ii.\ rur,.\ v . . . Col. John MacGreg or, former AS CO president, who spoke on “Fraternity Rela tions With the Ad ministration” at the interfraternity coun cil banquet in his honor Friday eve ning. Ducks Tip Cougars 56-52 in Opener I lie University of Oregon Pucks squeezed out their twelfth straight victory of the season Monday night hv drop* ping the Washington State Cougars 56 to 52 in McArthur court. A crowd of 6700 fans witnessed tlie game, which was the first conference test for both teams. See Story on page 4. AlacGregor Predicts Assistance From N. Y. Alumni Association CHAIRMAN . . .* By Mayo, president of Interfraternity council, headed arrangements for the banquet held Friday night honoring Col. John MacGregor, prominent Uni versity alumnus. Mayo introduced the guests, including University officials and Ernest Haycox who presented Colonel MacGregor. By LAURA OLSEN “We’re only waiting for the go ahead signal front Ernest Haycox,” declared Colonel John MacGregor, prominent alumnus and a member of the class of '23, when questioned Friday about the part the New York alumni association would play in the plans con cerning any drive for funds for the proposed Student Union building here at the University. The New York association has 400 members, Col. MacGregor said and has been organized for 30 years. He served as president of tire association from 1926 until two weeks ago, when Owen Callaway, class ot '23, became the new president. Served in Far East Col. MacGregor has a very special interest in the drive for a Student Union building as he was first to advocate building the Student Union and then con ducted the first successful campaign for funds. During World War II, Col. MacGregor served as an army intelligence officer in the Far East for four and one-half years. Much of the colonel’s time was spent in investigating the results of incendiary bombs, atomic bombs and bacteriological warfare. War Shows Mistakes “I've noticed one thing during my tours and from observations I made that impressed me a great deal,’’ Col. MacGregor said. “Throughout the war the Jap anese, Germans, and Russians did not discontinue the education of technicians, while the United States Student Union 'Dream' Slowly Taking Shape John MacGregor Launched First Drive By DONNA KLETZING The 23-year-old "dream” of al umni and students, the Student Un ion building, is step by step becom ing a reality. Plans, rejections, hopes, and more plans have accumulated dur ing the history of the student union project since ASUO President John MacGregor and the senior class of 3923 launched the first campaign to raise construction funds for the building. Blueprints, detailed lists of items and rooms to be included in the building have been drawn up and are now waiting for the chance to materialize. The site has been chosen. But the greatest problem since its beginning I is not yet solved. That problem—fi I nances—is the one which student m leaders and alums are determined ” to clear up now. Erb Memorial The late President Donald M. Erb to whom the Student Union build ing will be a memorial, early placet the building first on the—fist o. campus needs. In 1923 the first action was taker by the senior class when each mem ber pledged $10 for ten years. Tha same year, several campus organi zations contributed to the fund. First Drive The first big campus drive wa conducted in 1924, with $219,08' being collected in pledges. The fol lowing year a second drive collect ed $67,500 and the $5 per tern building fee was approved. Alsc the half block on 14th avenue be tween Alder and Kincaid street, was purchased for the Student Un ion. The last campus drive in 192( collected $1,239, most of which wa: intended for the baseball pavilion ^ in 1935, after nine years of little action, the plan was revived wher it, was revealed that a Union wa: ' financially possible with the hel; of vari rus outside sources. The Stu I (Please turn lo page eight) Emerald to Carry AP Wire Stories Beginning- next Tuesday, page eight of the Emerald will be devot ed to more complete coverage of world news than has heretofore been possible in this paper. Gloria Smith, sophomore in journalism, will edit the page, using Associated Press night wire copy fro mthe re ceiver in the journalism building. The appointment of Miss Smith as world news editor was made Thursday by Managing Editor Jack Billings, under whose direction the new department will be launched. Decision to cover off-campus news to a greater extent than the facilities of the former “Today’s Woiid” column provided was reached by the Emerald editor af ter tabulation of results of the fall term poll to determine student wishes regarding the Emerald. Fac ulty members, juniors, seniors, and graduate students were largely in 1 favor of publication of the most ■ significant aspects of the interna tional and national scene daily in i the Emerald. Underclassmen, the • poll showed, were either non-com : mittal or preferred no off-campus - news. The AP stories will be condensed and carried under separate head 3 lines. r -- Guild to Meet Monday i The annual meeting of the Uni versity Guild will be held Monday at 7:30 p. m. in the guild theatre : in Johnson hall. At this time new advisory board members will be elected and plans for the remainder ! of the year will be discussed. ; All drama majors are expected ' to attend and other students who are interested are cordially invit i ed. Following the meeting, further . tryouts for “I Remember Mama’’ i will be held. Fair and Warmer? UO puzzle of the week— What sex is that bundled freak? Female, he-male—all those wrap pins! So I asked it, “Why the trappins?” A muffled snuffle, “I won’t freeze. Temp, reading here—18 degrees.’’ —G.M.S. ISA Petitions Due For Class Officers Freshmen seeking nomination for class officers on the Indepen dent ticket should turn in iheir petitions to members of a com mittee headed by Mavis Knorr, according to Dale Harlan, vice president of the Independent Stu dents association. The petitions, available at the I offices of the dean of men and the dean of women, will be re ceived until January 28, he said. Members of the committee are Miss Knorr, University house; LaVerne Gunderson, Hendricks hall; Trudi Penny, Orides; Don McNeill, Campbell club; Lorelee Moore, Gerlinger hall; Si Eljing son, Campbell club; and Marian Slattery, Hilyard house. University regulations require that any applicant for a student ! office have a grade point average of a 2.00 or better, Harlan point i ed out. _ Rushing Starts Jan. 6 For Campus Fraternities Fraternity rushing for the win ter term will begin Monday, Janu ary 6, according to an announce ment made Friday by Dean Earl’s office. All students interested in pledging are required to fill out a | ; registration card in the office of ! the dean of men, and to pay a ; S5.00 registration fee. | Winter rushing will be informal, . I as has been the custom in the past, i Rally Dance Crowd Predicted Large A large turnout i» cmUuipciLeu xor the Kwama-Skull and Dagger rally rlancc tonight following the Oregon Washington State basketball game, according to Joan Williams, co chairman. “As it is being put on entirely for the benefit of campus living organ izations, no profit will be gained,” she said. This is the first in a scries of projected Saturday night stu dent dances under the sponsorship of the educational activities office. “Because of the increasing re turn of students to the campus, we should pack the place,” said Bill (Plccisc turn to page eight) IIALLY RALLY .. . Joan Williams, president of Kvva ma, named co-chairman of the Ral ly dance to be held tonight in Ger linger hall following the basketball game. Bill Barnuni, president ol Skull and Dagger, is the other co chairman. relaxed training here. In the field . >f science the other nations didn't lose stride, while here I don’t think we emphasized the importance of training new men,” the colonel de clared. “War brings to the fore the mis takes of a country,” he said, “and I hope we can compensate for ours in a short time.” Duck Team Praised While in the Far East Col. Mac Gregor saw Dr. Harold J. Noble, who recently returned to the cam pus. Dr. Noble was in the Far East serving as a correspondent for the Saturday Evening Post. Col. MacGregor returned to a fa vorite subject, basketball, before the (Please turn to page eight) Dean G. S. Turnbufl Goes East Monday Dean George S. Turnbull wll leave the campus Monday to repre sent the University school of jour nalism at the conventions of tiro American Association of Schools and Departments of Journalism ar 1 the American Association of Teach ers of Journalism. The convention will be held at the University of Kentucky at Lexington on Januar y 10 and 11. Chief subject- for (liscussion will be the accrediting program which will occupy the first meeting of the convention. Representatives from the Louisville Courier-Journal, the Lexington Herald-Leader, and na tionally-known newspaper men will speak at various luncheons and din ners during the two-day meet. Roundtable discussions will be on the agenda for Saturday. Business problems of newspapers, teaching courses in radio, and teaching edi torial interpretation are among the subjects to be discussed. Gayle Waldrop of Colorado will discuss ‘‘The Now Denver Post,”1 now being edited by E. Palmer Hoyt, former editor of the Portland Ore gonian and graduate of the Univcr-i sity school of journalism. Dean Turnbull will return to the campus immediately following ti o j convention and will report the re I suits of the meeting to the journal I ism faculty.