Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 20, 1946, Page 8, Image 8

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    Extension System Geared
For Statewide Operation
“The State is the Campus.” This motto expresses the pur
pose of the general extension service of Oregon in pushing an
educational program beyond the boundaries of the five cen
tralized campuses in the state, bringing opportunities for high
er learning within the reach of every citizen of Oregon.
Acting as the hub of a statewide wheel of learning, the
division provides the advantages of class-directed higher edu
cation to thousands ot citizens who
have never visited one of the cam
Claim 775 Enrollment
In 16 cities throughout Oregon,
excluding the Portland center, ap
proximately 775 Oregonians attend
46 classes weekly, the courses rang
ing from art to zoology. All insti
tutions of higher education in the
state contribute instructors and
material for these classes, spon
sored throughout the state by the
general extension division. The
extension office here in Eugene
serves as headquarters for the far
flung system of classes.
Classes can be organized by any
group in Oregon which furnishes
meeting space and assures ade
quate enrollment. The classes meet
at the convenience of the group and
instructors, usually in the evening.
Eugene claims 20 night classes
given here on the campus during
each week.
Open to Anyone
These state-wide classes are
open to anyone, from students
working toward a degree to per
sons attending class for their own
enjoyment and interest. College or
university credit is given those
who complete courses with a final
The state-wide extension course
GAX Apple Sale
Starts Next Week
Freshman women will take charge
of the Gamma Alpha Chi apple
booths. These will be located at the
art school patio, the Side, the Co
op, Friendly hall, the Falcon, and
the library for the two-day sale
starting November 25, Joan Mim
naugh, booth chairman, has an
nounced. Selling will be from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m. each day.
Surplus apples will be sold in liv
ing organizations Tuesday through
representatives appointed by Dian
na Dye, house sales chairman. To
remind eager apple-eaters of the
coming event, posters will be dis
played on the campus this week.
A noon meeting of Gamma Alpha
Chi officers and committee heads
is scheduled Thursday at Renell's
for final organization plans.
We know how an-,
noying it is tc
suddenly lose;
a heel, or scuf.
the leather above
it - so we do heel
while you wait.
program is not the only method em
ployed by the extension service to
further higher education. Corre
spondence studies, visual aids, and
the KOAC radio station at Grang
er, seven miles north of Corvallis,
all are part of the extension service
The division’s latest program is
the development of Vanport center
to offer lower division college
work to veterans and non-veterans
who cannot be accommodated in
existing colleges. Academic credits
at Vanport count as residence
work at other institutions, so that
students experience no difficulty in
transferring for upper-class study.,
Journalism School
Tops KOAC Show
This week’s campus headlines,
broadcast over KOAC from 9 to
9:30 p.m. this evening, will relate
the story of the University of Ore
gon school of journalism.
George S. Turnbull, dean of the
school, will participate in the broad
cast in the role of the story-teller,
providing a glance into the news
paperman’s life.
The script, written by Marvin
Krenk, director of the station, will
center around Eric W. Allen, for
mer dean of the journalism school,
who died March 5, 1944. It will de
scribe Dean Allen’s efforts, over a
period of 32 years, to make the
school one of high national reputa
The cast includes Ted Hallock,
Manuel Golemis, John MacDonald,
Ken Lomax, Lee Petrasek, Virginia
Avery, Ted Bouck, Hay Ryman,
Don Moss, Dick Shelton, Ray Ded
man, and Don Stewart. Paul Mar
cotte will be director.
The program will be rebroadcast
for the Portland audience over sta
tion KEX from 9:30 to 10 p.m.
Thursday evening.
at the
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