY, Jan. 10 (AP)—E. E.
Fitzwalter, 1945-46 mayor of Coos
Bay, was named the city’s out
standing 1940 citizen at the Lions
club luncheon Friday.
Dam Construction Set
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 10 (AP)
-The army engineers said Friday
that congressional approval of
President Truman’s proposed $27,
500,000 Columbia basin appropria
tion would enable starting McNary
dam, the Snake river dams, and the
Detroit dam on the Santiam river.
China-Soviet Talk Set
PEIPING, Jan. 10 (API-Gen.
Hsiung Shih-Hui, director of Chi
ang Kai-Shek’s Manchurian head
quarters at Mukden, Friday told
Chinese newsmen that formal ne
gotiations with Soviet authorities
for return of Dairen to China
would begin soon.
UN to Govern Trieste
(API—1The United Nations se
curity council late Friday agreed to
take oVer the administration of the
free territory of Trieste. The vote
was 10 to 0, with Australia ab
Canals Held Important
MOSCOW, Jan. 10 iAP)—Inter
nationalization of the Panama and
Suez canals was advocated Friday
by the New Times, weekly Soviet
foreign affairs publication.
State Budget
Hits New High
SALEM, Jan. 10 (AP)— Gover
nor Earl Snell’s 1947-49 state bud
get, swollen by inflation and in
creased costs of higher education
and welfare, is the largest in his
tory, totaling $290,447,861, com
pared with $195,816,426 for the
current biennium.
The budget is balanced, the gov
ernor said, so that no new taxes
will be needed, in spite of the rec
ommendations by the state tax
study commission for new business,
income, and other taxes which
would raise $19,500,000 a year.
The budget was balanced by cap
turing certain surpluses on hand,
the governor said.
The new budget, which is for the
two years beginning next July 1,
includes $41,404,716 for state ac
tivities dependent upon legislative
appropriations, compared with
$30,691,407 for the current bienni
um. The rest of the $290,447,861
cost of state government will be
spent by self-sustaining depart
ments which levy their own fees
and taxes.
Volcano Throws Ashes
SEATTLE, Jan. 10 — (AP) — A
second volcanic disturbance in Alas
ka’s Aleutian islands was reported
Friday by the navy, which said
9,387-foot Mount Shishaldin on Un
imak island was erupting with such
violence that it showered ashes two
inches deep on the village of False
Pass 20 miles away.
Dean Taylor to Speak
To Graduate Students
Dr. Howard Taylor, dean of the
graduate schoool, will be the prin
cipah speaker Monday night at the
YWCA bungalow when University
graduate students hold their first
organizational meeting. The meet
ing will begin at 8 p.m.
Dr. Taylor will speak on the or
ganization of Oregon’s new gradu
ate school and the general nature of
graduate work.
Roy Francis, graduate assistant
in the psychology department, and
W. H. Webster, Jr., graduate assist
ant in the political science depart
ment, are in charge of arrange
Westminster Forum
To Discuss Taxation
"Do the Public Needs of Oregon
Require a New Method of Taxa
tion?” will be the topic of th,e
forum at 6:30 p. m. Sunday at the
Westminster house. The Univer
sity symposium team will lead the
A tea at 6 p. m. will precede the
student panel.
Breakfast for students attend
ing the 9:30 a. m. Sunday college
class led by Lloyd Lewis, sopho
more in business administration,
will be served at any time before
the beginning of the class, Mrs. J.
D. Bryant, hostess and director of
Westminster house, announced yes
Don Parker, Day Manager
Joan Millard, Layout Manager
Contract Executive:
Jim Ivory
Layout Executives
Mary Lou Loungquist
Jane Ellsworth.
MANUSCRIPT typist, reasonable
rates. Maude Reynolds, 302 Tif
fany Bldg. Phone 2763.
INTERESTED in pre-fab housing?
See Lester Schlanger in Jour
nalism building any day of
school week. Prices as low as
ROOM for Rent. Call 1235. Uni
versity Street.
Oregon W Emerald
Gloria Smith, Wire Editor
General George Marshall, new secretary of state, greets Mrs. Marshall
at the Honolulu stopover at Hickham field. The former envoy to China
had planned to spend some time in Honolulu before continuing his trip
to take up his new post in the capital.
Baby Bikini Blast Fails
LAKE LENORE, Wash., Jan. 10
-—(AP)—Despite use of dynamite
and gunfire to detonate five-ton
barrels of metallic sodium in. Lake
Lenore in central Washington Fri
day while hundreds of spectators
watched, at least one of the six
barrels had not exploded late Fri
day night though others had burst
and burned, and war assets admin
istration officials maintained a close
watch on the remnants of the chem
ical which burns in water. The op
eration was publicized as “Baby Bi
Ball Offers Labor Bill
—Senator Ball, R., Minn., Friday
introduced a bill to limit the geo
graphical scope of collective bar
He told a reporter it would
“change the whole pattern of col
lective bargaining and put it back
on a local level.”
Federal Funds to Aid
Airport Construction
The civil aeronautics administra
tion announced Friday a list of 800
airports to be built or improved
with the aid of government funds
in the first year of the federal air
port program. The list includes
three projects for Alaska and 15
for Washington.
It will be a $71,591,865 program
for which the federal government
will provide $33,899,265.
Weather Forecast
Oregon: Partly cloudy Satur
day followed by light rain Satur
day night and Sunday with snow
in the mountains. Not much
change in temperature. Moder
ate Northwest winds off coast
becoming southerly.
Wire Staff:
Kay Richardson
Barbara Gilbert
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