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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1946)
Brecon® Emerald MARGUERITE WITTWER-WRIGHT Editor GEORGE PEGG Business Manager JACK L. BILLINGS Managing Editor HERB PENNY News Editor BOB FRAZIER, MARILYN SAGE Associate Editors MARYANN THIELEN and WALT McKINNEY Assistant Managing Editors BOBOLEE BROPHY and BRUCE BISHOP Assistant News Editors JEANNE SIMMONDS Women’s Editor PAT THOMPSON Executive Secretary JUNE dOETZE Assistant Women’s Editor BOBBIE FULMER Advertising Manager BERNIE HAMMERBECK Sports Editor BIT,!. STRATTON, WALLY HUNTER Assistant Sports Editors ROGER TETLOW DON JONES Chief Night Editor Staff Photographer Faculty Adviser—Dean George Turnbull Signed editorial features and columns in the Emerald reflect the opin ions of the writers. They do not necessarily represent the opinion of the ■sditorial staff, the student body, or the University. Entered as second class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Beds for the Eds The advent of the annual high school press conference pre sents a housing problem of no small magnitude. Scheduled for Friday and Saturday. Dec. 6 and 7, the conference is expected to summon approximately 150 prep school editors to the Ldi versity—all of whom must be roofed and bedded within the confines of the campus. With the housing situation what it is, the problem of pro viding for conference attendees lies with the living organiza tions. Since the dormitory accommodations are already stretched to the breaking point, fraternities, sororities and co operative organizations are requested to delegate extra beds to the visiting editors. Members of l heta Sigma Phi and Sigma Delta Chi, journalism honoraries, working with Bud Jer xnain, chairman of the arrangements committee for the con ference, will undertake the task of securing this delegation. The objective is five conference guests to each house, for which the organization will receive $1.50 per person, since breakfasts, as well as beds, must be provided for the delegates. The high school editors, on the whole will be looking the University face to face for the first time—and will draw con clusions as a result. Co-operation of the living organizations in providing housing will contribute to the success of their impression, as well as to the consummation of an efficiently oi ganized press conference. The Coffee Song Here it is again—the coffee song, only this hasn’t much re lation to the amount of java in Brazil. It seems there is a rumor prevalent on the campus that one of the local restaurants has asked other campus eating places to standardize their prices, particularly on coffee, and their policy toward employees. It’s the old question of five-cent coffee or ten-cent coffee, with or without the “free” doughnut. The Emerald's rumor squad chased down the managers of several of the smaller cafes patronized by students. All of these men gave the same answers: We have not been contacted by any other restaurant owners concerning our prices or our policy toward em ployees. If we are contacted, we will continue to run our business as we see fit; we set our own prices and standards. In effect their attitude is, “No one (except the OPA) can tell us how to run our business.” Well, that’s great; Speaking for the students who kick in the nickels and dimes for coffee every day, the Emerald hopes these cafes will continue their policy. We believe that a stan dardization of prices on food in campus restaurants would be letrimental to business for the smaller cafes, would definitely ; urt the average collegian’s budget (especially the $65 per month veterans), and would help only the large long-established restaurants. .... It was only a rumor, anyway. Idleness is only the refuge of weak minds, and the holiday <of fools.—-Lord Chesterfield. Disagreement causes thought; thinking always enlarges pur living. Sophomore Success Congratulations to the sophomores? for their very iiice'Whis kerino last weekend. It was one of the most danceable evenings we’ve spent in the Igloo. The music was much better than anticipated. Many seemed to like the Top Hatters better than Jackson Teagarden’s outfit. Whoever planned the decorations deserves the biggest hand from the audience. They were in perfect accord with the spirit of the Whiskerino. Even the corn from Lower Slobbovia fitted in well with the general mood . . . what with the barber shop scene in one corner. The Donahue bandsmen, standing on the fringe of the crowd with cokes in their hands found the entertainment as«*unusing as the intermission audience. The sophs, we understand, did not rake in a large pile of jack; in fact they broke even with a little left over, the estimates indicate. It was a close shave but, certainly, that should not cause any gray hairs. Campus dances are not supposed to be tremendous profitable schemes. They are arranged for fun. If the Court was not jampacked last Saturday night, that only meant that dancing was easier and less tedious. The other classes, planning their own hops, could take a lesson from the Class of ’49. the laundry by larry lau iiiiiiLiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililillillllllllllllllliilk With rain falling by the buckets full and my old chin freshly shaven, the situation appears to be pretty well back to normal. The social ed dy continues to sweep the thrilled ones in and the disillusioned out. One of the big questions is, how fast a pace can this Oregon campus set? Theta’s blithe Miki Metcalf, sounding happy as a new bride, told us of being pinned by Ph Delt Dave Edwards. Sigma Kappa’s stately Margaret Ambler and Phi Psi’s eru dite Jerry O’Callaghan, both gradu ate assistants, have been running around of late, happy as a couple of wide-eyed frosh. Rumor has it that despite their Sat eve date, ardent Chi Psi Ellery Riem is still in Phi Carolyn Strong’s “ho-hum” dept. G-Phi’s fascinating Treva Jane Tor sen seems to have found a new way of holding a man. Besides being her sweet li'l self for K-Sig Bill Beh rens, she irons his shirts. Something new in late fall piggin’ are the eve ning picnics DG Natalie Cartier and DU A1 Cellers have been going on. The boner-of-the-week prize goes to Chi O’s effervescent Kay Schnei der who got rattled the other night and introduced Bean Small as Dean Little. Kieth McGilivary, host to a pre-stomp party, being given much moral support from the ‘Bacallish’ Toni Johns. For-Shame Dept.: Beta Bill Yates, who had a bit too much the other p.m., and gave Dottie Wightman a bad time. Alpha Chi’s Billie Jean Riethmiller and ATO pledge Gay Baldwin seeing much of each other lately (which may ex plain why he broke his dates with Marty Lou Coffey). Chic little Pi Phi Helen Hicks is off the eligible list as of this weekend. Disappoint ed toffs can blame Bob Mitchell and his ATO pin. Since Jimmy George and Mari lyn Anderson make such a smooth couple on the dance floor, We’re’ wondering why the broken rhythm when the music stops ? “Gentleman John” Noble escorting the charming Alva Granquist, Phi Beta key and all, from one pre-dance party to an other. Patty Beaton, back on the campus only fifteen minutes, was the recipient of half a dozen phone calls from as many swains. Blonde love Jean Peterson, coupled with Bob Holly Sat eve, on the receiving end of a few excited whistles. DZ Fran Budo, impressing OSC Rook fullback Clyde De Witt no end (cowtown was never like this). The Pi Kap’s Sat eve party was a huge success. The fried Duck was delicious and the baby-sitter from N.C.C. hilarious. Audrey Burdine is n that can’t-sleep, can’t-eat stage, iust thinking about her Xmas trip :o Cleveland and Oregon DU alum Bud Rossum. Alluring Jane Car son and John Halbert, who’ve been seeing a lot of each other, both stayed at home Sat eve (the fact that Jane’s OSC blind date didn’t show up might have had something to do with it). Just how many guys are knocking themselves out in the race for Janis Petersen’s affec tions? Sigma Chi Perry Holloman, Vic Smith and some ‘dream prince’ in Portland seem to be the top trio. Phi Psi pledge Frank Brown and KAT Gloria Aguer, a not so new some twosome. Latest fad in the Kappa house is a ouija board; may be the ‘thing’ will foretell Cyn Grif fen’s fate with Has Haight. In the pride goeth gefore the fall dept.: we have D. B. Groneman and Jim Enyder. Jeane Jones, Alla Loomis, Elaine Taylor, Ann Bartlet and Pat Hanley all scampered north to Seat tle for the game and the Sigma Nu house dance afterwards (hear tell it was a whingding affair). Bob Don and Phyl Potter, temporarily split over a minor tiff. The weekend proved fatal for Dewey' Wilson; Tri-Delt Janet Kiek got his pin. Evi dently UO doesn’t show Carol Del zell too much; just for laughs, she flew to San Francisco for the v^eek end, taking' the OSC-Cal game in on the side. Eyebrow lifter of the week: Ed Caudtu-o coming out of social hid ing with the very dazzling Nan Humphreys in tow. Delt pledge Bob 'Lewis nearly did flips when his date, Bev Diechler, was named Betty Coed. Petite Mary Lou Anderson got her share of the hardware this weekend when she nabbed Gordon Jones DU sparkler. Angie Johnson has ordered a sweet heart pin, given himself until Xmas to plant it (after Xmas it goes to mother). Touching scene No. 17; Jane Corklen and Jack Burnett, holding hands while walking the quad. Alum Bette Jane Ronning, still pinned to Jim Thoburn flits down from the Rose City almost qy ery weekend to keep the kid from getting too lonely. Jim Curly, forced to hum an idle air at a DG Sunday dinner while date Joan Williams answered a mid-meal phone call (from her sister ... she said). Dede / de Pichon and Jim McClintock, spending all their spare moments together. Burly footballer Don Stan ton has presented his pin to the ex citing Polly Chafe, Paul Morris, the Reedsport flash, overheard saying that Pat Mauney was just his type. Sparkling Jean Campbell, seen at one of Seattle’s newer niteries with Huskie Jerry Steel. The Odd Dept.: Bev Carrol and Fiji John Helmer taking late evening bicycle rides, wearing weird hats and not giving a hoot. Phyl. Annala and Jackie Find later seem to giving SAE’s Jerry Bell and Bob Lenneville a hard time (better play your hands a bit more cautiously fellas or the whole deal may be finessed). You’Ve had it for this time, peo ple. Feel free to drop over to the White Palace on 11th anytime you have an item (check your guns, blackjacks and brass knucks at the door ,puleeze!). ADVERTISING STAFF Day manager—Don Kay Layout manager—Don Denno Layout and sales— Don Parker Winnie Carl Joan Millard Joan Lochead Dorothy Wightman Jeannine McCaulay Caryl Knosher Phyllis Henny Elinor Sakrison Mary Stadelman Mary Louise Curry Circulation Manager—Ann Hite WILL CARE for children, my home, for Ore.-OSC game. 245 V2 Pearl St. FOR SALE: Tux, 40 L. Room 4, 1166 Alder. Afternoons 1 to 5 p. m. CHRISTMAS CARDS . . . Select them now from our full stock WRAPS AND TIES . . . Norcross and Hall wraps—Beautiful MONOGRAMMING . . . STATIONERY, MATCHES, NAPKINS a ey ■Stationery Co. y 76 W. Broadway Phone 470 Lauritz Melchior's RCA Victor Records are as vivid and thrilling as Melchior in person. We have them in stock! ~ WILSON v MUSIC HOUSE 39 East 10th Ava Tel. 727