Department Offers Nursing Careers Pre-nursing careers are offered to capable young women at the University of Oregon medical school through the department of nursing education under the direction of Miss Olive Slocum, assistant pro fessor of nursing education. Opportunity is given college prepared registered nurses to spe cialize in institutional nursing, pub lic health nursing, nursing educa tion, private day nursing, and gov The recorded hits off LOUIS PRIMA America's No. 1 showman "plays pretty for the people'— and espe cially for you —on these Majestic records. Come in and hear theffll Album M-3 ..$3.15 BOOGIE IN CHICAGO THE LIP ANGELINA PORGY APPLE BLOSSOM TIME LITTLE BOY BLEW HIS TOP Featured at the RECORD BAR APPLIANCE CENTER 70 West 10th Ph. 5266 ernment institutional and military nursing in peace time. The nursing department uses the library and classrooms of the med ical school. In addition, three hos pitals with a total bed capacity of 430 are on the campus. Other facil ities include five operating rooms and an operating-room amphithe ater. Five terms of work are taken at the University of Oregon or Oregon State college. The sixth term, dur ing which requirements for the jun ior certificate are filled, is taken at the medical school in Portland. The hospital units in Portland in clude: Multnomah hospital, medi cal and surgical nursing; Doern becher Memorial Hospital for Chil dren; University State Tuberculo sis hospital for nursing in tubercu losis; the Good Samaritan and Emanuel hospitals for obstetrical nursing. Vets Forum By JOHN JENSEN and DALE HARLAN If the writer or an anonymous letter to Mr. Hall would like an an swer to his questions, Mr. Hall would be happy to have him call at his office. * * * A mutual friend proposed a mon ey-making scheme to us whereby he would not only collect his gov ernment 'subsistence check during Christmas vacation but would also apply for unemployment compen sation at $20 a week. This, plus a part-time job in his home town of Rainville, amounted to a Christmas vacation with $278 extra. Because of the friendship of the third party, we decided to get the accurate details about Christmas vacation and the government pro gram direct from the VA. Veterans will receive usual sub sistence allowance during the vaca tion period, as if they were regu larly attending classes. There will be no official interruption of the training program. However, a vet teran cannot apply for unemploy ment benefits while enrolled under a program of the GI bill. Excepting veterans under Public Law 16, the $110 limit on wages earned during one school month will continue to apply. FOR SALE: Practically new Tux, 40 long. Cellars, Ph. 1128. at VlM«S .m TA UP TO 3 yimis WITHOUT refjlung (Depen«'ng, on how you wnt®) HIRON'S Everybody’s Drug -/ World's smoothes! * writing pen. Rolls the ink on dry! It's self-blotting. Even writes dry when submerged under water. at Reloads—with a ” cartridge —in 15 seconds. wr Can't leak — at any altitude. V Writes in any color, by changing car* fridges. «/You can't even shake the ink out. r Writes on any pa* per or material, linen, textiles, etc. g/ Makes 6 to 8 carbon ” copies at a time. ^ 14K gold-filled caps. CA ! does i*' cA,* means CopiUo'Y A' tion Cartr-dg®' an Eve-sha'P oaK"1, *15 00 EVERSHARP CA*)| Set with Repeater Pencil $21.50. (Prices Plus Fed. Tax)' Reload Cartridge* 50c (Available toon} EVERYBODY'S DRUG. STORE •86 Willamette St. Art Bazaar Set For December ; December 6 and 7 are the dates set for the holding of this year’s Art Bazaar, an event sponsored an nually by the Allied Arts League of the school of architecture and allied arts. The bazaar performs a dual purpose of providing for exhibition J and sale of student work. With enrollment in the school the highest on record, this year’s ba zaar will be the most ambitious ever undertaken, and included in the sale will be jewelry, paintings, drawings, sculptures, ceramics, wood carv ngs, textiles, and other items, such is Christmas cards and novelties. All items offered are original, xeative products, and. distinctive md individual in design. A festive, holiday spirit will pre vail at the bazaar through exten sive use of Christmas decorations ■* and the provision of music at regu lar intervals by groups of carolers. NOW IS THE TIME To Have Those Clothes Cleaned For Thanksgiving Vacation THE BEST CLEANERS 821 E. 13th Tel. 740 FAMOUS COACH OF THE N. Y. FOOTBALL GIANTS ALl OVER AMERICA CHESTERFIELD i Copyright 1946, Liggett & Myeis Toeacco Co,