I DUCK TRACKS By BERNIE HAMMERBECK Sports Editor The Oregon students who are unable to attend Satin day s traditional Wcbfoot-Bcaver tilt in Corvallis because they can not obtain tickets emphasize a problem which is before many colleges t o cl a y—to w h o ni should athletics belong? The ticket situation for the “Little Civil War” has a lot of angles which many of the disappoint ed students do not consider. First of all, it is Oregon State’s Homecoming weekend. There is a natural demand for scats. The grads of years gone by want to see the Alma Mater iu action. They have a lot of fond memories of their school days. Many have sons, daugh ters, and friends currently in PERCY LOCEY school. The Homecoming game means a lot to tncm. Secondly, it is Oregon State’s home game, and our Web foots are the visitors. In accordance with common practice they are entitled to seats before the Oregon fans. Thirdly, the Oregon State enrollment is at an all-time high of 7,100 and Bell field has a capacity of only 20,000. None of these reasons, however, will placate the hate stu dent who wants to see his own school team in action but can not because of limited ticket sales. Oregon Students Have Good Reasons, Too His reasoning is equally valid. After all, is not the Univei sity of Oregon football team his team? Does it not represent the students? Are the gridders themselves not students, sup posedly placing the Saturday game because they have proven themselves better ball players than their schoolmates? Why must the Oregon student be denied the opportunity to see his team play, so that an Oregon State graduate of one, five, ten, or fifty years ago can see the game? Despite the hush-hush attitude with which this issue is cus tomarily treated, the fact remains that college football is “big business” requiring tremendous financial advcntuie. College students foot but a very small part of that bill, the large part being derived from the sale of reserved seats, general admis sions, donations to scholarship funds, etc. And the people who contribute this major share must be considered too. This is not meant to be a condemnation of Oregon's or Oregon State’s athletic policies. In fact the present situa tion shows how small is our “big business as compared to many other schools. Bell field holds only 20,000 and the 1500 Oregon exchange tickets sold netted only a dollar apiece after the tax deduction. According to reports, students in sunny California do not have the “Big Carnes" included on their activities tickets. They have to fork over the greenbacks in large quantities if they want to see their important games. And down there they have stadiums of tremendous capacity. Students of both schools aie paying SAID to see the UCLA-USC game in the hundred thousand plus Coliseum. • To maintain teams of sufficient calibre to compete in a top flight football circuit, we have made football “big business.” We must cater to alums and donors, whether school authorities will admit it or not. And in so doing the students have been caught in the pinch. • Should We De-Emphasiz e Football If on the other hand we were to de-emphasize football to a much lower standard of play, there would be much less in terest in Saturday's game. Fewer alums would attend; fewer Oregon students would want tickets. There would undoubt edly be seats to spare at Bell field if the Beavers and the Ducks belonged to the Northwest Collegiate loop. But would you, the students, want that brand of football? Most of you probably would not. The blame does not all lie on Athletic Director Percy Locey of the Corvallis school, or when the situation is re versed and the game played at Hayward field next year will the fault lie at the Oregon athletic manager’s feet. The same troubles vjill arise this winter when OSC students will want admittance to McArthur court to see their Beavers play. A few may get in, but not many; and there will not be many Oregon students present when the Webfoots make their ap pearances on the Corvallis court. Saturday 3100 Oregon students will be the"victims of their' own athletic system. They have a right to he unhappy. Yet it is safe" to say that they would have it no other way. A good show occasionally is better than smalltime athletics at a big school. JV Five Swamps Outdoor Store. 50 to 25 in City League Opener Eagles Decision Theta Chis In Semi-final Touch Playoff Warren Directs Swim Workouts Coach John Warren put in an ap pearance for the first time at the men’s pool this week, and with the JV football schedule completed for this season, will direct the varsity swimming team’s daily workouts. Earl Walters, ace backstroker, has been undertaking the mentor duties in Warren’s absence and he will con tinue to assist in the coaching tasks in addition to his daily workouts. The unwieldy squad has dwind led somewhat in the last few days, as competition becomes stiffer and the training routine more strenu ous. Most of the top positions in the various events are held by veteran paddlers at the present time, taut with an entire winter of practice and daily grind ahead, no one is as sured of a number one berth at this point in the season. Don Rush and Bob Hiatt appear ot be the one-two men respectively in the free-style distance event, and in the sprints, lettermen George Moorehead holds a slight advantage over his compet itors in time trials. This year’s squad has abundant material in both swimmers and di vers, from which to choose a varsity group to represent Oregon in the post-war sports boom. However, the other schools in the Northern Di vision are also welcoming back for mer stars and developing potential aquatic greats, though the Oregon boys appear strong in comparison to last year’s team, actual compe tition will be the only standard by which to judge the hard-working Ducks. Ki Si-Fi Si Tussle To Buck Melchior; 500 Fans Expected Sunday afternoon at 2:30 Ore gon students will get their final glimpse of 1946 football when the annual Phi Psi-Chi Phi Beer Bowl contest gets underway. Using regidar equipment borrowed from the PE department, the game will' be played on the var sity practice field. Tom Hughes, varsity trainer, who was an All American at Purdue, will referee. Despite the Melchior concert slated for the same afternoon, a partisan crowd of nearly 500 is expected to lie on hard for the fiercely contested battle. Outweighed nearly 30 pounds per man, the light Chi Psi eleven, coached by former Berkeley Hi star Bob Neiderholt/er, will have to depend on speed and decep tion to get around the ponderous Phi Psi steamroller, coached by Lou Robinson. Captain Chuck Ruffner’s starting Chi Psi line will average only 167 pounds, his backfield 158. Bob Reed, captain of the Phi Psi juggernaut, will' start a line that averages 195 and a backfield that averages 185. Botli teams will operate from tiie T-formation with Jack Ruble calling signals for the Chi Psi Lodge and Les ‘Red-dog’ Hixson naming the plays for the Phi Psis. To the winning team will go a keg of beer and the possession of the traditional silver cup. The cup is now in the Phi Psi trophy By DON FAIR Employing the “most yardage in four downs from the 20-foot system, the legal Eagles sloshed their way into the semi-finals of the intramu ral touch-ball play-off, by decision ing Theta Chi after five pointless periods, at Howe field yesterday. After four plays, the Theta Chi seven ended up with a minus 10 yards while the Legal Eagles broke even in their quartet of downs by gaining yet losing nothing. The field, still a sea of mud from Mon day’s rain, offered little stable foot as both teams managed to mark up ing and long gains were infrequent a pair of first downs apiece. At the end of the five-period stalemate, the Theta Chi team was given the ball on their own 20 with four downs to advance it. On the first play, Bill Harber cracked right tackle for two yards. Deciding Break An attempted forward went awry. On the next play came the break which decided the contest, as the Theta Chi squad was penalized 15 yards from their 17 to the 2 for an illegal block. Harber flipped a pass to Tom Colley for 8 yards to the 10 and when another pass fell incomplete, the Theta Chi team was 10 yards behind their original posi tion. Sensing their advantage, the bar risters used their four plays cau tiously, coasting to the win. In the opening period, Theta Chi made their deepest penetration into Legal Eagle territory as Center Farley Everton speared an oppos ing pass on the Eagle’s 22. But on third down, John Brock, righ guard for the victors, intercepted one of Harber’s tosses to avert the threat. Roger Dick followed this up by get ting off a 52-yard quick kick.. ... On the other hand, the barristers made their initial first down and deepest penetration in regulation playing time on the last play of the fourth quarter when Dick skirted right end for 26 yards to the oppo sition’s 24. Recover Punt In the fifth stanza, however, the Eagles really turned on the heat after recovering a poor Theta Chi punt on the loser’s 27. Dick rifled the ball to Gene Brown on the 17 and Dick romped to a first down on the 10. Two pass attempts failed and a 15-yard penalty was socked the Eagles for tripping. On the fourth down, Dick hit Brad Francher with a perfect pass in six-point terri tory but Francher slipped, with the ball trickling off his fingers in complete. Outstanding defensively for the Theta Chi squad was stringbean wingman Bill Cramer who several times knifed through the Legal Eagle forward wall to drop the ball carrier for losses ranging from 7 to 12 yards. Lineups: Legal Eagles Tlieta Chi Rodman .C.Everton Brook .R G. Martin Sliiller .L G. Miller Francher .R E.... Steelhammer Smith .L E. Cramer Dick .F.Harber Gray .Q Colley Eagle subs—Jim Williams, Es- I tes Snedecor, Gene Brown. Theta Chi subs—Gene Hebrard. room by virtue of a 6-0 win in 1941. A 0-6 tie in 1942 enabled 1 them to retain possession throughout the dormant war years. By FRED TAYLOR With Paul Sowers leading the at tack with 13 points, Oregon’s ju nior varsity hoop squad outran the Outdoor Store’s entry in the City League circuit to win going away, 50-35, in the first of a series of triple-headers in McArthur court last night. The jayvees go against the one win Eagles Lodges tonight at 7 p. m., on the same court. Outdoor Store’s quintet took the lead at the start of the game on two free throws by Forward Pal mer King, who was the main spark of their outfit, racking up nine points, but this was the only time; the independent team held the leaef during the evening. Center Dan Ducich promptly sank a one-hand er from the key to tie the score, and then the redhot Sowers put up a lay-in for two more counters, and that pulled the locals out in front, where they easily stayed for the rest of the contest. After the Jayvee team increased the lead to 9-3 on a free throw and two more lay-ins, the Outdoormen found their range for a short while, and brought up the score to 9-6, but here the defense clamped down again and after Bob Lavey sank a free try and followed through with a one-handed push shot, they really began to pour on the speed. The pace began to catch up with the independents, and for the last six minutes of the first half they failed to score a point, while the JVs were making hay, racking up nine points and totaling 38 by that time. Team Changes Ted Schopf, Jayvee coach, had been constantly shifting chai'ges in and out of the lineup, but he started the original team again after the half, and they con tinued on their winning way, de spite the efforts of the game Out doormen to halt them. Lynn Hamil ton, Bob Don, and Lavey all hit for field goals, along with a free try, to boost the total to 35 points before their mates relieved them. And the ever-changing lineup, which kept relatively fresh men in play all the time, was almost matched by the Storemen, but their reserves failed to keep pace with the JVs. Lanky Cal Bonney, cap tain of his team, and main threat, had his hands so full watching the centers of the opponents that he was limited to two field goals all evening, while the two alternating centers of the jayvees, Ducich and Jerry Switzer each hit for that many. Only casualty of the game was a bloody nose suffered by Lynn Ham ilton who was forced to leave the game temporarily. In the other two games played last night, the lanky Oregon Lumj ber Sales, with Center Brophy can ning 16 points, outclassed the Rich field Oilers, 49-21. Dale Warberg and Clay Thomason each hit for eight counters to lead the Oilers at tack in the initial tilt. In the second contest, after leading for the whole game, the Coos Bay Pirates were nosed out by the Eagles Lodge, 49 42, in the last two minutes. Chuck Taylor was high man for the Eagles with 16 points, while Chuck Stam per of the Pirates was close behind with 14. Lineups for the JV-Outdoor Store as follows: Jayvees (50) Outdoor Store (25) Don (5).F . (3) Sertic Hamilton (9).F.(9) King Ducich (4).C.(4) Bonney Sowers (13).Cl. (3) Plath Lavey (10).G.(1) Lyons Subs for Jayvees: Kirseh (3), Lovelace (2), Switzer (4), Deveny, liilips. Subs for Outdoor Store: V illiams, Robertson, H. RobertSHi' (1). Renfro, Carrol, Weinstein (3), Smith, Norris, Sullivan (2).