ty/omasuL Place, * £4 Bernie and Ashwell, two well-known campus figures, discuss the average coed, the University of Oregon, the Side, and life in general as they rendezvous beside an ashtray. Side Cigarets Bewail Fate As Coeds Continue Bridge •- By SMOKY A strange conversation was overheard the other day at the Side coming in on a special frequency not usually audible to human ears. Though interrupted by the usual human static of gossip, gripes, and miscellaneous trivia, a "reliable source” reports hearing the following conversation between two ciga rettes : Since the real names, of these two cannot be divulged, we will call them Berme and Ashwell to conceal their identity. Any similar ity to actftal cigarettes, living or dead, is purely coincidental. > Crushed While a; blonde on his right was bidding one no-trump, Ashwell peered out of his package and leered at Bemie who was just on the other side of, the..ashtray: “Good after noon and L(. S. M. F. T. to you, friend! Wha|s the matter, you look sort of crushed today?’’ 'Well, yoi* would be too, pal, if The Gad- a-bout Tonight jnarks the last of the reg ular Wednesday desserts and ex changes lentil after Thanksgiving vacation, leading off with their preference desserts tonight are Pi Beta Phi, Sigma Nu, and Sigma Al pha Mu. The rest of the houses getting to gether for exchanges are: Delta Zeta-Delta Upsilon; Kappa Kappa Gamma--Alpha Tau Omega; Alpha Phi-Sigma Phi Epsilon; Alpha Del ta Pi-Phi Kappa Psi; Kappa Alpha Theta-Sigma Chi; Alpha Omicron Pi-Sherry Ross. Gamma Phi Beta-Kappa Sigma; Alpha Chi Omega-Phi Delta Theta; Alpha hall-Campbell club; Omega hali-Gamma hall; Alpha Gamma Delta-Theta Chi; Chi Omega-Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Sigma Kappa-Stitzer hall; Uni versity house-Stan Ray hall; Delta Gamma-Phi Gamma Delta; Hen dricks hall-Sigma hall; Susan Campbell hall-Minturn hall. Sparking the firesides Friday night are Alpha Gamma Delta, Sig ma Chi, Kappa Alpha Theta, Sigma flfti, and Chi Psi. hefty over there had landed on you —she’s about as dainty as a ten-ton truck. Besides, I’m tired of being' cooped up in this package, I want get out and see some of the better ashtrays in the world.” Frat Man . . . • “No, no,” Ashwell fumed, “if you’d seen the guy who mooched cousin Willie, you wouldn’t say that. Just think, in there you’re safe—if you ever come out you’ll meet your match; I’d hate to see my best friend go up in smoke. Boy, was Willie mad at having to leave the L. S. M. F. T. fraternity, in .fact he was positively burned up! He didn’t even have time to say ‘Which way does the wind blow?’ before he got lit. Pack Happy “I know, I know, Ashwell, but I want to accomplish something in this world, not just run with the pack. I have a burning desire to be come distinguished before I’m ex tinguished.” "No, Bemie, you’re talking like a college student—get some sense. Don’tcha see, it says on my pack age I’m lucky, and it’s right. Hey, Ashwell, you better duck, that Blonde’s dummy for this hand and she’s reaching for you!” “I guess this Is it, Bernie, good bye, old friend. I’ll try to face it with a stiff upper tip.” WILL INDIVIDUAL who “bor rowed” Army type field jacket from hook in Friendly between 1-2 Friday, please return it? LOST: String of Pearls on 13th street between 11:00 a. m. and 12:00 p. m. on Monday—reward —call 3874. Jean Jackson. Social Motel By NANCY BEDINGFIELD The Thetas have taken the social limelight the past two weeks with three new pins—Polly Chafe is i wearing Don Stanton’s Phi Delt pin, and Miki Metcalf is sporting Dave Edwards’ sword and shield. Mary Kingston has Frank Robbins’ Fiji pin. DG Jeanne Herdon is wearing the Sigma Chi White Cross—owner, Dave Silver. Homecoming for the Delta Gammas proved especially exciting as former house president, Barbara Lucas, announced her en gagement to Gil Pease, SAE. And Janet Field is wearing Chuck Kit chell’s Beta pin. Liz Powers, Kappa, is the proud possessor of Kappa Sig Prexy Bill Barrish’s pin. Mary Fairchilds, also KKG, is another wearer of the SAE pin . . . Wayne Stroehecker. Cupid seems to have slowed down, with mid-terms and all, but is gain ing momentum for a gala Thanks giving holiday. Night Staff: Marge Griffith Gay Baldwin Martylou Coffey Betty Twedt Beauty on the Sp«t It has been stated that no two snowflakes fall alike. This same statement could very easily be applied to sjkiers. With the recent organization of the ski club here at Ore gon it seems an established fact that the ski season is officially underway. There’s a certain thrill (or spill) about balancing oneself on two, long narrow boards and swishing down the hillside. Of LOIS HILL SmesiaiA PunAu&i Seasick tf-osi yfl/l*thwaw*i Sweetkeall' In its search for the University’s “Unknown Sweetheart,” the women’s page publicity-man-on-the-spot opened tlic rig gers’ Guide, put his finger on a name, and found the first con testant for the campaign. The results are printed herewith. 947? .. . yup. Is Peggy Finnell there? vup. Tell her that she is the number one gal for theEmerald’s “Unknown Sweetheart” Contest this week. Yup. This sort of monologue could have gone on all afternoon so I thought it best to go over and interview her personally . . . and to say the least it was a pleasant surprise. The smooth 21-year-old Pi Phi fit the qualifications to the letter . . . not a big wheel on the campus, no columns of committee appointments, no closet full of vari colored sweaters with unknown hieroglyphics labeled thereon, and without an honorary to her name. Vital Statistics Name: Miss Peggy Finnell, weight . . . she didn’t say; height, 5 feet 6y2 inches; eyes, green, age, 21; home, San Francisco; year, jun ior; looks, judge for yourself. “I wanted to major in journal ism when I came to Oregon,” she confessed, ‘‘because during the war a gal at least had a chance in that field. In another year I’m going to work for United Airlines as a stew ardess, and ultimately hope to wind up on the San Francisco-Honolulu run.” Peggy is no stranger to Hawaii, as she took the Matsonia over this summer to visit her sister. After hearing definitely from the airline as to when she would report for duty, Peg switched over to liberal arts to cram in a few courses on cooking and management which would help her in her job. Likes Sports “I’m learning how to cook meals on an airplane which come already prepared,” she laughed. “What sports do I like ? Well, swimming, riding, football games and basket ball are tops with me.” When ques tioned about the current Oregon football team she nearly blew her coffee out the wihdow. Miss Finnell on men: prerequisite must be a good personality, taller than five six, and easy to talk to. The only phobia Peg has is the! wearing of odd-ball skull pieces. I She has one job that looks like a| week-old pancake covered with felt, completed with a microscopic brim, but she defended herself with a snappy . . . “well, it keeps my head dry.” After looking- at this castoff from some unknown garment fac tory, we closed the interview with a quick, “sometimes water is good for the hair-.” Happy landings, Peg. course the discouraging part of it all is that once you reach bottom you must again make the uphill climb. To become a skier, I'm told, you need four things—a mountain, a pair of skis, strong bones and an optimistic attitude. With the ac knowledgement of these important elements, the rest might be consid ered relatively simple. A word of caution to beginners— your most deadly enemy is the tree! Glorified as the thing might be in Joyce Kilmer’s beautiful poem, “Trees,” to the skier the problem of preserving them for the poets is rather difficult. In observance of current weather conditions here on the campus, per haps we should be directing this subject toward water skiing. Nevertheless, the popularity of skiing is increasing each year. Note to California students! You should be brushing up on your skiing tech niques, too, as recent weather re ports indicate that you may be ski ing home for Christmas. The preceding facts and opinions do not guarantee mastery of the art of skiing— however, it is really very surprising the number of friends one meets in snow games. Next week’s Beauty on the Spot will be Ruth Allen. Her article of not more than 800 words is due Mon day at the Emerald offices. GALLANT JOURNEY with GLENN FORD and JANET BLAIR NOW IS THE TIME To Get Your Personalized —CHRISTMAS CARDS —BOXED STATIONERY —BOOK MATCHES Double D Printing AND STATIONERY CO. 881 Olive Tel. 3812 QUICK CHANGE ARTIST Winthrop’s famous Klomp is the perfect shoe for today’s change-of pace living. Rugged and reliable for your work days... smooth and easy going for your hours of relaxation ...always smart,always distinctive.. Price 10.50 1060 Willamette Phone 938