Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 09, 1947, Page 7, Image 7

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    Veterans Advised
To Complete Forms
The veterans’ office in the base
ment of Johnson hall has compiled
the following list of men who have
not completed their Veterans Ad
ministration form No. 1961, and re
ports that failure to complete this
may cause considerable delay in
subsistence payments. All those
listed are urged to take care of this
at their earliest opportunity.
Anderson, Ben L.; Anderson,
James L.; Anderson, Victor D.;
Bechtell, Lake M„ Jr.; Benham,
James E.; Bennet, Robert C.; Bent
ly, Arleigh J.; Bartell, James P.;
Blair, Ernest R.; Blais, Lewis D.;
Bodwell, Richard E.; Booras,
George J.; Bormuth, Francis O.;
Bowman, Vernon L.; Bradfish,
Charles E.; Brown, Raymond F.;
Brown, Warren R.; Carlson, Dorris
R. ; Carlson, Roy J.; Carney Donald
T.; Carter, Evelyn M.; Christoffer
sen, John M.; Cox, Bert G.; Culbert
son, Robert E.;
Davis, Eugene L.; Deuel, Halbert,
S. , Jr.; Devany, Edward J.; Elder,
John N., Jr.; Ellis, John C.; Erick
son, Robert P. L.; Evans, Robert C.;
Evonuk, Norman R.; Finney, Max
D.; Force, William R.; Gieswein,
Charles F.; Gilbertson, John R.;
Griffith, Carl T.; Groff, Jack P.;
Gunn, Rex B.; Haley, Harold R.;
Hastay, Elton D.; Heidenrich, Ray
mond A.; Hicks, Robert G.; Hoff
man, Garland S., Jr.; Holcomb,
George B.; Hollopeter, Brian A.;
Holm, Oscar F..; Hunter, Allan W.;
Ingram, Joe David, Jr.; Janney,
Gordon ft.; Jensen, Jens N.; Jo
hannesen, Sidney H.; Johnson, Clif
ford F.; Johnson, Robert E.; Keefe,
Edward D.; Keefe, James W.; Kel
ley, Guy C., Jr.; Ketterer, Howard
£ W.; Kikes, George (N); Kimsey,
Duff B.; Kolts, James G,; Kovenz,
John P.; Krieger, Edward J. Kycek,
Vincent F.; Lafky, Robert H.;
Lantz, Elton L.; Larner, John W.;
Lay, Glenn H.; Lenneville, Robert
M.; Lewis, Robert B.; Loy, Steven
L. ; McCracken, John C.; McKelvie,
Thomas R.; McLean, Edward L.;
McMahan, John T.; McMullin, Dale
E. ; McNutt, Joseph W.; Marshall,
Lloyd D.; Martin, Wally; Metsker,
Wayne E.; Metzler, John R.; Mit
chell, Robert L.; Moore, Lawrence
J.; Morgan, Donald H.;
Newquist, James W.; Nicholson,
Sidney J.; Nims, Cyrus R.; Ohlson,
Larry R.; Olliver, Lyman A.; Olsen,
Joseph J.; Ormond, Lamar S.; Per
due, Vernon G.; Peterson, Frank E.;
Pierce, Alex B.; Piersol, Russell H.;
Fupke, Ronald I.; Purcell, Burge
F. ; Putnam, William G.; Quick,
Robert J.; Rasmussen, Marvin R.;
Reeves, Robert O.; Reich, Esther
M. ; Rhoads, Owen R., Jr.; Rich
mond James G.; Romsos, Arthur
M.; Ruble, John L.;
Saabye, Harold P.; Sabin, Robert
C.; Salinardo, Louis R.; Sanford,
w~ Edward J.; Schauer, Ernest A.;
Scofield, Charles D.; Scotto, Vincent
J. Jr.; Shaw, Sherman A.; Simpson,
John G.; Skade, William H.; Smel
Please order early for
Friday Delivery
39 E. Brdy. Phone 2309
ser, Russ*!), J.; Smith, Robert B.;
Snell, James A-; Stendal, Jennings
O., Jr.; Stephens, Elton E.; Stertop,
Allen Duane; Stetson, Donald W.;
Stone, Roger B.; Strand, La Verne
D;. Stump, Myrtle J.; Swan, An
drew J.; Teters, Ralph M.; Thomp
son, Lynn M.; Unkeles, Harold L.;
Vitus, Carlton J.; Walker, Robert
W.; Wasmann; William L.; Whelan;
Donald B.; Wingate, Donnell E.;
Woodward, Gerald W.; Young,
Richard A.; Zenger, Elmer; Zundel,
Weldon P.
Geography Closed
For Winter Term
All courses in the geography de
partment for winter term are filled
to capacity and several sections are
closed, according to Dr. W. D.
Smith, head of the geology and
geography department.
The largest class in this depart
ment is introduction to geography,
taught by Professor J. C. Stovall,
assistant professor. About 450 stu
dents are registered in the two sec
tions of Introduction.
Dr. Smith commented yesterday,
“The University didn’t include any
courses in geography until recent
years, and now the present situation
shows that now there isn’t room for
all who want to take them.
Seniors Given
Photo Deadline
An exception to the tegular dead
line rule for individual Oregana
pictures was announced Tuesday by
Trudi Chernis, associate editor. All
seniors who expect to be graduated
this coming June, and who were not
photographed during fall term, may
have their pictures taken any time
Saturday morning, January 11, at
the Kennell-Ellis studios.
The usual charge of 50 cents for
two poses or 75 cents for four will
be made. Proofs must be picked up
on Tuesday, January 14, and re
turned the following day. In the
event that proofs are not called for,
Kennell-Ellis will select the picture
to be printed.
Miss Chernis explained that this
departure from the regular sched
ule is being made to give new sen
iors an opportunity to be included
in the 1947 Oregana.
She also reported that more than
5,000 individual pictures are now
being processed at the Oregana of
fices. This represents an all-time
high, and more than twice the num
ber handled last year.
Go put your creed into your deed.
January 15 Deadline Set
For Federation Petitions
Petitioning for the directorship of
the Oregon Federation was opened
by the ASUO executive council in
regular session Tuesday. Any stu
dent, preferably upperclassmen eli
gible for activities, may apply for
the position by submitting a peti
tion to Tom Kay, ASUO president.
Les Anderson, alumni secretary,
specified Wednesday that the di
rector would be named by January
15, and urged petitioners to turn .in
applications immediately.
The federation head will be re
sponsible for organization of a staff
of Oregon students will contact high
school graduates throughout the
state next summer, will make a> -
rangements for the annual summer
picnic for prospective University
students at Jantzen beach park,
near Portland, and will tour the
state on behalf of the school.
For real enjoyment
there is nothing
that can compare
with Puppies from
35 W. 11th
Phone 3284
when you smoke
America's FINEST Cigarette!
First smoke in the morning or last one at night—the
flavor’s siLL yours, when you smoke Philip Morris! And
here’s why ,,.
There’s an important difference in Philip Morris man
ufacture that makes Philip Morris taste better—smoke
better-because it lets the FULL FLAVOR of the world’s
finest tobaccos come through for your complete enjoyment
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Try Philip Morris—you, too, will agree that Philip
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